Min ...
It works, believe me. I'm sure some people were smiling when I have gone to the food store when I wear mine. Problem is that it is hard to see any reactions since other people are wearing masks too ... lol.
Rub a Dub
some towns require everyone going outside to wear one.
one massachusetts city requires anyone from 5 up to wear a mask.
some cities require masks and have shut down parks and sports playing while others in a nearby town have no such restrictions.
Min ...
It works, believe me. I'm sure some people were smiling when I have gone to the food store when I wear mine. Problem is that it is hard to see any reactions since other people are wearing masks too ... lol.
Rub a Dub
some towns require everyone going outside to wear one.
one massachusetts city requires anyone from 5 up to wear a mask.
some cities require masks and have shut down parks and sports playing while others in a nearby town have no such restrictions.
then FREE masks should be provided
Not to pull a camel through a gnat, a needle through a gnat's hole, a gnat up a camel's hole, the jawbone of a camel's ass ... or whatever the verse(s) say ...
But there is no need to purchase a mask. As far as I have seen, they want your mouth covered in case you sneeze or something.
I believe any piece of cloth works. They even have said NOT to use a real (95) version mask since they want those used by the professionals.
I know the laws say in most places that you shouldn't have your crotch exposed in public but I wouldn't expect the government to buy me a pair of pants.
Rub a Dub
jws or mormons.
from a public point of view not from people within the religion as that would be obvious.. examples of extreme beliefs or behaviour would be useful..
I always wondered if the Magical Underwear gives them some sort of buzz.
Rub a Dub
people want to get back to work, back to "normal" in many cases (whatever normal now means).
even trump is encouraging protesters in 3 states.. but with the covid-19 thing, this is not just a matter of a person taking a risk, as a person may do who smokes, takes illegal drugs or in other ways lives an unhealthy lifestyle.
in general, most (not all, since cost of insurance and public hospitals may be involved), but generally you are not putting the lives of others at risk.
And of course when smokers choose to put themselves at risk you would be fine if they refuse any treatment for lung cancer, right?
FedUpJW ...
There is a huge difference here. Doctors, nurses and the support staffs don't get lung cancer, liver disease or whatever treating people who have willfully abused their bodies.
That is not the same with CONVID-19. You check into a hospital and you have put everyone from the first responders to the cleaning people in the hospital at risk of death, not to mention the doctors and nurses.
That was my original point.
Rub a Dub
some towns require everyone going outside to wear one.
one massachusetts city requires anyone from 5 up to wear a mask.
some cities require masks and have shut down parks and sports playing while others in a nearby town have no such restrictions.
I had a scarf I was wearing but thought of a better idea.
I made two from my wife's Victoria's Secret panties. Pretty easy actually. Took about 20 minutes each with a scissors, needle and thread. Wife got a little pissed because one pair were not the cheaper ones she gets on the sales (5 x $20 or something) but she has plenty. She just said she didn't want to be walking around with me outside with her since they have the Victoria's Secret name in the waistband.
The lace on one pair tickles a little around the ears but it is ok. I have to post a pic.
Rub a Dub
people want to get back to work, back to "normal" in many cases (whatever normal now means).
even trump is encouraging protesters in 3 states.. but with the covid-19 thing, this is not just a matter of a person taking a risk, as a person may do who smokes, takes illegal drugs or in other ways lives an unhealthy lifestyle.
in general, most (not all, since cost of insurance and public hospitals may be involved), but generally you are not putting the lives of others at risk.
I disagree with "by many".
sir82 ...
Maybe the media makes the number of protesters appear greater than what they are.
Buy it starts at the top. Trump has fomented much of this by his tweets, and I quote; 'Liberate Minnesota", "Liberate Michigan", "Liberate Virginia."
Yes, I do agree that there were, as you say, "Video of goobers walking around with misspelled cardboard signs, chanting nonsense ..."
Rub a Dub
just read article today blood plasma from recovered corona patients to be transfused into the seriously ill to see if antibodies in the blood can help.. i guess if your a witness you can just pray and write your will..
vaccinations, suddenly they were O.K,
Phizzy ...
And when cornea transplants became popular with older ones, the Noo Light switch suddenly made organ transplants ok, even though six months earlier in the WT it was a DF offense for cannibalism.
Rub a Dub
people want to get back to work, back to "normal" in many cases (whatever normal now means).
even trump is encouraging protesters in 3 states.. but with the covid-19 thing, this is not just a matter of a person taking a risk, as a person may do who smokes, takes illegal drugs or in other ways lives an unhealthy lifestyle.
in general, most (not all, since cost of insurance and public hospitals may be involved), but generally you are not putting the lives of others at risk.
sir82, giordano ...
I see that I didn't present my argument coherently.
I totally agree that you can infect others. I was just trying to explain that engaging in what we feel is dangerous behavior now could/should have repercussions. People are protesting to open things up and "get back to normal." I get it. But if it involves putting others in danger, then I am definitely against it.
But politicians are getting squeezed by many to open things back up. I was just presenting a point of view that if people insist on engaging in dangerous behavior, at least make them aware that they may not receive medical treatment for it since it is putting a lot of other people at risk.
With families, just like second hand smoke, it is hard to force behavior inside ones own home in our society.
Rub a Dub
people want to get back to work, back to "normal" in many cases (whatever normal now means).
even trump is encouraging protesters in 3 states.. but with the covid-19 thing, this is not just a matter of a person taking a risk, as a person may do who smokes, takes illegal drugs or in other ways lives an unhealthy lifestyle.
in general, most (not all, since cost of insurance and public hospitals may be involved), but generally you are not putting the lives of others at risk.
I'm just saying that I will not go to the hospital if I get the virus and possibly infect others.
If I put myself in danger, I am agreeing not to expect treatment.
JW's do it all the time with the blood issue.
Rub a Dub
people want to get back to work, back to "normal" in many cases (whatever normal now means).
even trump is encouraging protesters in 3 states.. but with the covid-19 thing, this is not just a matter of a person taking a risk, as a person may do who smokes, takes illegal drugs or in other ways lives an unhealthy lifestyle.
in general, most (not all, since cost of insurance and public hospitals may be involved), but generally you are not putting the lives of others at risk.
People want to get back to work, back to "normal" in many cases (whatever normal now means). Even Trump is encouraging protesters in 3 States.
But with the COVID-19 thing, this is not just a matter of a person taking a risk, as a person may do who smokes, takes illegal drugs or in other ways lives an unhealthy lifestyle. In general, most (not all, since cost of insurance and public hospitals may be involved), but generally you are not putting the lives of others at risk. This includes first responders, hospital workers, nurses, doctors, etc. Every day we see that some of these people get seriously ill or die, leaving families behind.
So would it work if people who want to take risks to just sign a legal document that they will refuse medical treatment if infected? JW's sign the blood documents refusing that treatment. Open the bars, nightclubs, restaurants, gyms, whatever. Just sign a medical waiver and take your chances. Just don't put others at risk.
Rub a Dub