Is it really any wonder, that virtually everything is conducted in a businesslike fashion, up to and including "bidding" for resources
Vidiot ...
I see what you are saying but businesses, in their own interests and to reduce costs, typically don't want departments or divisions bidding against each other.
I can't imagine if Trump had properties in 10 states that needed to buy some new product that he would have them bid against each other and drive up the price. I bet in a minute he would have someone go to the manufacturer representing the entire group and work out the best deal.
I was just watching Meet the Press, and Asa Hutchinson, Governor of Arkansas, was one of the guests. He said that they are currently "trying to find" more respirators on the market. What chance does a Governor of a small, poor state like Arkansas have when bidding against wealthy states like New York or California? He'll probably end up paying 5 times more than he should, if he can get them at all.
Rub a Dub