I am not judging you, Perry. For what you truly are is the light of my life. It's your shithead beliefs that I find pathetic.
I am not judging you, Perry. For what you truly are is the light of my life. It's your shithead beliefs that I find pathetic.
Dear Perry, for you "shithead" was a term of endearment. As far as the rest of your post, it is clear we are not communicating at all. Which is likely my fault.
Dear nvrgnbk, though I am very often remiss in acknowledging your warm comments towards my posts, please let me assure you that they are always noticed and appreciated.
who pays for your sin?
What sin? Some book tells us we are a sinful asshole and so we wallow in it? That's sick.
When there is no mental commentary of sin, were is this sin? There is none, there is only this precious moment of now. When there is no mental commentary of "I am this thing, or I am that thing", then what are you? You are the precious indescribable conscious moment of now, the only Reality there is.
You are grossly lost in a story created in the mind. Look past the mind and it's beliefs and enter into the truth, actuality and peace of the present moment of being.
Only in your Bible and it's stories -- or better said: only in your mind for believing such stories -- is the Divine and pure nature of your own being so pathetic, as to be absent.
Stop reducing the wholeness of the Christ to a tiny thing far away. Who the hell are you to do that? Shithead!
Allow the perfection of the Christ and the infinity of no beginning and no end that it deserves....and then ponder silently on what that makes you genuinely just beneath all the bullshit lies.
Be still, and know...
I was talking about you and the problem of sin that the god you describe does not address. It leads me to believe that either he does not care about justice or he does not care about you and me. ThiBut,s subject is simply ignored in your view of god. I belive it to be very dangerous to ignore this.
Yes, I understand how you are viewing this and how it seems I am ignoring the dichotomy of "evil".
Though the mind which dwells in dualities can not comprehend it, there is That which exists before all definable differences, as pure non-duality and complete perfection and wholeness.
It is the foundational Reality of all existence, and as such can be realized as our own true Self when there is a thorough investigation in and through all senses of duality and fragmentation.
It can not be captured in a religion or belief system, or in a personal god. It's too big. Too immediate. Too all encompassing. It is what we all are just beneath all the fragmented thingness we believe ourselves and others to be. We are the very perfection and wholeness we seek. It requires sincere and earnest, ruthlessly honest and open investigation into our most intimate and vibrant senses of being and existing. It requires a looking past everything ever believed to be. ...(especially our "sinfulness").
The greatest journey ever, is to here.....where you are already.
Perry, I have told you before that I have -- with acute awareness -- seen within this body and mind the ability to commit the most vile of atrocities. it happened because radical honesty and openness is a requisite of authentic inner investigation, which I feel is important in coming to know what is true, and what is not; and chances are good that if you had breasts, a vagina and a nice curvy ass I'd be lusting after you as well. So what! We're not talking about me, we were discussing the sense of awe at such a wondrous and vast expression of life and nature, and whether we are motivated to attribute such beauty to something finite and small....such as an anthropomorphic deity, or something more.
The basic difference between our approach is that my sense of what the word G-O-D points to is unconditionally without beginning and end. It is what all existence: universes, things and gods exist within. On the other hand you and many others seem to tenaciously champion one of these little gods. You are free to do that. Just don't think i'm a fool for not.
An extraordinary claim, but you do provide some extraordinary evidence...
perhaps this paradoxical "topic" is one with which we here have dealt a little more, or a little more consciously, than the average population.. we used to have our heads full of beliefs (which we called "truth") in every direction: on theology, on cosmology, on paleontology, on past history, on so-called prophetic future, on heaven above, on earth, on she'ol beneath.
on many things -- current events, traditions, other peoples' beliefs and behaviours -- we had strong opinions which were directly or indirectly (the famous "conscience" matters) part of the same deal.
and of course our life was filled with activities and relationships, a community of "friends," people to "help" or "teach," etc.. then, gradually or suddenly, we came to suspect, often with a measure of terror, that all of this was not what we had thought and might sooner or later turn into... nothing.. this "nothing" is perhaps one of the most scary thoughts to people contemplating leaving the org one way or another.
***the fear of nothing many of us find on their way -- a fear that often scares us into additional, unnecessary painful and vain experiences****
My teacher once told me: "The only thing which inhibits awakening to our true Self is the fear of being nothing. You are no thing! but not the barren 'nothing' that the mind imagines."
Whom do they see and whom do they hear? Jesus of course...Whether we see or do not see, it is irrelevant as to our individual identities. While all are sick, only some are blind.
That I do not see your little Jesus, does not mean I am "blind"; in fact, perhaps, just the contrary. What I see is so vast as to not be circumscribed, or defined, and so is unnameable as tiny individual things and objects are named.
That what you see has a name, may mean your vision is astigmatic, at best. Blind to the true treasure you have, you cherish trinkets and mentally engraved images gleemed from a book and which you can hold in your hand.
Perry, thank you for sharing. The little video was well done; and yes I do wonder and stand in awe of the infinite expression of life and existence; all without harboring any imaginary beliefs of little maker-deities that would take the awe and attention away from the vibrant and immediate reality of life in and around me.
To place ultimate significance in one thing, a deity, is to subtract it from all the rest of the universe. In order to have our little deity shine as the brightest star, everything else must be more dim. A very high price to pay for a personal little god. We are certainly free to do that if we want. Millions do.
it has been quite some time since i have written you a letter.
the reason is complicated, and is much more than just one.
Your hatred towards an absent deity is quite understandable. I too had -- for some time -- an extremely venomous hatred towards such an imaginary character.
A time came when it could be seen that a god-separate existed only in imagination, so the hatred was actually for creations of my mind. That didn't take away the pain of all the suffering seen and experienced. It did though put the focus on my own sense of self and the dynamics of the mind.
I suggest investigating within one's own immediate and intimate sense of self and existence. Here, what is real and genuine is found.
God speed.