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JoinedPosts by RubaDub
dump google
by phoenixrising ini have noticed as of late that google searches are heavily filtering searches and shopping.
i know they keep track and monitor your activity but when i can not find things or articles because they don't fit googles bs naritive its time to leave.
duck duck go is my replacement.
HBO removes Gone with the Wind because its offensive.
by phoenixrising inas the altleftist idiots burn books, ban speech and now ban movies that does not conform to their twisted thinking never forget, those that start by burning books end up burning bodies.
People, what do you expect? It's about time.
The arrogant guy with the mustache smoked and used vulgar language on the screen, with his famous quote, "quite frankly, I don't give a d***"
There are young people who have access to HBO. What else should HBO do?
HBO removes Gone with the Wind because its offensive.
by phoenixrising inas the altleftist idiots burn books, ban speech and now ban movies that does not conform to their twisted thinking never forget, those that start by burning books end up burning bodies.
In today's world, Archie Bunker would be in handcuffs serving a life sentence in some max security prison.
Jehovah’s Witnesses Reject Plasma Injections for COVID-19
by Rattigan350 injehovah’s witnesses reject plasma injections for covid-19.
the jehovah’s witnesses have issues with modern medical information because this is seen as against the tenets of the religious faith.
If one of the heavies in the Borg gets the virus and needs the treatment, there will be Noo Light faster than refried beans passing through a goat.
This is who PMSNBC is holding up as legit
by phoenixrising inwaterhead sharpton is a racist, conman and idiot who can hardly speak.
but pmsnbc and other groups push him off as some kind or intellectual good guy.
Al Sharpton. From what I remember, he wasn't the typical, friendly politician-type.
About 20 years ago, I was in a hotel on a business trip. Baton Rouge Louisiana if I recall correctly.
I was talking to another guy from our company in the lobby and Sharpton and 3 or 4 other guys walked in. Sharpton is a relatively small guy. His black coat went down below his knees. But the "bodyguards" were all dressed in black and THEY were big. I mean big. I'm a relatively big guy myself, but I bet one of those guys could have twisted my head off with one hand.
Anyway, Sharpton was waiting for one of the guys to check everyone in. I told the guy I was with to take a picture of Sharpton and I together. He looked at me and said, ok, ok.
I went over to Sharpton and asked for a picture with the two of us. He gave me an odd look, didn't smile, but said ok. Al Sharpton and Rub a Dub. What a combination.
US military pussing out
by phoenixrising inthe us military is really pussing out over the past several years.
mixing women and men and wondering why women get pregnant on the front line and letting in trannys and others who should not be in the military now the bend over to terrorist groups like blm and others.
if we ever have to go toe to toe with the big boys of the world that do not puss out we may very well get our asses kicked.
Just because every 4 star general thinks Trump is a complete buffoon doesn't mean the military is light in the shorts. It just means Trump is a buffoon.
@the girl next door ...
I find your style of writing a bit sophomoric. Not to be overly critical, but you may wish to think more before you write.
In the context of what you wrote, the word "buffoon" should have been in bold CAPS.
US military pussing out
by phoenixrising inthe us military is really pussing out over the past several years.
mixing women and men and wondering why women get pregnant on the front line and letting in trannys and others who should not be in the military now the bend over to terrorist groups like blm and others.
if we ever have to go toe to toe with the big boys of the world that do not puss out we may very well get our asses kicked.
phoenixrising ...
I agree with your thoughts.
All these people in the military that don't know what they are or who they are don't belong there. Them gays, queers, skirts and others don't belong there. There should only be real men.
In the old days, as my father told me, when you went to the outhouse with pages of a Sears catalog to clean your butt and walked to school in waist-deep snow without shoes, it made you tough.
So sad, as you say, we are "pussing out."
Beards in the WT: Africa too
by neat blue dog inas many know, african languages have for decades been given their own alternate cover with black people.
their cover for the 2020 wt#3 also includes a bearded man.
this can not be a coincidence.
It’s well known that in Africa a child with a beardless father is considered as having two mothers.
2+2=5 ...
I don't quite get it. How does a person have two mothers unless the child is raised by a lesbian couple?
Well, when the child gets older in a heterosexual relationship, if you don't like either of your parents, I guess you could call them both mothers?
Beards in the WT: Africa too
by neat blue dog inas many know, african languages have for decades been given their own alternate cover with black people.
their cover for the 2020 wt#3 also includes a bearded man.
this can not be a coincidence.
Not to be religious/racial or anything, but they look like a Muslim family.
Don't take this in a negative way, but from an American gringo, I would not know the difference.
2 More Letters Arrived! (as of 2020-06-09)
by Atlantis in2 letters arrived.. .
2020-06-04--directions relating to covid-19----6 page letter.
Atlantis ...
Please send, you are great!