Help me with this. With all the information out there, available for all to see; exposing the lies,hypocrisy, and outright ridiculousness (is that a word?..if not it should be) of this whole witness religion, how in the world are people STILL buying into this?
I just do not get it. Is it because I don't have Jehovah's spirit anymore? No, that can't be it, ever since I have distanced myself mentally from this mess, I have been closer to God than I ever have been. So, what the heck is it?
There are some really intelligent persons, with very respectable jobs; persons who appear to be very smart about all kinds of subject matter. Some that do a lot of research etc. on bible history, world history etc., and there they are; every week at the meetings, going out in service, even giving what appear to be heartfelt comments on how great the "Faithful Slave" is and truly seem "into it". What is the deal? It is very frustrating. There is ALL THIS INFO available that clearly refute the WTS, and expose them for the lying, manipulative, jackasses they are, and STILL they feel that God actually puts His stamp of approval on them as His one and only choice. I am overwhelmingly flabbergasted at this.
By this time, with all this info out there, I would have assumed that the whole thing would be crumbling by now; but noooooooooo, it keeps going, and going, and going..........
I just don't get it. People should be exiting this farce en masse.
When is this all going to end? Or at least start the downslide?
I'm waiting..............