Not to hijack the thread but may I ask how come I don;t have the option of starting a new topic?
Seems I had that "privilege" before.
i noticed that the bethel of new zealand has been sold to another church.
could an individual jw business owner do that?.
Not to hijack the thread but may I ask how come I don;t have the option of starting a new topic?
Seems I had that "privilege" before.
some have wondered if captives of a concept had anything to do with why the governing body changed their interpretation of the most important scripture in their theology - matthew 24:45-47. of course there is no way of knowing.
but since some of the changes deal with matters that are brought out in the book, it does seem fair to wonder.
the book makes the major point that according to their former interpretation the only way the society could be gods faithful and discreet slave organization today is if they had received jesus belongings appointment in 1919. .
Why do these charlatans keep getting away with this crap?
I get so angry at all this b.s.
Do they really believe they are Gods chosen people when they have to scramble and change things all the time?
I seriously just wanna punch them all in the face right now.
How do these idiots sit there at the hall and nod their heads to everything these lying manipulators say?
for the past 4 1/2 years i have heard everything said about president obama and now the lastest "obama being the anti-christ" just have me laughing my head off.
where do people get nonsense like this?
do they just sit around the kitchen table and say "what are we going to say next about obama and michelle?
I've given up hope that we will ever truly see a color blind society or even that we will ever make substantial gains. It can't happen as long as people of color hold to that "bond of blackness" that supercedes all other considerations. You saw with OJ. 90 some percent of those classifying themselves as black proclaimed OJ's innocence as opposed to a high % of non-blacks who knew he was guilty. IMO it was beyond obvious OJ was guilty but that "bond" shared by people of color clouded over everything in their thinking. C'mon. Are we REALLY still looking for the real killers? Pleeeeeze. You even see it with the witnesses at conventions and especially circuit conventions where you will see about a 1/4 section of the assembly hall filled with nothing but people of color...and the other sections non-black. Some may say it's due to these ones wanting to stay close to those from their home congregations...I think it goes well beyond that. The witnesses are not immune to this racial separation no matter what they try to say or portray. Maybe it's understandable this "bond of blackness" exists. Maybe the history of slavery is partly to blame. Maybe race being the number one self identifier is justified...that's for another post I guess, but from my vantage point I don't see it ever substantially changing. Of course racism coming from non blacks doesn't help, but until ALL RACES stop using race as their number one self identifying factor NOTHING WILL CHANGE.
for the past 4 1/2 years i have heard everything said about president obama and now the lastest "obama being the anti-christ" just have me laughing my head off.
where do people get nonsense like this?
do they just sit around the kitchen table and say "what are we going to say next about obama and michelle?
"his race has nothing to do with it."
Sorry Booker..not buying it. Especially when u follow it up by saying:
" I am glad finally we have a black president ".
If his race really had nothing to do with it, why are you so glad we finally have a BLACK president? Why does it matter what his color is and why are you glad he's a 'black' president?
with the changes in doctrine being fully unveiled at the dc this year, i expected many to wake up.
the dcs have been going on for a month now, i fully expected to be welcoming new members by now!
am i just being impatient?
If what has been going on wasn't enough beforehand I don't see anything from the DC that will push anybody over the edge.
Am I missing something?
the death of a jw and the birth of me the apostate..
a huge thanks to my friend ray publisher (jwstruggle) for posting my video for me.
now that i am no longer held prisoner from the fear of watchtower, i can now help others!.
Thx for the video. Hearing Shyla refer to Jehovahs Witnesses as "Watchtower" sounds like someone who isn't or wasn't a "Witness". It's the type of wording you might expect someone to use if they weren't really "in it".
It's obvious with everything else Shyla says that she was indeed a witness...just weird to hear a witness call it "Watchtower". Almost like a spouse of a witness would describe the affiliation...or a worldly friend of a witness.
It takes some getting used to.
I don't doubt Shylas authenticity so don't get me wrong. Just weird to hear it called "Watchtower".
Nice video and best of luck.
one of the most persistent myths on this website is that jws are already in decline, the rot has set in, and the descent of the watchtower is inevitable from here on in.
unfortunately the facts do not bear this out.
jws are still increasing even in most developing countries, and they are still growing worldwide at a faster rate than the general population.
Here's another thing. The JW's have no problem whatsoever with fabricating numbers. It's ok to lie. The truth is only for those who are "entitled" to it (according to their own writings). If it helps to serve theocratic purposes than it is perfectly allowable to lie.
one of the most persistent myths on this website is that jws are already in decline, the rot has set in, and the descent of the watchtower is inevitable from here on in.
unfortunately the facts do not bear this out.
jws are still increasing even in most developing countries, and they are still growing worldwide at a faster rate than the general population.
A big reason many stay in is due to the disfellowshipping and shunning thing. Is it worth losing your family so you can make a defiant stance? In many...most cases no it is not.
If they changed their stance on that and dropped the shunning then I guarantee you would see the numbers drop.
The shunning doctrine is huge. It is reprehensible and morally wrong on so many levels yet it is an effective means of control.
The internet makes sure that the real "truth" will always be available to those who have the guts to look for it and who truly want to know what the "truth" is.
is it possible to be friends with a woman, text her, call her, etc and not be physically attracted to her?.
we had our special assembly day this weekend.. what the district overseer stated in his talk totally stunned me, and made me feel sick to my stomach.
he said, "christ is directing us through the governing body, and we cannot get holy spirit except through them!".
i do not wish to reveal all my thoughts on his statement, but i pray to god that it acts as a wake-up call to at least some of the audience.. suffice to say that the gb is now the mediator to our mediator, and from now on, i will have to pray for holy spirit through the name of the gb!!.
The "truth" is that the "slave" can say almost ANYTHING and the flock will follow it. ANYTHING. Well....if they said to "come drink the kool-aid" literally, then there'd be a mass exodus, but short of that.....NOTHING they say will deter the overwhelming majority.
This week the CO said that when u don't get up for service there's an angel standing by your bed who goes back to Jesus and says "I wanted to go out in service but he wouldn't get up". This was part of his talk where he said the angels want to serve God and go out in service but the only way they can is by following us around while we do it. They NEED the publishers to take them out in service.
How's that for more guilt and pressure?