I didn't like it when the page entitled "Your restrained characteristics" came up and there weren't any.However, since my computer is now lying in pieces on the garden path, I don't have to worry about it.
Very good. Thanks.
go see if it is accurate........... http://www.colourtest.info/this is me...my existing situation.........you want to make a favourable impression and be recognised.
you need to feel appreciated and admired.
you are sensitive and easily hurt if no notice is taken of you or if you are not given adequate acknowledgement.. .
I didn't like it when the page entitled "Your restrained characteristics" came up and there weren't any.However, since my computer is now lying in pieces on the garden path, I don't have to worry about it.
Very good. Thanks.
go see if it is accurate........... http://www.colourtest.info/this is me...my existing situation.........you want to make a favourable impression and be recognised.
you need to feel appreciated and admired.
you are sensitive and easily hurt if no notice is taken of you or if you are not given adequate acknowledgement.. .
You pursue your objectives with intensity and do not allow yourself to
be deflected from your purpose. You want to overcome the obstacles,
which you are faced with, and to achieve special recognition and standing
from your success.
This is very true. Although I don't do much these days, what I do when I'm really into something is definitely with passion and intensity.
The existing situation contains critical or dangerous elements for
which it is imperative that some solution be found. This may lead to
sudden, even reckless, decisions. You are self-willed and reject any advice
from others.
This is also true. Esp. about not taking advice. Rarely have. If ever.
YOUR RESTRAINED CHARACTERISTICSThis is too, too true. I am extremely affectionate by nature when I feel in a "safe" relationship. And I am very susceptible to what I perceive to be both esthetic and eclectic.
You long for a tender and sympathetic bond and for a situation of
idealised harmony. You have an imperative need for tenderness and affection.
Susceptible to anything the aesthetic.
YOUR DESIRED OBJECTIVEAbsolutely true, esp. the part about not wanting any problems or disturbances.
You desire protection against anything which might exhaust or tire you.
You seek a life of security and physical ease, free from any problems
or disturbance.
Anxiety and a restless dissatisfaction, either with circumstances or
with unfulfilled emotional needs, have produced stress. You try to escape
by intense activity, directed either towards personal success or
towards variety of experience.
Also true. I guess my intense activity, however, is pounding the keyboard at 95 wpm.
go see if it is accurate........... http://www.colourtest.info/this is me...my existing situation.........you want to make a favourable impression and be recognised.
you need to feel appreciated and admired.
you are sensitive and easily hurt if no notice is taken of you or if you are not given adequate acknowledgement.. .
This is an update of the Luscher Color Test, very popular in the late 60s, early 70s. The original version had, I think, 64 colors; but the version sold in the stores had 8. I think you can still probably get it at stores. I had a lot of fun with it, analyzing my friends. I actually used it to ace a course on Doestoevsky. (Don't ask me how; I used that and the TV show The Dating Game.)
go see if it is accurate........... http://www.colourtest.info/this is me...my existing situation.........you want to make a favourable impression and be recognised.
you need to feel appreciated and admired.
you are sensitive and easily hurt if no notice is taken of you or if you are not given adequate acknowledgement.. .
This is an update of the Luscher Color Test, very popular in the late 60s, early 70s. The original version had, I think, 64 colors; but the version sold in the stores had 8. I think you can still probably get it at stores. I had a lot of fun with it, analyzing my friends. I actually used it to ace a course on Doestoevsky. (Don't ask me how I used it, it's a long story, but the professor loved it and so did the class. I used that and the TV show The Dating Game, which the prof, who was Russian, did not have a clue what it was about, but gave me an A anyway. Never did any of the work in college but I had a 4.0. But who's bragging? .)
Thanks for posting it.
i just got off the phone with cruzanheart.
she told me about someone i knew that passed away.
i don't remember her very well, but i remember she was very nice and very humble.
My heart is with you. Do go to the gravesite.
this morning they announce to the bethel family that brother milton
henschel passed away on
in the full time service for 69 years and was the 5th president.
That picture of him reminds me of the principal in Back to the Future. McFly!!!
Ummmm....I don't think that was his name. That was Marty's name (and of course, his dad's), wasn't it?
blood issue right now wanna give me a hand one of me many of them they are being childish.
Sorry, I got sidetracked on the way when I saw the Adult chats...
back when i joined the site i had lots of concerns and i was given some great advice by some special people here.
i'll miss you.
but the time has come for me to move on.
All the best to you. You're an extremely intelligent, articulate man. You will be missed.
No dubs offered aide of any sort.
This doesn't surprise me, but it's still sick. I'm so sorry for all of your terrible experiences
what does it take to take on life head to head?.
why does one sometimes feel so sad, so lonely better off dead.
i feel like i have a hole through the middle of my heart.
Perhaps one day I’ll find someone who cares.
Hey, I do care. FWIW...email me at [email protected]