You know, Scarlet, that's real easy to say when you're not the one in the situation. For some of us, it's not as simple as just being sick of it and getting out. Generally, there are a lot more factors in the equation. I know that I would've said the same thing as you did to someone years ago, at least until I found myself in a controlling relationship. I didn't choose for my life to be this way, yet it is. I try to make the best of it for now, until I get on my feet again...and
Very well put. I got pregnant at 18 and married to a real bastard, non JW (I wasn't one at the time either). He abused me verbally, emotionally and, on occasion, physically. I had two young babies and no where to go. No job skills, no family to take me in. Nothing.
The JWs came along, found out my story, just told me to submit to him. That would make it all better. Needless to say, it did not. But of course, they were right there when he left me, first of all claiming disbelief (he is such a nice family man!) and then to say "God has called you to peace". Which, in fact, I feel he did.
JW elders, for the most part, will NEVER encourage a woman to leave an abusive husband. I know of one JW woman. Her husband beat her, and beat their son. She finally couldn't take any more, so she left. She was harrangued constantly by the elders until she returned to him. That very night, he shot her and her son. They were only flesh wounds, but horrible....the elders didn't give a damn, and they sure as hell never said they were sorry.
I think JW men are ABSOLUTELY encouraged to be the "lord and master" and to look upon their wives as inferior.