I really don't understand the "college" issue and the polluting of the students' minds. Conservatives and many religious organizations, including JW's, have a very negative view of a college degree.
I personally think that's stupid reasoning.
I graduated from a good State University in the Northeast USA, in a typically liberal State. Later got a Masters degree. I NEVER recalled ANY real political stuff or anything to attack my faith in the courses I took. NEVER.
IMO, it's all about which type of degree you choose and which elective courses you choose.
I don't understand if you stay on a math/science/business focus and choose electives that are politically neutral that you can somehow get affected by evil.
I think I took enough Math, Chemistry, Accounting, Finance and Engineering courses that there was not a lot of "crap" where personal opinion is involved. Of some of the required liberal arts electives needed, I generally included numerous language courses in Spanish and French. Maybe a couple of Psychology courses were as close to "liberal" as I ever got.
At the Masters level, there was virtually no option to take any liberal arts stuff when on a technical path. 10 courses needed, and they tell you basically what you have to take.
If this stuff pollutes your mind and destroys your faith, then, well, that's ones opinion.
On the other hand, get some liberal arts degree or go to some liberal arts college. Major in "Wonders of the World" or "Meaning of the Universe" or some other nonsense and all bets are off. You will end up with professors having long hair, wearing dark sunglasses, dressed like hippies, sitting on their desks with their legs crossed and looking at the ceiling when they talk.
It's your choice.
As an additional note, I had more liberal arts "opinion" classes in high school where there were more required courses than I ever had in college. In college, I had much more flexibility in what I chose to study.