We have our weekend show late on Saturday afternoon. I was happified by the week's content.
Rub a Dub
20/20 (this year's) hindsights, reading between the lines:.
par 7-10. hanna's infertility: problem?
go to the organisation for help; the center of worship, shilo, to eli and his sons.
We have our weekend show late on Saturday afternoon. I was happified by the week's content.
Rub a Dub
video conferencing systems are being installed in kingdumb halls.
this is being charged to the congregations.. the ability to video conference, zoom, directly from the halls will now be the thing.. i believe that the current situation has given the wts an idea.. if there are two kingdom halls in an area, then one can be sold.. congregations will split the use, half using the hall one week and zooming the next and visa versa..
lastman ...
I'm not sure what installing video conferencing systems means or could mean.
A cheap laptop now has video conferencing (camera, microphone) installed on it. So does the cheapest phone.
A nice corporate conference room has as interactive system with a camera and a unidirectional microphone pointed at each seat.
Just saying, a wide range of possibilities there.
Rub a Dub (ver 2.0)
good day believing brothers and sisters, .
i have to inform about latest information concerning the set up of a global authority.
we have waited un to be empowered.
These are interesting thoughts on a controversial matter.
Thank you.
Rub a Dub (ver. 2.0)
good day believing brothers and sisters, .
i have to inform about latest information concerning the set up of a global authority.
we have waited un to be empowered.
This is the new Rub, (Version 2.0), to not offend anyone or be controversial.
But the earlier versions of Rub would have had a field day this this guy/topic.
So goes progress.
Rub a Dub (ver. 2.0)
i think it’s time for business to reopen and let’s get the economy going again!
what say you??
I think things should reopen.
Rub a Dub (ver. 2.0)
miss piggy was thrown out of the zoom meeting because she was showing to much cleavage.. https://docdro.id/s9jhehton her way out she grabbed the co's briefcase and gave him the finger.https://docdro.id/szfjix4then miss piggy jumped into her hot rod and is delivering all the co's secret documents to the neighborhood.https://docdro.id/bed59f8if you are on the email list, these documents are already in your email.
so just keep eating your buttered popcorn.2020-04-27--broadcasting meetings2020- information notice of broadcasting congregation meetings2020-notice of broadcasting2020-information on broadcasting congregation meetingspetra!.
Please include me on email list.
Many, many thanks.
Rub a Dub
i'm new.. my first post here asking for a little support was deleted by myself due to the frosty and rude replies i received.
i don't actually understand what this forum is for if it is filled with hostile people.. little confused.. why is everyone here?.
Hello Kate ...
Some have different opinions here and we wish you the best. We appreciate the positive exchange of ideas to help us understand different perspectives and viewpoints.
Rub a Dub (ver. 2.0)
i guess you could make a case of more families being together although that might not be the best situation.
less cars and pollutants mean we can breathe better.
if you were ever uncomfortable in crowds, this could be good news.
There is less traffic now.
Rub a Dub (the new Rub a Dub, version 2.0)
just saw this on the news tonight.
england has come up with a covid vaccine at the oxford university.
india wants to start using it in a couple of months.
I find it a matter of concern that pets (dogs, cats) have apparently caught the virus. I hope they will not infect humans with it.
Rub a Dub
i rode my bicycle to the corner gas station / convenience store.i couldn't find my regular mask - so - i improvised.as i walked up to the young lady clerk, her eyes grewwide wide wider and she said:"that's a um very unique face mask you have there, sir.
"i grinned invisibly.
"yep, i actually made it from an old pair of purple boxer shorts.
Rub a Dub