18 - I am 31 now.
Looking back, getting baptized wasn't truly in my heart. My brother got baptized the same day which put pressure on me to do the same.
i was 13 at the time.
i wanted to get baptised before the end came in 1975. .
back then, 13 was borderline young for baptism, but from what i've been reading, some are now getting baptised as young as 9 or 10. .
18 - I am 31 now.
Looking back, getting baptized wasn't truly in my heart. My brother got baptized the same day which put pressure on me to do the same.
ever have one in your congregation?.
i was at my cousin's wedding this past weekend, and the po from his kingdom hall was present.
this guy is a real piece of work.
Ever have one in your congregation?
I was at my cousin's wedding this past weekend, and the PO from his Kingdom Hall was present. This guy is a real piece of work. Very arrogant and "puffed up" JW. Total and complete loyalty to the organization, wife and kids included. Family studies every week, never miss a meeting, full-time pioneering, Bethel kids, the whole nine yards. The elder you love to fear. From what I hear, living under his rule is like living in prison, with plenty of rules. I believe he used every guilt and shame tactic to coerce both his son and daughter to go to Bethel. There was no room for independent thinking in his household, I can assure you that.
While enjoying my worldly self at the reception later than evening with Southern Comfort in hand, the PO's wife sat down at a table near me and was talking with another sister. I couldn't help but eavesdrop on the conversation. All she talked about for a half hour was how Bethel was so wonderful, my son is going where the need is greater, my daughter is at Patterson, the district convention was so upbuilding, so-and-so got baptized, and on and on and on. It was clear to me just how wrapped around his fingers those kids are, including his wife. I was saddened by how much control the WT has on their lives, where it controls your every thought. They work very hard not to tarnish that absolutely PERFECT JW family image.
And don't even THINK about showing interest in his daughter unless you've got Bethel or Gilead on your mind!
Anyone else have similar experiences?
what, in your opinion, is the worst thing that the society has released?
(book / tract / video / audio cassette)
I used to have a monthly subscription to the Watchtower/Awake on cassette tape. Every few weeks I was getting tapes in the mail. I actually used to listen to these tapes on my headphones before bedtime. I even listened to them in the car on the way to work. Ugh!
When I think back now, the speakers on those tapes were pretty cheesy.
i'm interested in finding out if anyone here who is an ex-dub has taken or still takes prescription anti-depressants or anti-anxiety medication to deal with feelings of inadequacy and inexperience with life outside of the wts, relationship problems, stress/anger, low self-esteem, etc.. i still suffer with self-esteem/image problems as well as stress with life in general after leaving the wts.
i often feel alone and inexperienced when dealing with life's problems, and often find it difficult to handle conflict/disagreements with loved ones when they arise.
i feel these occurrences are a personal attack on myself.. i just started attending counseling to deal with these problems, and it was mentioned that an anti-depressant may help.
I'm interested in finding out if anyone here who is an ex-Dub has taken or still takes prescription anti-depressants or anti-anxiety medication to deal with feelings of inadequacy and inexperience with life outside of the WTS, relationship problems, stress/anger, low self-esteem, etc.
I still suffer with self-esteem/image problems as well as stress with life in general after leaving the WTS. I often feel alone and inexperienced when dealing with life's problems, and often find it difficult to handle conflict/disagreements with loved ones when they arise. I feel these occurrences are a personal attack on myself.
I just started attending counseling to deal with these problems, and it was mentioned that an anti-depressant may help. I know I'm probably not alone with having these feelings and I'd like to hear from anyone who may have gone through a similar experience.
Thanks for listening.
i often find it difficult to not be able to share some of life's important moments with other family members still stuck in "the truth".
i'm talking about the things that other people take for granted in this world.
after fading away 8 years ago, i still struggle with having to turn off my feelings around my family, or keep quiet about certain things they might deem as "worldly".
I often find it difficult to not be able to share some of life's important moments with other family members still stuck in "the truth". I'm talking about the things that other people take for granted in this world. After fading away 8 years ago, I still struggle with having to turn off my feelings around my family, or keep quiet about certain things they might deem as "worldly". I have listed some of the things that affect me most:
Not be able to celebrate Christmas as a family
Not be able to have a birthday party
Not be able to go out for Mothers Day brunch
Not be able to exchange gifts on Mothers/Fathers Day
Not be able to celebrate Thanksgiving as a family
Not be able to send a birthday card
Not be able to talk about what I've learned about the JWs since I've left
Not be able to talk about fall decorations we've put up around the house
Not be able to have an Easter dinner together
It is sad how a religion can put up walls in my family and rob them of any possible joy in their lives. The only significant events I've seen in their life are meetings, field service, assemblies, district conventions, and the Memorial. There is no celebrating of anything, no exchanging of gifts, no finding happiness in life's simplest pleasures. Everything is sacrificed for "the truth": no marriage, no kids, no holidays, no retirement savings, and on and on. Their only hope is a "new world" they will never see.
How many of you have similar feelings?
Was in a Kingdom Hall for a wedding back in 1997. Last meeting I went to was in late 1995.
My mother and brother still never miss a meeting. How they do it is beyond me.
So glad I've escaped.
for those who don't know, i did the fade about 8 years ago or so.
i finally had a frank talk with my mother the other day about how i no longer consider myself a witness.
she has been a witness for about 40 years now.
For those who don't know, I did the fade about 8 years ago or so.
I finally had a frank talk with my mother the other day about how I no longer consider myself a Witness. She has been a Witness for about 40 years now. I told her everything, how my family has celebrated holidays, birthdays, and even gone to another church. She was a bit taken back about the church thing, but in the end she said "Well, you need to do what you feel is right for your life. It's not my place to interfere with what you choose to do with your life." And that was pretty much the end of it. No shunning, no hard feelings, and a HUGE weight off my shoulders.
Family should stick together no matter what.
what's a kingdom song you can remember singing that gives you the creeps now?
mine is "move ahead" i think that was the title, anyway it has so much rhetoric... but the tune is so darn catchy.... darn.... in my opinion, those songs are the perfect example of mind control.
move ahead.. move ahead ... blah blah blah blah blah .
I never liked the song that began with "Naz'rites...they truly were different..."
There was one brother who was a music teacher at a local high school, and he always purposely sang this song extra loud and off a key or two and claimed he was singing harmony, although most of us believed he was trying to bring attention to himself.
They played song #13 at my wedding "Because Jehovah created, the universe so grand..."
So glad I wasn't married in a KH!
31 here.
i was taking a bath, when the door bell rang.
i got out of the bath tub and went close to the window, and saw an elder go back to his car.
the last visit i had was a few days before christmas, from the co and his wife, while visiting our congregation.
I just had two elders ring my doorbell a few weeks ago. I knew who they were and I refused to answer the door. I'm sure they were following the "loving" advice from the WTS to seek out inactives. Either that or they wanted to talk about the Memorial.
In winter it's nice because you're indoors when they come. That's why in the summer I always make sure to do yard work in the afternoon and not in the morning!