As an observer, for most US citizens, any elected President is worshipped like a God at that given time.
Listener ,,,
Yes, keen observation. There has definitely been a move towards Satanism in recent years.
Rub a Dub
i'm in the uk, and most days over the last 2 weeks i've watched the 5pm uk government update on the corona virus situation which includes questions from the media.
generally speaking i've found the whole update, including the questions and answers, to be respectful, informative and non combative, with, to the best of my recollection, very little mention of politics and blame.
certainly no political point scoring.
As an observer, for most US citizens, any elected President is worshipped like a God at that given time.
Listener ,,,
Yes, keen observation. There has definitely been a move towards Satanism in recent years.
Rub a Dub
if anyone voices an opinion with which i disagree or even detest, i can either debate it or walk away.. the last thing i want is for someone to be silenced by threats.
however, it appears that some opinions on social media etc.
which contradict the official narrative are being muted.
I think the travel industries (hotels, airlines, car rentals, etc) will permanently be affected. I see restaurants bouncing back but it will be months if not a year or more to get back close the previous levels. And that assumes the virus is gone, not just down to lower levels. If there are ANY new levels of infections, don't expect people to crowd together in restaurants.
Also, I see a plummet in the cost of office space since many employers will realize that they can function just as well with a lot of the back-office people working from home. Why have a large building with offices and cubicle space that you are paying a fixed monthly amount for even when people are not even working (vacations, weekends, etc.). Invest in a smaller, higher class location if visibility is a requirement and still save a lot of money.
The upside would be IT and Audio-Visual specialists. If a person has some experience in those areas, I bet you will have more work than you could handle in the upcoming years in setting up conference rooms and offices with cameras, microphones, software, electronic whiteboards and other peripheral equipment to make the stay-at-home experience as close as possible to being in the office. And then another revenue stream in training the personnel who will be using it (or service contracts to provide on-going support).
I'm thinking about this myself the more I am thinking about it.
Rub a Dub
am i missing something here ?
how is it that where this covid 19 started , in wuhan china, china has only ,reportedly 83,000 for the whole country ?
whereas in the united states of america the figure is just under 400,000 ?.
I think there is under reporting everywhere.
We still have drive-thru testing places that require you to be 65 years old and have symptoms to even qualify for a test.
In other words, if you don't get tested, based upon reported numbers, you don't have it. So I guess if we stopped testing altogether then the number of new cases would rapidly drop towards zero.
Reported new cases are just a function of the sample size being tested. If 10% of people being tested have the disease, do we extrapolate that percentage across the population since many people have no immediate symptoms?
I don't have the answer but it would be interesting to take a control group of let's say a geographic area of 5,000 people in a town that has a 10% positive rate when tested and actually test all 5,000 people.
It would be interesting to see how many actually have, have had or are carriers of the virus.
Rub a Dub
we have all enjoyed reading the proliferation of posts by blondie.
however, the latest one seems to be four months ago.
i do hope that she is o k. .
Call meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Wing C ....
Rub a Dub
am i missing something here ?
how is it that where this covid 19 started , in wuhan china, china has only ,reportedly 83,000 for the whole country ?
whereas in the united states of america the figure is just under 400,000 ?.
I think it is a combination of under reporting and culture.
1. It's hard to believe anything they say, especially when there is not a third party looking at the numbers.
2. If you have ever visited Asia, you see people walking around wearing masks even in "normal" times. In the cities, country, etc. You don't feel good or have a cold, you put a mask on. If you see others around you with colds, you put a mask on. Once in Hong Kong, I asked the woman at the hotel why so many were wearing masks in the streets. She said a lot of people had colds and people don't want to catch if from others. She reached under the counter and showed me hers.
Here, the mask seems to be the last resort. In Asia, it's not uncommon to see many people wearing them.
Rub a Dub
we have all enjoyed reading the proliferation of posts by blondie.
however, the latest one seems to be four months ago.
i do hope that she is o k. .
Wow, I was thinking about starting a new thread about her today. Deja vu all over again.
Rub a Dub
2020-04-07 inbox disaster relief committee zone 3..
Many Thanks !!!
Rub a Dub
let me think of a few advantages to having mexico do more manufacturing for us:.
- low cost labor .
- just drive around or jump over the wall to see family and friends.
3rdgen ...
Yes, the older appliances just seem to keep running.
When we moved into this house, close to 20 years ago, we were planning on getting a new washer and dryer. The two old Whirlpool appliances had cracked paint, some rust on the side and overall just looked old. But they worked fine and we decided to get a year or two more out of them if possible and spend the money on some other items we needed.
That was nearly 20 years ago. Guess what, they still look old and beat up a bit. I did replace the switch that stops if from running when you open the top about 5 years ago. After looking at YouTube, I bought the switch ($25) and replaced it in about 15 minutes (I could do it in 5 minutes now). That was it. But they run like new.
I don't think any amount of money would buy you that type of appliance today.
Rub a Dub
i read a lot on online.
i regularly read fox news, the drudge report the new york post and local newspapers and local newscasts.
where do you get most of your news from?.
Fox News, RT America, The Federalist, Breitbart, National Review
wannabefree ....
Does the steering wheel in your car only allow you to make right-hand turns .... lol.
Rub a Dub
i read a lot on online.
i regularly read fox news, the drudge report the new york post and local newspapers and local newscasts.
where do you get most of your news from?.
Fox News and MSNBC primarily.
I mentally take the information from the right wingnuts and left wingnuts, throw it into a mental blender, and come up with something that hopefully resembles something close to reality. Sort of like oil and vinegar, mix them together and you come up with salad dressing.
Both of those channels have a good show or two and a few good reporters but by themselves, both networks have at least 90% biased jackasses.
I really wish there was somewhere to get the facts, not everything so heavily flavored with varying degrees of opinion.
Rub a Dub