Who is Ted Jaracz?
...that i return home to my mother.
i can't keep fighting this fight anymore.
i'm torn daily with ambivelance re: the wtbts.
Who is Ted Jaracz?
hardly the topic of the week, but i just remembered this one.. a new sister was complaining to another about the heat, crowd and discomfort of the district assemblies held at the ballpark.
the older sister stated that it was a sign of jehovah's love for his people; he was getting us ready for the horrific trials of armegeddon.. when the young sister mentioned this to me, i said, "well i guess jehovah doesn't think much of the ones in __________, us.
they are sitting in an air conditioned theatre right now.".
Hardly the topic of the week, but I just remembered this one.
A new sister was complaining to another about the heat, crowd and discomfort of the district assemblies held at the ballpark. The older sister stated that it was a sign of Jehovah's love for his people; he was getting us ready for the horrific trials of Armegeddon.
When the young sister mentioned this to me, I said, "Well I guess Jehovah doesn't think much of the ones in __________, US. They are sitting in an air conditioned theatre right now."
She remained silent until I further stated, "And do you really think that -anything- is going to get us ready for Armegeddon?"
She thought for a moment and said, "I'm going to _________ next year instead".
Any others?
Oh, and am I the only one who cringed in despair when it was announced that Jehovah was blessing us with a four day convention next year in stead of a three day one? (To wild applause, I might add.)
hello, after one year of lurking i finally decided to write, introduce myself and tell my short story .
after being jw for more than 20 years, one year and 4 months ago, my husband read some news in internet.
it was the un affair.. i cant use any more words that have been already used to express what it ment to us to discover what we did.
Welcome. I feel as you do. Love Jehovah, love Jesus, try to love others. I don't always succeed. But I will keep trying.
when you were an active dub, did you comment at the hall because you believed what you were saying, or because you wanted to repeat what was said in the article and look spiritual?.
I hated commenting, and my answers were never the contrived garbage that was expected. I suspect that I was frequenlty not called on due to the uncertainty on the part of the conductor as to what I would say.
That did not stop me from turning my "talks" (such as they were for us mere women) into full blown theatrical productions, with usually two "householders", in one case having one woman storm off the stage in disgust at what I was saying. Hey, I believed in reality "talks" long before "reality TV". Nothing the elders could do about it once it was over, and no one asked to approve my talks before I got on. I suspect most everyone got a kick out of them. .
My concept of theocratic drama did not play well at my second hall; I was told in no uncertain terms that there was no need for creativity in my talks. Consequently, being the mature person I am, I stopped giving them.
i grew up in the religion and was baptized at.............supposedly the most important day in our lives and i cannot remember how old i actually was, anyways...... i believe it was 13 or 14. i was never disfellowshipped.
i have a "worldly" boyfriend whom i love dearly, and i no longer attend the "meetings".
i do not disagree with the organization entirely; in fact i am not even sure if i disagree with it at all.
Not at all. I'm glad you're here. Of course you're a bit nervous; the fear of "apostates" has been drilled into you, as it was most of us. Feel free to email me; I am pretty harmless.
a young woman i work with, and her husband, have been trying unsucessfully for three years to conceive a child.
she first took fertility drugs and then went for artificial insemination.
those methods have failed and now they are proceeding with in-vitro.
I really can't answer that, for I did not have a problem conceiving or carrying a child full term. I do not know the anguish of remaining childless, or repeated miscarriages or stillborns.
My sister and her husband did have that problem; eventually they went through the in-vitro process. They now have a beautiful daughter. I am so glad she is alive and blessing our lives.
It's so difficult to say what is "right" or "wrong". At least, for me.
it seems the wt god has successfully busted up another family.. my wife informed me that one of her friends husband gave her an ultimatum; it's goona be either the jw religion or him and she chose to follow wt doctrine rather than keep her family together.
another who's so-called taken stand for the trooth.
my wife is just berating the guy for leaving his family, but in my opinion it was not he who left, but his wife.
As a former Witness who got baptized while married to a nominal Catholic, I have to say that I felt terribly guilty over introducing my new beliefs to my husband and daughters, and went out of my way to make sure he was at least only minimally impacted. Now, in retrospect, I see that this was not in any way, shape or form the actuality. I feel for him now. True, in everything that did not go against what I perceived at the time to be God's will, I bent over backward for the man. I went out of my way to make up for the things I had given up. I bought him gifts all the time; did whatever he wanted, stayed home from meetings if he expressed loneliness...He was a lazy dope smoking abuser, quite frankly, and I had to take it all in the name of wifely submission. With a smile, I might add. He never spent one minute of time with the kids while I, as a result, became hopelessly enmeshed, to say the least.
Still, I feel bad now. Our marriage was terrible, to put it mildly, a hotbed of abuse and neglect. But I can see now where this only made things worse. He said we had nothing in common once I stopped smoking dope and voting. So that tells you a little about what kind of "union" this marriage was. But I need to see it from his viewpoint: I was the one who left first. So he felt justified in leaving me for real after a few years of JW nonsense.
I was doing what I really believed to be right at the time. I hope he has forgiven me. I hope my children have forgiven me.
when you left, or were planning to leave, did you plan your exit?
for myself, i had created a life outside the organization.
new friends, etc, so when i did the fade away, it was not as harsh as it has been for others.
I was disfellowshipped. Although I didn't go to many meetings at the time anyway. But I had no "doubts" then either.
anyone know of persons who tried to kill themselves or did kill themselves when they were df?.
and while i didn't try, i certainly felt like it.. beryl
Oh, and I would tell Jehovah I'd save him the trouble of killing me at Armegeddon. Then I 'd feel awful and pray for forgiveness, because I knew it wouldn't be any trouble for him to kill me at all.
Instead of praying for forgiveness for thinking of taking my life....
anyone know of persons who tried to kill themselves or did kill themselves when they were df?.
and while i didn't try, i certainly felt like it.. beryl
Anyone know of persons who tried to kill themselves or did kill themselves when they were DF?
I know of two myself. And while I didn't try, I certainly felt like it.