These people [Cuomos] are frauds.
silentbuddha ....
At least with them, when you are getting screwed, they don't put as much sand in the Vaseline like the other ones.
Rub a Dud
trying to put politics aside (even though that won't really work), but ny governor andrew cuomo is blowing the other politicians out out the water (orange man [trump] and the lizard [biden]).. i don't know if cuomo has a usb port in the back of his head plugged into a hard drive but the guy speaks, analyzes and talks coherently.
the orange man always passes difficult questions to someone else.
the lizard can't comprehend what the question is but tries to answer something.. cuomo comes out with facts, analysis and direction on what needs to be done.
These people [Cuomos] are frauds.
silentbuddha ....
At least with them, when you are getting screwed, they don't put as much sand in the Vaseline like the other ones.
Rub a Dud
trying to put politics aside (even though that won't really work), but ny governor andrew cuomo is blowing the other politicians out out the water (orange man [trump] and the lizard [biden]).. i don't know if cuomo has a usb port in the back of his head plugged into a hard drive but the guy speaks, analyzes and talks coherently.
the orange man always passes difficult questions to someone else.
the lizard can't comprehend what the question is but tries to answer something.. cuomo comes out with facts, analysis and direction on what needs to be done.
Cuomo will be the next president? because you feel his new conferences are so good. No offense but I think that is one of the dumbest comments I have heard from you.
Min ...
Come on.
At least he speaks coherently and has done his homework with the facts.
I don't think the Orange Man nor the Lizard would hold a candle to him in a real debate.
Like it or not, he at least appears to have some knowledge when answering questions.
Rub a Dub
trying to put politics aside (even though that won't really work), but ny governor andrew cuomo is blowing the other politicians out out the water (orange man [trump] and the lizard [biden]).. i don't know if cuomo has a usb port in the back of his head plugged into a hard drive but the guy speaks, analyzes and talks coherently.
the orange man always passes difficult questions to someone else.
the lizard can't comprehend what the question is but tries to answer something.. cuomo comes out with facts, analysis and direction on what needs to be done.
Not to pee on the conservative side here, but it seems like every time I turn on (the conservative) Fox News I see Gov. Cuomo trying to direct the situation, specify what needs to be done, and answer questions.
When the Orange Man is on, he's slowly reading off a sheet of paper someone else wrote for him. And Biden is on vacation in Ukraine or somewhere.
And Simon, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, South Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming nor other sparsely populated areas will be the epicenter of a disease.
Epicenters are where people live, not farmland or woods.
Rub a Dub
even though i am partially in the it area of business, i don't understand here how people are saying that someone can control a camera through zoom.
so if i am sitting with a shirt and tie, someone on the other end can can control the camera and see that i am naked from the waist down and periodically have an itch?
or quickly move to the side and have a beer?.
Can you imagine the anger if some JW with zoom watching the meeting later gets questioned or criticized by the brothers over something in their house
LongHairGal ...
Yes, especially if you have a picture of Jesus on a crucifix in the background.
Rub a Dub
trying to put politics aside (even though that won't really work), but ny governor andrew cuomo is blowing the other politicians out out the water (orange man [trump] and the lizard [biden]).. i don't know if cuomo has a usb port in the back of his head plugged into a hard drive but the guy speaks, analyzes and talks coherently.
the orange man always passes difficult questions to someone else.
the lizard can't comprehend what the question is but tries to answer something.. cuomo comes out with facts, analysis and direction on what needs to be done.
Trying to put politics aside (even though that won't really work), but NY Governor Andrew Cuomo is blowing the other politicians out out the water (Orange Man [Trump] and the Lizard [Biden]).
I don't know if Cuomo has a USB port in the back of his head plugged into a hard drive but the guy speaks, analyzes and talks coherently.
The Orange Man always passes difficult questions to someone else. The Lizard can't comprehend what the question is but tries to answer something.
Cuomo comes out with facts, analysis and direction on what needs to be done. At least that is my perception.
If I was in a difficult situation, I would definitely prefer Cuomo on my side.
Rub a Dub
even though i am partially in the it area of business, i don't understand here how people are saying that someone can control a camera through zoom.
so if i am sitting with a shirt and tie, someone on the other end can can control the camera and see that i am naked from the waist down and periodically have an itch?
or quickly move to the side and have a beer?.
you can mute your mic, use a static image, create a background, use a green screen and get creative, use many types of devices,
dubstepped ...
I'm sorry, there is no way that I am going to have a live camera in my home unless I actually want it (some on-line training classes in my home office).
If they insist on having the video open, I can photoshop some WT pics of Jesus and then show him wearing a bath robe thing they used to wear and let them see that.
What can they say ... that he (or me) should have shaved and put on a suit?
Rub a Dub
this topic is to focus on status updates & advice (no opinion or politics please).. status.
latest status is that it's serious, probably isn't going to be contained and most large companies are making contingency plans, cancelling large events etc... which i don't think would happen if it was just people being alarmist.
the incubation period means it may have already spread further and infected many more people than are currently known, so expect jumps in the numbers over the coming days and weeks.. tracking.
Obama decided it wasn't something to spend money on.
Simon, Simon, Simon .......
I thought we were keeping politics out of this. The Orange Man has had over 3 years to buy whatever number of masks he wanted. Whatever number of respirators he wanted. Whatever number of whatever he wanted.
Hindsight is 20/20 .... just as in the case of 9/11, it happened under Bush's watch, but is he more to blame than Clinton? I wouldn't blame either one. Yes, looking back, we can opine that this could have, should have, may have, might have had, blah blah blah. As the expression goes, shit happens.
Rub a Dub
one flew over the cuckoos nest.
Boys From Brazil
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex but Were Afraid to Ask
Marathon Man
I could give many more.
Rub a Dub
here, in our congregation in south florida (miami), no meetings, no field service in our congregation.. what is is like in your area?.
rub a dub .
Yes, that seems to be the standard here in South Florida. Just "work" from home.
Rub a Dub
as sgt pepper sang, "it was 20 years ago today" ... that i made my first post on my first forum.. i obviously didn't put too much thought into what it should say although i must have burned 45 posts testing things and was too lazy to reset the counter before going live (?):.
but somehow, it worked and grew and here we all are, 20 years on.
Simon ... a happy 20th ... I've been here 17+
I will have a lot more to say in a later post but I just wanted to thank you and your wife for everything.
My wife and I have never been to Alberta (only BC) but would love to see the Canadian Rockies and invite you and Angharad to a nice dinner when we are in your area, if you can put up with me ... lol. I promise, no politics ... lol.
Peace brother, peace.
Rub a Dub