Topics Started by integ
Went to the assembly..some.personal thoughts on it.
by integ ini've been as honest as i can on this forum throughout my time bouncing in and out..and been jumped on for saying anything positive about the "truth" or my experiences at the hall, but it's been a few years now since i have been attending meetings.
i go to the memorial for family reasons and went to the assembly today for the same reason...but one observation i have to make is most of us have all dealt with years of hearing how gawd awful "the world" is and how the only happiness is going to meetings and out in service.
now that is total bs.
The ignorance of the "sheep"...and will door to door work phaze out due to being "challenged" too much at the door?
by integ inhello friends.. i notice alot of talk about the future and what it would take to bring the whole thing down and no one seems to think it can or will happen any time soon.
just seeing people here talk about what will happen once 2034 comes and goes is very discouraging.. i'm amazed this religion continues to move along as it does.
building, growing etc.
GB guilty of the ultimate spiritual crimes. How can JW's believe this stuff?
by integ inthe gb is guilty of the ultimate spiritual crimes.
blasphemy against god by claiming they "speak for jehovah".
they said it again recently in an article..that they speak the words of jehovah and we should listen to those words.
Michael Sam Story on the ESPY'S. He was raised a JW.
by integ inmichael sam...the football player who came out as gay, received an award on the espy's sports award show last night.
they had a video presentation documenting his struggles and it was brought out in the video piece that as a jehovah's witness, he was prohibited from playing in organized team sports...but that he went and defiantly played anyway.
so, sam not only had to overcome the gay issue but also that of being a witness.
What has the WTS EVER "predicted" that has actually come true?
by integ inyou'd think they could point to something right?
obviously we're the one true religion".. i can't fathom how anyone of any intelligence would be willing to join up with this org after doing even rudimentary research.. for years they have taught that it's wrong to seek advanced education or to plan for a "worldly" future by trusting in this system of things and then this past sunday the watchtower article rips on people for not planning for the future in regard to their elderly relatives.
maybe if they hadn't been teaching for 100 yr's that the end was "just around the corner" and telling us we'd better believe that fact...or else, we would have planned better for a future that you said without reservation would not even occur.. what mind blowing prediction can they point to that would convince someone "oh yeah..these guys have it right"...?.
Going Beyond the Things Written.
by integ ini went to the meeting today.
i go probably once a month for various reasons i have alluded to here.. .
i don't know what the title of the talk was, since i pulled my usual come in 5 minutes late, muster a fake "i'm mildly embarrassed" look on my face and slip in the back row move, but the crux of it was to not go 'beyond the things written'.. .
My take on the meeting yesterday.
by integ insome of you are aware of where i'm at with this whole thing.
i still occasionally go to meetings for family reasons but my attendance has been lack luster at best.
i'd say i go about once a month if that.. i empathize with those who are wary of taking the ultimate stand for fear of losing their family.
Most Irritating Thing About The Jw's
by integ infor me it is the smugness.
it's their inability and refusal to admit they are wrong....ever...even in the face of irrefutable evidence.
isn't pride a sin?
Watch out for increased disfellowshippings in light of sex abuse ruling.
by integ inthis latest ruling could end up being double edged sword.. if the "society" does indeed make an "adjustment" in how they handle a brother or sister's complaints of abuse by abandoning the "two witness rule" then it could be an easy transition into df'ing more people due to their not being a requirement of having "two witnesses" to any event of badness on the part of congregation members.. with that "adjustment" anyone could just make up stuff from now on and have jc meeting to lower the boom.
no more would 2 witnesses be needed.. i'm sure they would use this "clarification in understanding" to their benefit as they do with everything else they implement.. they have been trying to thin the herd with getting rid of those harboring doubts for some time.
this could just make it easier.. just a thought..