relocating there after the recent sale of the 360 Furman Street building.
Who did they sell it to?
quoted from our kingdom ministry september 2004:.
dear kingdom publishers:.
we rejoice to announce that, with jehovah?s blessing, the new presses and bindery at wallkill are now in operation.
relocating there after the recent sale of the 360 Furman Street building.
Who did they sell it to?
check it out.
i signed up on december 15. i am member 11210. members signing up the middle of this month were in the mid 14400's.
that means in 8 months, we've had about 3200 additional people show up.
Seems like a high inactivity rate!
i filed a lawsuit today against the wts for wrongfull death of my daughter bethany.
i had a press conference and all the media was present.
i will be interviewed later today on two radio talk shows.
Let's see if you win it. Didn't she plead she didn't want transfusions, but received them against her will?
hi i was just wondering, is it really different being in the witness religion as a full- fledged member than when you are studying with them.
are you treated differently or is all this "control" people talk about over exaggerated?
9 years. Thats a long time. Study no more. It's taking others time and yours.
"go therefore and make disciples?teaching them to observe all the things i have commanded you.
the drop in hours.
The hours are slowly going up.
the stats below are taken from the september 2004 kingdom ministry.... sp'l pioneers: 206. pios: 88, 419. aux.
pios: 26, 024. pubs: 856, 461. total: 971, 110 baptized: 3, 253. .
consider april's report.... sp'l pioneers: 199. pios: 91, 839. aux.
Witnesses are out to the assemblies in June. Compare to the same month a year ago, they are up by 1% and up 7% in pioneers.
Never been expelled.
Why were you kicked out? Come on you all. The honest truth.
i am dating a man who is a jw and i am not.
i attend a nondenominational church.
i found out from a mutual friend of ours, two months after my boyfriend and i had met, that he was a jw.
, apparently his reason for saying he is not practicing is because he isn't perfect,
The man doesnt want to be a Jehovah's Witness. As you can see, he is not spiritual, so holidays and all those other celebrations won't bug him, so don't worry. But please don't let him wonder about what your thoughts are about 'his' religion. Be very clear about it.
boston to close 65 of its parishes
scandal, priest crunch and funding force cuts.
by denise lavoie .
Catholics Hold Mass Protest in Boston
Members of 82 parishes targeted for closure take part in a rare outdoor service to urge a change in archdiocese's policy.
By Elizabeth Mehren, Times Staff Writer
BOSTON ? Undeterred by bad weather caused by Hurricane Charley, about 1,000 Catholics from 82 parishes scheduled for closing gathered Sunday on Boston Common for a rare outdoor Mass.
Heavy rain and fierce winds let up before the beginning of the service, organized by the lay group Voice of the Faithful.
"This is a sign that God is with us," said Mary Giorgio, 91. "We've been praying hard to make sure that the weather cooperated."
Giorgio traveled to Boston from suburban Dedham, Mass., in a caravan of three buses filled with worshipers from St. Susanna's, one of the parishes the Archdiocese of Boston plans to close before the end of the year. About 150 members of the church sat in lawn chairs on the soggy grass wearing "Save Our St. Susanna's" bumper stickers pasted on their backs.
In the last 30 years, just two similar outdoor Masses have been held on the Common. One featured Pope John Paul II as the officiant. Cardinal Bernard Law ? formerly the archbishop of Boston ? presided at the other.
In announcing the closing or merging of scores of parishes around Boston, Archbishop Sean Patrick O'Malley said the decision had nothing to do with financial troubles caused by the clerical sex-abuse scandal that surfaced here 2 1/2 years ago.
The church has agreed to pay more than $100 million in settlements to victims of pedophile priests. But O'Malley said the "reconfiguration" was necessary because of falling church attendance, declining parish revenue and buildings in need of repair.
Like little tombstones, signs bearing the names of the targeted parishes lined the walkway near the service. Many parishioners brought banners honoring churches that dated back a century. Others held posters denouncing church leaders.
Even the homily, by Father Bob Bowers of St. Albert the Great in Weymouth, was tinged with outrage. "The leadership of the Archdiocese of Boston has confused the mission of the church with the money of the church," said Bowers, whose parish will soon be shut down.
Surrounded by fellow parishioners from St. Susanna, Rita Diette said the Mass was a hopeful sign, "a way of showing the world that we are all coming together to fight the closings."
But behind the exuberance of the moment, Diette added, there was despair. "We all just feel so lost. We don't know where we are going to go from here."