not everyone feels comfortable revealing details of themselves on this forum, and i've never met anyone on this discussion board (but of course i hope i will one day!
) and i just thought that it would be fun and interesting for all of us to post a little about ourselves!.
i'm 40, own 3 businesses, married to a jw wife (wish i wasn't) and am addicted to a certain website..., .
I am a 47 year old, twice divorced mother of two daughters. DF in 1994. Living in sin with a man who doesn't know one thing about the bible. Nothing. Been sick; getting better slowly. Consequently, I have a painfully boring, low-paying job. I think this time could be pivotal in my life, if I have the courage to allow it to be. I am currently taking a class on stand up comedy and will be performing in a comedy club outside Philadelphia in April. And I am the most passionate ( and least intelligent) AL STEWART fan in the world.
"She comes out of the sun in a silk dress running like a watercolor in the rain
Don't bother asking for explanations, she'll just tell you that she came
stand by for a nightmare end to the universe - a runaway expansion so violent that galaxies, planets and even atomic nuclei are literally ripped apart.
the scenario could play out as soon as 22 billion years from now..
If you add up the numbers one,nine, one and four you get 15. one plus five = 6. If you add the 1914 years from Eves birth to the 1914 years to Noahs baptism plus the 1914 years to Nebucadnezzars madness then the 1914 years to Jesus turning wood into a twelve piece dining suite then take away the time lost for meal breaks and preaching .. then divide by the number of Popes with syphilis .. hang on let me start again .. $%#&$ never could ghet the hang o' this deep stuff
..You "milk" drinker, you.
I only bought that one because I shy away from anything mathematical to begin with.
So many of the WT teachings are such a stretch. When I voiced my confusion or disbelief, I was told that I did not have the intelligence or the education of the GB to understand such things, so I needed to just accept them.
It is devastating when a woman loses a child during pregnancy. However, that child will not be resurrected because it did not yet take the breath of life.
Abortion is murder.
However, this murdered child will not get resurrected because SHE did not take the "breath of life" either.
Only babies who are live births will be resurrected.
The way I see it (yes, mere me, I admit it), you can't have it both ways. Either a fetus IS a human worthy of resurrecting, or it isn't, in which case, why would it be wrong to abort?
you all are so special, i just finished reading the thread i posted the other day and again you all made me cry(probably girl thing) not in a bad way but in a happy way,sometimes i think i found you guys just in because of your caring i would like to share my life story,no i won,t drag it on.i was raised in a home with two sisters and a brother,i was the youngest ,i am three years younger then one sister ,ten years between my other sister and twelve years younger then my brother.father was a beater,belts,boards but his favorite was his fists,i went to school with plenty of black eyes and lying were they came older sister and brother were married and out of the house and very seldom kids my brother and sister were beat also so there was alot of tenson when they did with my one sister and me we take the beatings for them and hide in our rooms hoping we didn,t do any thing to irritate our mother , i swear she would blow things out of perportion just to see us get beat , i think because she was beat so offen by my dad , i would hear them in my room at night or in the day , the shit would start to fly and we just parents were both drinkers but usually it was moderate until i was about ten years old and my sister was twelve, the drinking became out of control especially for my mom,fights got more intense till it was like living in a war got to the point that my mother never left her bedroom and was drunk twentyfour hrs.
a day, not even coming out to dad ,sister and me would do the shopping and cleaning and was ,well for my sister and me was becoming normal .then one day coming home from school ,i see the police, my older sister and brother are there..odd, they are all crying and inform me dad killed himself and they just took his body.
well , we have funeral moms drunk at , and all of a sudden everyone is gone to their own lives while my sister and me are stealing food to live.
when you know that so many things are untrue,whether it be doctrines, policies or history, and these bethelites still hang on, you've got to wonder why.
I'm quite sure old-time Bethelites are well-aware that their religion is being internationally exposed thousands of times a day on the Net and elsewhere. And they've known this for years, I believe.
Well, speaking for myself, I was too beaten into submission to look on the Internet to see if the WTS was being exposed. When I finally checked, I only took a cursory glance, and ran in fear. To the liquor store.
I have to say that I allowed myself to be conned into submission.
That is not my nature. I'm usually a rebel for any cause.
when you know that so many things are untrue,whether it be doctrines, policies or history, and these bethelites still hang on, you've got to wonder why.
Those Bethelites in their 40's, 50's and older, don't have much of a choice. They are stuck. Even if they have a skill, who's going to hire an old man?
All the birds flying around in 1984 was a sign that Jah was adding to their numbers in order for them to eat those who die at armaggedon!
That's disgusting It always bothered me how no one other than me appeared to be traumatized by birds eating humans at Armegeddon.
My Service Overseer told me he always checked and prayed before he got anything at a yard sale because a sister got a handbag once which told her not to go out in service every time she opened it.