I believe the answer should have been, "What is the NWT"?
Please remember to frame your answers as questions, contestants, and also, and this is important, buy the life insurance policy I'm currently hawking.
Alex Tre---
oh, sorry,
hey guys-.
my friends in the borg used to say that they heard on jeopardy tv show that a question came up once that said.......... what is the most accurage bible transalation ever created.
they said that the answer was nwt.. did anyone else ever hear that?.
I believe the answer should have been, "What is the NWT"?
Please remember to frame your answers as questions, contestants, and also, and this is important, buy the life insurance policy I'm currently hawking.
Alex Tre---
oh, sorry,
please help me find a post.. the other day a poster related an experience about how she was told that she was not allowed to sit with another person who was also disfellowshiped.
i have been trying to find that post so i can show it to my wife.
can someone help me find it?
That's why no one will look into the eyes of a disfellowshipped person.
While I was never brave enough to openly talk with a DF person at the KH, I most certainly looked them in the eyes and smiled. Again, that does not absolve me from my terrible sin of shunning persons based on what a group of three middle aged clueless men in polyester told me to do from a platform. It was wrong then; I knew it then; I still did it, but as usual, found "innocuous" ways in which to manifest my disapproval for the entire process of shunning.
I remember one sister's daughter was DF for getting pregnant (the boy involved was not - the reason being that she was "notorious" because she was pregnant....the WTS will always and forever find a way to punish women for their ability to create a life), and the sister with whom I studied said, "I'd like to call T. but I can't. Suppose her daughter answers the phone? I certainly don't want to say a greeting to her."
So, "T" never got phone calls from "C" merely because "C" did not want to speak with the DF daughter. How Christian was that?
Incidentally, "T" told me in advance her daughter was being DF. She mentioned this in front of about three other sisters besides myself. She said, "I just don't have the heart to sit there and go through that announcement and the humiliation." The other sisters were shocked when I said, "Well then, don't go." The counter-arguments were that this was a loving arrangement of Jehovah with which she needed to show she was in full agreement. (By the way, she wasn't.)
"T" took my advice. She stayed home.
please help me find a post.. the other day a poster related an experience about how she was told that she was not allowed to sit with another person who was also disfellowshiped.
i have been trying to find that post so i can show it to my wife.
can someone help me find it?
That's why no one will look into the eyes of a disfellowshipped person.
While I was never brave enough to openly talk with a DF person at the KH, I most certainly looked them in the eyes and smiled. Again, that does not absolve me from my terrible sin of shunning persons based on what a group of three middle aged clueless men in polyester told me to do from a platform. It was wrong then; I knew it then; I still did it, but as usual, found "innocuous" ways in which to manifest my disapproval for the entire process of shunning.
I remember one sister's daughter was DF for getting pregnant (the boy involved was not - the reason being that she was "notorious" because she was pregnant....the WTS will always and forever find a way to punish women for their ability to create a life), and the sister with whom I studied said, "I'd like to call T. but I can't. Suppose her daughter answers the phone? I certainly don't want to say a greeting to her."
So, "T" never got phone calls from "C" merely because "C" did not want to speak with the DF daughter. How Christian was that?
Incidentally, "T" told me in advance her daughter was being DF. She mentioned this in front of about three other sisters besides myself. She said, "I just don't have the heart to sit there and go through that announcement and the humiliation." The other sisters were shocked when I said, "Well then, don't go." The counter-arguments were that this was a loving arrangement of Jehovah with which she needed to show she was in full agreement. (By the way, she wasn't.)
"T" took my advice. She stayed home.
please help me find a post.. the other day a poster related an experience about how she was told that she was not allowed to sit with another person who was also disfellowshiped.
i have been trying to find that post so i can show it to my wife.
can someone help me find it?
Oh, and I stayed home too.
please help me find a post.. the other day a poster related an experience about how she was told that she was not allowed to sit with another person who was also disfellowshiped.
i have been trying to find that post so i can show it to my wife.
can someone help me find it?
Oh, and I stayed home too.
my father has just become a grandfather for the first time and may never get to see his grandson because my brother has cut off all ties with him.. my best friend was offered a free holiday by his parents so he would be away on the day of his sister's wedding.. and what have these people done to deserve such heinous treatment?
my father was disfellowshipped for adultery over twenty years ago, my best friend for smoking when he was seventeen.. i'm so mad i can't even put it into words properly.
i want to scream, i want to lash out at the despicable bastards who instigated this policy, and the snivelling cowards who obey it without question.. but what can i do?
There's enough pained people here on this forum to unite into something strong. Don't think we can't succeed because that's just not true. I for one am sickened to the back teeth of all the stories posted on the forum that echo Funky's pain in some way or other. If we don't do something the pain will go on and on and on and on........
What do you suggest we do? I'm game.
can somebody please help me with my problem?
i have this boyfriend, who is on probation for drugs and kicking the crap out of one of his friends.
he drug me down to kc with him & during that time my car broke down and so i have been sitting at his gay fathers house for 8 months without a car & job.
I don't think this is what you will want to hear, but you need to seriously think about this "relationship". I was married to such a man, and trust me, it only got worse as time went on. While it's wrong to say that a person will never change, the odds are that, without intervention of some sort, he will never change.
You sound powerless in this situation. I would try to find out what resources are available to you to help you get back on your feet and live the life you deserve to be living. If I can help, email me. [email protected]
can somebody please help me with my problem?
i have this boyfriend, who is on probation for drugs and kicking the crap out of one of his friends.
he drug me down to kc with him & during that time my car broke down and so i have been sitting at his gay fathers house for 8 months without a car & job.
I don't think this is what you will want to hear, but you need to seriously think about this "relationship". I was married to such a man, and trust me, it only got worse as time went on. While it's wrong to say that a person will never change, the odds are that, without intervention of some sort, he will never change.
You sound powerless in this situation. I would try to find out what resources are available to you to help you get back on your feet and live the life you deserve to be living. If I can help, email me. [email protected]
...the trinity.
or that jesus was god.
that disfellowshipping is unscriptural (it may be unloving, it may be unwise, but it does not appear to be unscriptural).
...the Trinity. Or that Jesus was God. That disfellowshipping is unscriptural (it may be unloving, it may be unwise, but it does not appear to be unscriptural). That immorality is tolerated by Jehovah.
This is just for starters.
This is an honest plea for help. I'm not trying to stir up trouble; I just still can't buy into the Trinity or the deity of Jesus.