As far as i know the extra wine goes home with someone
Carla ...
My father (Congregation Servant who bought the wine) always brought the extra wine home and it was "gone" the next day.
how will the borg be able to count the partakers(144,000 anointed) since jws are to celebrate the memorial at home?
what about accurate counts for attendees?
what challenges do you see?
As far as i know the extra wine goes home with someone
Carla ...
My father (Congregation Servant who bought the wine) always brought the extra wine home and it was "gone" the next day.
this morning my wife made the comment ... "we'll probably experience famine next.".
i don't know that she'd come up with this on her own.
has anyone else heard a jw talking about this?.
I know that as borders continue to close enjoy your oranges and bananas while you can
hoser ...
Yes, enjoy them while you can. Once they close the state borders we will have them all for ourselves to enjoy here in Florida.
Sorry, could not resist. We'll just get screwed down here without fresh Jersey tomatoes. There is nothing like them. Expensive for the shipping, but nothing like them.
Rub a Dub
oh my goodness!
how come we never thought of this before?
if the israelites had animals to sacrifice to jehovah in the wilderness, then how come their god jehovah had to give them manna so they wouldn't starved to death?.
that story is full of holes.
waton ...
Maybe those sandals had a lifetime warranty to the original purchaser.
Rub a Dub
who needs a press secretary when the president details what is happening every day to keep us informed?
i think he’s doing a very good job considering what is happening in the usa and the world..
That is because you have the far right and the radical left who have taken over the parties.
JimmyYoung ...
I could not have explained it better. Those of us somewhere close to "the middle" who actually like to think and analyze things on a case by case basis get blasted from both sides.
Rub a Dub
who needs a press secretary when the president details what is happening every day to keep us informed?
i think he’s doing a very good job considering what is happening in the usa and the world..
Lhg... u r spot on ! Trump is doing better than anyone else could under the circumstances.
Min ...
Not to pee on the parade, but if Obama or Clinton did the EXACT, and I mean EXACT same thing, the right wingnuts would be going crazy for their lack of action.
I do give the people here credit after 9/11 that George W. had a 90% approval rating after his handling of the catastrophe.
No matter what the Orange Man does or the Lizard would do would please the other side. We have become like a parliamentary type of government where if you have one more on your side to create a majority you give the middle finger to the other side. It has become sad.
The days of the President (Ronald Reagan) and Speaker of the House (Tip O'Neil) argue like hell but then go out and have a beer or two and come back the next day and agree on policy are long gone.
Rub a Dub
oh my goodness!
how come we never thought of this before?
if the israelites had animals to sacrifice to jehovah in the wilderness, then how come their god jehovah had to give them manna so they wouldn't starved to death?.
Forty years in sand, dust, sand caked grounds, and their feet did not swell and their sandals didn't need repair?
R & R ....
IMHO, they were likely Birkenstock. They wear very well, from what I understand.
I could imagine some testimonials from those who wore those sandals and said "I wore these for 40 years and I bet I still have 10 years of tread-life left."
Rub a Dub
i think the american people need to get help on the coronavirus and leave it at that!
forget about adding things from the liberal agenda!
the house and the senate need to work together now to do their jobs..
Well she supported the bill.
Min ...
Yes, virtually everyone did except some guy from Kentucky who literally made people get in airplanes and fly back to Washington because he didn't like the idea of a voice vote.
Putting so many people in airports, airplanes and enclosed spaces for what?
Rub a Dub
this topic is to focus on status updates & advice (no opinion or politics please).. status.
latest status is that it's serious, probably isn't going to be contained and most large companies are making contingency plans, cancelling large events etc... which i don't think would happen if it was just people being alarmist.
the incubation period means it may have already spread further and infected many more people than are currently known, so expect jumps in the numbers over the coming days and weeks.. tracking.
We have the power - don't buy anything from Chinese companies or from companies that chose to outsource to China.
That is easier said than done. I was in Home Depot (not some mom and pop hardware store) with a friend a few months ago and when we were looking at all of the tools they sell, from major name brands, virtually everything comes from China or Taiwan. Try to find an American-made anything that has a power cord.
Go to places like Walmart, Harbor Freight, Northern Tool or many other places and if they took all of the Made in China stuff off the shelves there would be very little to buy. Try to buy small appliances here (toasters, blenders, irons, etc.) and good luck finding anything made in the USA.
I know it's very sad. Even for people who sincerely want to buy made in the USA it is really a challenge and for some products, impossible in the current situation.
Manufacturers and politicians have sold us out.
Rub a Dub
trying to put politics aside (even though that won't really work), but ny governor andrew cuomo is blowing the other politicians out out the water (orange man [trump] and the lizard [biden]).. i don't know if cuomo has a usb port in the back of his head plugged into a hard drive but the guy speaks, analyzes and talks coherently.
the orange man always passes difficult questions to someone else.
the lizard can't comprehend what the question is but tries to answer something.. cuomo comes out with facts, analysis and direction on what needs to be done.
After all -- "it's the economy, Stupid" is Rule #1 in politics now. Or, should I say, UNTIL NOW.
DesiriousOfChange ...
Yes, the same thing appears to be happening now in New Orleans after Mardi Gras. With people coming in from other states and from all over the world, they wanted to keep it going. As you mention, the almighty dollar is/was driving the bus.
Now some are saying that New Orleans will be the next epicenter of the virus. Louisiana appears to be getting screwed.
Plus, our Governor here in Florida (Repub. Ron DeSantis, who does at least generally sound intelligent) allowed the beaches in the State to remain open with 10's of thousands of hormone-driven spring breakers on the beaches and hotels from all over the country (and many from other countries). It's pretty obvious, cramming 8 or 10 spring breakers into a hotel room designed for a maximum or 4 is not conducive to the "6 foot rule." And obviously, the hormone thing should be obvious to most with who's doing what to who.
Obviously, the hotel and hospitality industry were pushing to keep things open.
Rub a Dub
one flew over the cuckoos nest.
The Woody Allen movie? With the "Orgasmatron"?
DesirousOfChange ...
Yes, the Woody Allen movie with the Orgasmatron!
I've probably watched it a lot more than 3 times when I need a laugh.
Rub a Dub