You pursue your objectives with intensity and do not allow yourself to
be deflected from your purpose. You want to overcome the obstacles,
which you are faced with, and to achieve special recognition and standing
from your success.
This is very true. Although I don't do much these days, what I do when I'm really into something is definitely with passion and intensity.
The existing situation contains critical or dangerous elements for
which it is imperative that some solution be found. This may lead to
sudden, even reckless, decisions. You are self-willed and reject any advice
from others.
This is also true. Esp. about not taking advice. Rarely have. If ever.
YOUR RESTRAINED CHARACTERISTICSThis is too, too true. I am extremely affectionate by nature when I feel in a "safe" relationship. And I am very susceptible to what I perceive to be both esthetic and eclectic.
You long for a tender and sympathetic bond and for a situation of
idealised harmony. You have an imperative need for tenderness and affection.
Susceptible to anything the aesthetic.
YOUR DESIRED OBJECTIVEAbsolutely true, esp. the part about not wanting any problems or disturbances.
You desire protection against anything which might exhaust or tire you.
You seek a life of security and physical ease, free from any problems
or disturbance.
Anxiety and a restless dissatisfaction, either with circumstances or
with unfulfilled emotional needs, have produced stress. You try to escape
by intense activity, directed either towards personal success or
towards variety of experience.
Also true. I guess my intense activity, however, is pounding the keyboard at 95 wpm.