JoinedPosts by Joker10
Are you ever surprised at who is attracted to whom here?
by berylblue inyou lurkers.
the ones who read this board just to observe everything that's going on.
never say a word, except on very rare occasions.
Bad odor expereinces at the Kingdom Hall
by Joker10 ini personally didn't smell anything funny inside a kh.
but do anyone of you have had bad experiences like having to hold your breath because the person sitting right next to you really smelled?
Bad odor expereinces at the Kingdom Hall
by Joker10 ini personally didn't smell anything funny inside a kh.
but do anyone of you have had bad experiences like having to hold your breath because the person sitting right next to you really smelled?
WT Statistics
by AlanB indoes anyone out there have a good set of raw data re wt statistics.
just started reading ray's book and believe some of the maths behind his calculations regarding people leaving the org are flawed, not that the reasoning is flawed, just an error in the method.. i would like to re run the calculation.
also i'm a bit of a stat junky and would like to look at the real trends.
WT Statistics
by AlanB indoes anyone out there have a good set of raw data re wt statistics.
just started reading ray's book and believe some of the maths behind his calculations regarding people leaving the org are flawed, not that the reasoning is flawed, just an error in the method.. i would like to re run the calculation.
also i'm a bit of a stat junky and would like to look at the real trends.
JW and Christianity..
by cutenconfuzed422 inhey, i'm new to this site, but i'm looking for the big differences between christianity and jehovah's witnesses.
i would like any information you have, and references to it if you have references.
thanks a lot.
Preaching work ? could it ever be completed ?
by run dont walk inthe saying goes "once the good news of the kingdom has been preached in all the inhabited earth, then the end will come.
now, only 6,000,000 witnesses, one planet of 6,000,000,000 people, (the jw's amount to 0.1% of the earth's population, man sure annoying for only 0.1%) i don't see, how it would be possible to reach every person or land.
so many new being born in the world, new subdivisions going up in every city across the planet, conceivably the cycle will never end, therefore the "good news" will never reach everyone.. and, a few threads of late regading going out in service, most people hate it, do as little as possible, count excess hours (donuts, driving time, etc.).
JW and Christianity..
by cutenconfuzed422 inhey, i'm new to this site, but i'm looking for the big differences between christianity and jehovah's witnesses.
i would like any information you have, and references to it if you have references.
thanks a lot.
Preaching Slowdown
by cornish in.
i can remember numerous talks and study articles about how the preaching work would get more and more intense as we near the end.. one so called prophetic illustration that stands out in my mind was when joshua and his men marched around the city each day and then just before the city fell they marched seven times signifying a quickening of the preaching work.. it seems starkingly obvious that the preaching,is in decline amonst jw's,the jw's are seen less and less often in my neighbourhood,it is very rare to see them out street witnesing around the town centres and railway stations,the average jw spends far less time preaching than a decade ago.. it seems like their chief brag is definately on the wain,in favour of other recruitment methods.
In Britain, JW's have had little or no increase. However Bible studies have gone way up.So far, JW's in the U.S. are up a healthy 2%. They have started tens of thousands of new bible studies a month. Magazine distribution is down, baptisms are up, pioneers about the same, revisits up, and hours about the same. Im interested to know how many publishers reported in June. I wonder if the January-March Inactive Program helped to bring the publishers figure up for the month.