I used to be a Jehovah's Witness. They kicked me out and shunned me. They said I wasn't annoying enough at the doors.
ALL your suggestions were great, but this one is a winner.
Thanks so much.
i need a funny reason why i was disfellowshipped.
like giving out watchtowers...to whom?
there's so much wit here.
I used to be a Jehovah's Witness. They kicked me out and shunned me. They said I wasn't annoying enough at the doors.
ALL your suggestions were great, but this one is a winner.
Thanks so much.
last week i attended the circuit assembly in wisconsin.
a couple of things to note: there was'nt much mention of the" faithful slave" in the talks.
this surprised me.
WORST person in the truth is better than the BEST person in the world. Mother Theresa is a piece of dead, decaying, dog crap compared to the pedophilic elder rubbing his wiener on a twelve year old
I absoluely NEVER bought this one. I tried and tried to debate this with the other dubs, but they held fast to the idea that nasty Sister S. was better than ANY wordly person b/c she "loved" Jehovah.
Yeah, right.
last week i attended the circuit assembly in wisconsin.
a couple of things to note: there was'nt much mention of the" faithful slave" in the talks.
this surprised me.
WORST person in the truth is better than the BEST person in the world. Mother Theresa is a piece of dead, decaying, dog crap compared to the pedophilic elder rubbing his wiener on a twelve year old
I absoluely NEVER bought this one. I tried and tried to debate this with the other dubs, but they held fast to the idea that nasty Sister S. was better than ANY wordly person b/c she "loved" Jehovah.
Yeah, right.
(note from mom -- cruzanheart -- our jennie, who is 9 years old, wanted very badly to join the forum, so we agreed that she could as long as she posts and reads while sitting on one of our laps, for censorship purposes!
she wrote the following essay over the weekend after we had a talk with her about the circumstances surrounding her grandfather's death.
she's letting me type it, but the spelling and punctuation is hers.).
Dearest Jenny,
I can't begin to imagine how awful you feel. I won't pretend to be able. But your grandfather must have been feeling really awful too. People hurt themselves when the pain they are in is too much for them to handle. It is not your fault. PLEASE believe that. It is true. It is not your fault.
I am available all week by email to [email protected] should you care to write.
(note from mom -- cruzanheart -- our jennie, who is 9 years old, wanted very badly to join the forum, so we agreed that she could as long as she posts and reads while sitting on one of our laps, for censorship purposes!
she wrote the following essay over the weekend after we had a talk with her about the circumstances surrounding her grandfather's death.
she's letting me type it, but the spelling and punctuation is hers.).
Dearest Jenny,
I can't begin to imagine how awful you feel. I won't pretend to be able. But your grandfather must have been feeling really awful too. People hurt themselves when the pain they are in is too much for them to handle. It is not your fault. PLEASE believe that. It is true. It is not your fault.
I am available all week by email to [email protected] should you care to write.
ok, whomever you are.
i must assume that i know you personaly.
i have my ideas who it is simply because i dont know very many people who are competent on the computer enough to find this site and are jw themselves.. .
my thoughts as well, we are talking about a bunch of guys who work at Piggley Wiggley for christ sake
Well, I have, myself, had worse jobs....
ok, whomever you are.
i must assume that i know you personaly.
i have my ideas who it is simply because i dont know very many people who are competent on the computer enough to find this site and are jw themselves.. .
always found it amazing how a DFed person would volunteer to tell you they were dfed and then at that point you would have to treat them like Sh!T- you got to love it when a "System" like wt has convince folks that at all times in all phases our ones life you still need to comply with thier policies-
Yes, I'm totally guilty of that. When I was recently DF and still going to meetings, I went with another DF person, and that person was told that by an elder who called her that DF persons were not to sit together. I told the woman, "We're DF? Why should we do what they say? And what can they do to us if we don't?" She whined that if we sat together, we wouldn't be showing repentence. I also once joined a Yahoo group for persons who were DF who wanted to go back. The list owner deleted the group when he found out the DF persons are not to have contact with one another.
Yes, I volunteer the information about being DF to Witnesses I meet. They always recoil in horror. I'm not going to do that anymore. However, I don't think any wll come to my door since the man with whom I am living says they never come here since he told them to F off.
well since everyone's mind is on the obvious...thought i'd add a twist to it and hopefully no flame war will come of it .
what is your fave war movie??
i have 2: full metal jacket and apocalypse now.
Lawrence of Arabia.
well since everyone's mind is on the obvious...thought i'd add a twist to it and hopefully no flame war will come of it .
what is your fave war movie??
i have 2: full metal jacket and apocalypse now.
Lawrence of Arabia.
i need a funny reason why i was disfellowshipped.
like giving out watchtowers...to whom?
there's so much wit here.
Funny. But unfortunately, no one there will know what an apostate it. I certainly never did, until I joined the WT.