I believe this to be more of a "don't ask don't tell" deal. Case in point: I went to a Thanksgiving parade once and it was televised "live" and in living color on our local TV station. As you may have guessed, yep, Yours Truly was zero'd in on and caught "waving and grinning" for what amounted to be an extended period of time. There was no mistaking who I was. I got to see this for myself courtesy of a re-broadcast of the same parade on Christmas morning. Hadn't heard a peep from any witnesses about it. However, lots of other people I know saw it and affectionately labeled me a "TV star". And there went 3 minutes of my 15 minutes of fame...(or infamy)
JoinedPosts by fraidycat9
JW's and holiday parades
by DaCheech in.
my mother in law has been a faithful dub for 55 years, the other day she wanted to show my 2 year old daughter the local memorial day parade.
i almost fell off my rocker, after giving her the "maybe not, maybe this..." i let them go.. is this allowed, or is it a laxing trend?
Did you ever get a W (Work needed) on a talk?
by desib77 insomeone mentioned this in one of their posts and i had a flashback.
i remember getting a w on one of my theocratic school talks when i was working on gesturing.
the funny thing about it is that it was given to me by my dad!
I never got a "W", but I remember some who did. One sister in particular. She got a "W" on her "otherwise-filled-with-Gs" speech counsel slip. (Her talk was awful by the way and she was working on timing and she got "dinged" off the stage) She was as mad as a wet hen. She huffed and puffed herself off of the platform. Afterwards she cornered the ministry school conductor and demanded that he give an explanation as to why he marked her as being less than perfect. I thought the confrontation was hilarious!!. She sure looked stupid. It would be quite a different matter if after getting so many "G"s you'd get a prize (like "pioneer points" or a toaster or a blender). The only thing you get to do is discover if you have a hidden knack for entertaining or that you can get to look like a fool for free.
My friend and co-worker dead.
by Steve Lowry inhis name was robert thigpin and i worked with him for eight years (1990-1998).
last night he killed himself.
while we didn't always see things eye to eye, i could always count on him and he was a good co-worker.
I experienced something similar some years ago. I don't know you and even if I did, I cannot say "I know how you feel", But I know a few things for sure: It doesn't feel good and it takes a while to process the meaning of it all. Life and Death. Such a delicate balance between the two and so much not understood. With the support of your friends and family, may you reach the place inside you that you need to be at the time you need to be there.
high school reunion coming up....
by morty in.
ever been to one??.
vicki and i are off to our high school reuion this weekend i cannot wait to see so many faces..... i am a little ticked that it was such a last second thing, as they could not locate us...other wise i would have been on a kick to drop 20lbs...you know the regular girl thing....so i guess they will see me my true best, weight and all....... many will be shocked to see that we are no longer jws, and can party with the best of them now...and that we have turned out normal... morty
Go. You might be surprised. When I went to mine; the former cheerleaders had gotten ugly. The football jocks didn't look too hot either. However....the former plain janes, wallflowers, overweight ones and those otherwise forgotten years ago looked smashing!!!! Go figure...
Do you think people are amazed you left?
by Sassy inwhether you have been disfellowshipped, or disasociated yourself or just slowly are fading or inactive... .
or even are still there at the hall attending due to family.. .
do you think that when you were at your 'strongest as a believer' that anyone would have guessed how you feel about the wts now?.
Yep. Don't care one way or the other.
Phrases you used to say as a kid (takes one to know one!!)
by doodle-v inour daughter is seven years old and the other day i heard her say to our 12 year old son.. "takes one to know one!
" and then she stuck her little tounge out at him lol!
its so funny to hear kids say things that i used to say when i was little.
Why don't you make like a tree and leave!
I might be fat, but you're ugly. I can lose weight, but you'll have that face forever!!
Your story in 3 sentences or less.......
by ApagaLaLuz inhey!
shotguns post got me thinking.
post your story is 3 sentences or less, if possible.
1. Sad
2. Mad
3. Glad
Did you ever experience "Joy"?
by Pork Chop inone thing that always struck me was the rather dour nature of the organization.
i know people laugh, and at seem to have a good time, at least occasionally.
however, one thing i just haven't seen is a real outpouring of joy, like david dancing like a crazy man or some of the other occassions in the scriptures when it seems like people were almost overcome with joy.. anyone here ever feel real joy as a witness?
Yeah, but I like Palmolive and Dawn better.
Who Are You Quiz..
by Sassy indon't peek but begin the test as you scroll down and answer.
answers are for who you are now not who you were in the past.
this is a real test given by the hr dept.
44...and proud of it!!!!
"Fluff can be a good thing"
by codeblue inas i sit here reading new and old posts, catching up since my surgery, i began to think about this thought: "fluff can be a good thing".. .
i speak from experience: raised as a jw and conforming to all those studies of books that i never wanted to study but had too, i am feeling a little burnt out from such studies.. .
i guess because i have recently done research to confirm the "truth" isn't the truth as i learned it as a young girl, i am very turned off to any doctrinal study....now this could change later...but for now, i am very happy with light hearted posts...and always the newbies or any experiences people have had because of being a jw or anyone who has an interesting experience in life.. .
I'm WAY too serious in "real life". That's why I post mostly "fluff" here. However, when I read and can relate, I say my private "amen brothers" and "amen sisters", without posting, on the deep stuff. And you'd best be believing I think, think, think. But to be honest; I'm just too lazy to post the type of long epistles that I've seen posted here.