We look forward to the day very soon where Br. Adams can take up his service here on Earth
respectful ...
My money is on exactly what you mention.
Rub a Dub
i received a call from a friend in new york city that don adams passed away late last evening (30 dec 2019).
many of you bethelites know him and he was the president of the society for a number of years after the gb got out of the corporate structure business.
from what i understand, he was generally liked by many there.. some in my family knew him.
We look forward to the day very soon where Br. Adams can take up his service here on Earth
respectful ...
My money is on exactly what you mention.
Rub a Dub
so i am trying to understand if i am the only pomo that experiences the situation where the pimi spouse comes back from a meeting a different personanlity.
it may not be obivious to the untrained eye, but i notice it and i know my sons notice it.
this last round after all the loyalty bs and armagedon bs it's like she has stayed stuck in it.
They could be reading the phone book and she wouldn’t know the difference.
Steel ...
I remember the older sisters in the "car-group" say "Wasn't that a wonderful Tower today!" And I would ask them what specifically they learned. They went into the deer in the headlights mode.
About the most you would get out of anybody was "it was encouraging."
I quit asking.
As you mention, in the meeting they could read the phone book or the Iliad in Greek backwards and you would get the same response.
Rub a Dub
this is from a recent article about malawi, and the caption calls the man "brother welosi mbendera".. .
If their KH has a "library" or "back room", he will likely be brought in after the meeting and encouraged to shave it so as not to stumble the other people in the neighborhood. They might think he rides a Harley, has a Satanic tattoo on his back and does drugs.
Also, the sister has a "green" hat that may be too worldly in their opinion. It may bring too much attention to her.
Note: I bet he got that tooth knocked out in a bar fight with a rival group.
Rub a Dub
probably not new to many of you but i'm gonna post it anyway!.
i went to a circuit assembly last week at the fremont, ca assembly hall in fremont, ca to be with my wife so she could be there to 'witness' the baptism of a person she "studied" with about 2 decades ago!.
at the main entry to the assembly hall there are 3 or 4 large double door entrances.
Now I better understand when I entered the assembly hall the last time, instead of some kingdom songs, they were playing the old song by the O'Jays 'Money, money, money, money"
Rub a Dub
i'm not really sure where to put this post or "thread", so i'll just put it in the physical activities area.
i just want to know if anyone on the forum has any experience with having a hip replacement surgery done on them, or perhaps a friend or relative.
what was your experience, if it was you?
titch ...
Just don't don't try the "hips don't lie" thing by Shikira anytime soon ... lol.
Seriously, I know several people that have had it done and overall are very pleased. Nothing is perfect, but they all say it is a definite improvement.
Rub a Dub
i received a call from a friend in new york city that don adams passed away late last evening (30 dec 2019).
many of you bethelites know him and he was the president of the society for a number of years after the gb got out of the corporate structure business.
from what i understand, he was generally liked by many there.. some in my family knew him.
Will they do some sort of video memorial for him or any of the gb?
carla ...
Good question. It would not surprise me now with the jw dot org thing, that there would be more information and detail than was typically provided in the past. It used to be briefly mentioned that so-and-so has ended his earthly service or something similar.
Since Don did not claim to be of the anointed, I'm not really sure how they will handle it. But again, they now have a much larger communication channel with the internet than before with only the WT/Awake/KM.
Rub a Dub
i received a call from a friend in new york city that don adams passed away late last evening (30 dec 2019).
many of you bethelites know him and he was the president of the society for a number of years after the gb got out of the corporate structure business.
from what i understand, he was generally liked by many there.. some in my family knew him.
Shoe phone!
stillin ...
When he was on a judicial committee they did it in the cone of silence.
Rub a Dub
i received a call from a friend in new york city that don adams passed away late last evening (30 dec 2019).
many of you bethelites know him and he was the president of the society for a number of years after the gb got out of the corporate structure business.
from what i understand, he was generally liked by many there.. some in my family knew him.
I received a call from a friend in New York City that Don Adams passed away late last evening (30 Dec 2019).
Many of you Bethelites know him and he was the president of the society for a number of years after the GB got out of the corporate structure business. From what I understand, he was generally liked by many there.
Some in my family knew him. I met him a couple of times. Seemed like a nice person.
Anyway, he had been in poor health the past year. He was either 94 or 95.
Rub a Dub
i was just wondering this morning about all the kingdom halls and branches being sold to "babylon the great" and other businesses.
every single kingdom hall and bethel branch that has been sold was "dedicated to jehovah" by the watchtower corporation.
a special meeting with a guest speaker gives a talk and then offers a prayer dedicating the building to yhwh.
How can a building dedicated to God, be sold?
They disfellowship it first and then treat it as a "building of the nations."
Rub a Dub
probably not new to many of you but i'm gonna post it anyway!.
i went to a circuit assembly last week at the fremont, ca assembly hall in fremont, ca to be with my wife so she could be there to 'witness' the baptism of a person she "studied" with about 2 decades ago!.
at the main entry to the assembly hall there are 3 or 4 large double door entrances.
I can see there been some sort of subscription fee
joe134 ...
Yes, I could easily see the online site with two sides, one for the public (free) and one with the "deeper truths" for a monthly fee (let's say 3-5 dollars). All publishers would be expected to have the premium service.
This alone would guarantee a steady stream of cash coming in each month.
Rub a Dub