i recommed to you the books of Father Fortea, a catholic priest who is an expert on this.
"Summa Daemonicaca" and "Exorcistica".
demons cannot occupy the same place as the holy spirit, satan knows this, and that is why.
he tries so hard to get to people first and his demons or demonic influence control or affect.
that person.. i cannot believe this in still being taught today.
i recommed to you the books of Father Fortea, a catholic priest who is an expert on this.
"Summa Daemonicaca" and "Exorcistica".
i have it and i lost it in my last laptop.. can anybody help me!!.
saludos desde mexico.
i want that versión because it contains publications of the 70´s to 2011.
i have it and i lost it in my last laptop.. can anybody help me!!.
saludos desde mexico.
I have it and i lost it in my last laptop.
Can anybody help me!!
Saludos desde Mexico
check his signature... it looks kind of childish/feminine (at least in my part of the world)... is this a grown man's signature for you?.
Ocupation: minister??? It shoud say: Ocupation: 1/7 of FDS???
i dont know if this question had been answered before, but someone can tell me when the society start to forbid the celebration of birthdays??
in "proclaimers" quote from jon cameron s "captives of a concept" its says that it began in some point after 1919, year after the inspection of jesus.. im married with a jw, and she dont want to throw a birthday party to ours 2 year s old son, but we can go to birthdays of cousins, etc etc.
someone with similar experiences??
I dont know if this question had been answered before, but someone can tell me when the society start to forbid the celebration of birthdays?? In "Proclaimers" quote from Jon Cameron´s "Captives of a concept" its says that it began in some point after 1919, year after the inspection of Jesus.
Im married with a jw, and she dont want to throw a birthday party to ours 2 year´s old son, but we can go to birthdays of cousins, etc etc. Someone with similar experiences??
Saludos desde Mexico!!
as you all may know, it is an ongoing project to translate jwfacts to spanish.
given that there are more than 2 spanish-speaking jw's for every one that speaks english, it can be safely said that spanish is the #1 language in the jw world (even though everything is made originally in english).. the spanish-speaking jw's are harder to convince.
i attribute it almost 100% to socioeconomic factors.
hello, i been out of here because of my work. im back. im traslating the "Cross or stake" article from jwfacts.
i hope to end the translation in this weekend.
Hay que dar a conocer la verdad en espeñol!!!
last night, me and my wife were watching some the simpsons episodes.
we both laugh and enjoy that serie.
but just in this one, my wife face was serious and even uncomfortable.
Last night, me and my wife were watching some The Simpsons episodes. We both laugh and enjoy that serie. But just in this one, my wife face was serious and even uncomfortable. It was the "Joy of Sect", episode 191 of the 9 season (thanks wikipedia!!) If one of you already see that episode, its not difficult to identify some things that the JW do. The propaganda, the brainwashing, the "you´re free to go whenever you want" (while you´re are exposed, and have to sort a lot of dangers to get free); the "repetitive and meaningless song to program minds", the entire devotion to The Leader (aka GB/F&DS) who knows all; the promise of Bleassing Land, that planet of joy for the followers.
My wife is a DF´d who still thinks that the JW are right. My little efforts to show her TTATT is with this kind of things. I made some commentaries about all resemblances from the sect perspective, i hope that some day, she wake up completly. We have a son, and we agreed about the throw him birthdays parties each year. Thats a start....
didn't see any other threads, apologies if one already exists.
apparently died of a massive stroke this morning.. r_o.
(completely unconfirmed.
im sorry about this death. But bring me some questions: if the F&DS IS formed of 8 mens, and exists only when they unite together to make decisions, how can they choose another guy to complete other F$DS if in this moments being only seven?? I dont know if i explain my point...
last night i was watching the secret elder's video about the jw who sleeps with a worldly women and i could not stop laughing.. when i was 17 i thought that all worldly women would sleep with anyone, i remember a beautiful neighbor who i tried to kiss and she just flat out said no.
i tried twice to make out with this girl and i just could not understand why she would not say yes .
she did not have an aquarium.... .
i remember a "friends" episode when chandler and joey get free porn on their tv. after they see days of porn, one day chander comes and says to Joey that he go to the bank and the recepcionist didnt invited he to "check" the vault. And Joey says that the pizza girl didnt ask him abouto enter to his appartment...
surprising comments by the pope.
the world is changing, indeed.
be careful about what you read about Pope Francis, much of his discourses and interviews are object of misreading or even manipulation. Im catholic, and when i read something about pope francis said this or said that i always check the sources. In my experience, its all about of make him said things "progressive", but if you look the entire context and the total text, he said something totally different. The media use his words like when the Watchtower take some arguments of authors cutting words or present them in a different context to agree with their view of things. In this case, the Pope talks about the marriage only for man and woman. And he continues, the states want to justify the civil unions to regulate differents aspects like economics and of convenience. He never said something about being ok on this kind of unions, he only said the efforts of the states to regulate this unions.