I can remember when they used to re-instate people and the congregation would burst into spontaneous applause at the joy of it! ... The elders took a dim view ...
Number 6 ...
I can tell you exactly why that "policy" changed, from at least two elders in Bethel at the time.
It had to do particularly with people at the time who had committed adultery, remarried, and then later reinstated. It was felt, especially if the innocent person was at the KH, that it was disrespectful to have everyone clapping and hugging and kissing the person when the innocent person may be there watching. I guess watching perhaps two people who had committed adultery in the same congregation getting reinstated would be too much for some people to handle. I could understand that.
It could also have involved other sins in which an innocent person may be in attendance.
You can't pick one sin to clap for and one sin not to clap for so the "policy" was changed to tone down the welcome back to the Borg.
Rub a Dub