I think people have a problem knowing if its real love or not.
Some people don't want a seriouis relationship and it can make that person not to let go of their emotions, which adds to the problem. Talking of experience.
how are you guys' views on first loves?
are they always supposed to end up heart breaking just to teach you a natural lesson that always seems to happen.
or can you reall find the right person the first time?
I think people have a problem knowing if its real love or not.
Some people don't want a seriouis relationship and it can make that person not to let go of their emotions, which adds to the problem. Talking of experience.
for those of you with aging jw parents/friends, i would like to pose a question: .
if the time came when they would need to reside in a senior assisted living facility of some kind - would the jw belief regarding close association with "the world" keep them from moving in?
the wts does not provide any kind of jw home environment for the elderly/infirm and when folks have had their thinking controlled by the org and taught the dangers of "the world" for much of their lives, this can be an especially traumatic time.
I thought theere were few elderly JWs in thsese homes. Several people, and also read somewhere that the Witnesses should take care of their own and these homes are the last resource.
boston to close 65 of its parishes
scandal, priest crunch and funding force cuts.
by denise lavoie .
Boston to close 65 of its parishes
Scandal, priest crunch and funding force cuts.
By Denise Lavoie
Associated Press
BOSTON -- The weight of a priest shortage, shrinking collections and the clergy sex abuse scandal combined to force Boston's archbishop to announce Tuesday that his Roman Catholic archdiocese will lose 65 parishes by year's end.
The archdiocese, the nation's fourth-largest with more than 2 million Catholics, now has 357 parishes.
"Today is not an easy day for the people of the Archdiocese of Boston,' Archbishop Sean O'Malley said.
"The alternative to going through this exercise would be that we would experience a continual decline in some areas of our archdiocese, closing parish after parish, school after school, outreach program after outreach program.'
O'Malley's announcement completed a process that began in December, when he said the archdiocese would be forced to undergo a major downsizing.
Seventy parishes in all will be affected by the downsizing, O'Malley said.
In addition to the churches, a few Catholic schools will close or merge.
"I wish there was some way that all of these wonderful houses of life and prayer could remain open and alive and full. But there is not,' the archbishop said.
The parishes will gradually be shuttered through the end of the year.
In South Boston, a neighborhood with a large Catholic population, parishioners learned that St. Augustine Church opened in 1868 would close. Parishioner Ed Flynn called the news "devastating.'
"For almost 200 years, St. Augustine Church has been the backbone of South Boston,' said Flynn, the son of former Boston Mayor Ray Flynn.
O'Malley said many factors contributed to the need to close parishes. He said more than one-third of the 357 parishes are operating in the red and 130 of its pastors are older than 70. Also, many buildings are deteriorating it would cost more than $100 million to repair church buildings in Boston alone.
In deciding which churches to close, officials considered weekly Mass attendance, the number of sacraments performed at each church, the number of students enrolled in religious education, the seating capacity of the church and its proximity to other churches, among other factors.
The dozens of parishes closing in the Catholic Archdiocese of Boston could sell for more than $400 million on the open market.
Does not suprise me. Chold abuse. Less money coming in. The lack of interest of young people.
if ray franz was "annointed" and part of the gb, thus also part of the fds, then according to the jw's doesn't jehovah use him to disseminate "truth" and "light" (i.e.
books and watchtower articles)?
so how could he be an apostate for having a new/different understanding of scripture and wtbts doctrine?
The man is a nut.
there have been posts and topics about the wtbs imploding and feuding factions in bethel etc.
some have said that the end is near for the wtbs.
is this just wishful thinking...or do you really think that this is a reality?
The 3% figure hapens to equal the world population growth. So, yawn, the WTS has grown but has it keep pace? I think not.
The world growth rate is not 3%, or ever was, or even probably ever will be. In 2003 the growth rate worldwide was 1.14% and it's only decreasing.
it seems that a lot of people on this board are smokers?
lets get some figures.
It seems that a lot of people on this board are smokers? Lets get some figures.
there have been posts and topics about the wtbs imploding and feuding factions in bethel etc.
some have said that the end is near for the wtbs.
is this just wishful thinking...or do you really think that this is a reality?
Actually, they're NOT big, and they ain't getting any bigger. There's been 6 million Witnesses earth-wide for nearly 10 years........virtually NO growth at all
Ten years ago there were 4.7 million Witnesses compared to the more than 6.5 million today. They are dispersed around the world; many religons are not.
The only place where there's any sort of growth is in Third World countries where the people have absolutely no idea about what goes on behind closed doors.
They are growing in Central and South America and Africa. Also they are really growing in Eastern Europe.
By all accounts it is considered either a sect or a cult by most.
You know this isn't true.
u.s. membership denominational ranking: largest 25 denominations/communions.
2004 yearbook of american and canadian churches
source: http://www.ncccusa.org/news/04yearbook.html
I can't agree, especially in the case of Southern Baptists.
Take a look at this: http://www.adherents.com/largecom/baptist_fewerSBC.html
Mormons : Sociologist Armand Mauss states that "75 percent of foreign [LDS] converts are not attending church within a year of conversion. In the United States, 50 percent of the converts fail to attend after a year." 88 Website: http://www.cumorah.com/report.html
u.s. membership denominational ranking: largest 25 denominations/communions.
2004 yearbook of american and canadian churches
source: http://www.ncccusa.org/news/04yearbook.html
Amazing, it looks like you don't know anything about those numbers. The Catholic Church counts baptized infants as members. And the Mormons count missing people, and if there's no proof of death, they count that person as a member until they reach 110 years of age. For both Mormons and Southern Baptists, 50% of those members are inactive.
how do you think the series is going to end?
i was quite disappointed in tony's behavior recently, forgetting his mission and all the millions of lives at stake, but it is understandable too.
but the big question is who is the mole if there is one.
Indeed one of the best shows around.