None of the bigwigs want to jump into my thread? Am I unworthy?
Interesting. Who are the "big wigs" here? Not being nasty, just curious as to what your perception is. I don't really keep track myself. Beryl and WELCOME!
i've seen the reproductions of evidence in the ngo story.. let's say i was to discuss this matter with a local friendly elder.
i imagine that the following criticisms would ensue:.
1) that is not a real letter sent by the society (saying it was just for a library card, or as the version from portugal said, to gain favor in certain nations).. 2) the reply from the librarian at the un saying that becoming an ngo is not a requirement for a library pass is not real.. my main concern is with the latter.
None of the bigwigs want to jump into my thread? Am I unworthy?
Interesting. Who are the "big wigs" here? Not being nasty, just curious as to what your perception is. I don't really keep track myself. Beryl and WELCOME!
...cried through a meeting and, if so, what were the reasons?.
i cried through a lot of meetings at my second congregation while i was still in good standing.
i couldn't stop myself; i'd just cry quietly.
And the company they keep while hiding there: Jimmy Swaggart, Sun Myung Moon, Jim Bakker, what great soul mates.
Francois, what do you mean? This is news to me...
please.....learn from my mistakes: .
don't highlight your hair at home with one of those new "kits" that offers hair color and highlighting.
my mistake: not knowing how to highlight.
$160.00 later, plus tip, for corrective color has taught me one thing: let the experts do it.
I fully agree with this. But alas, I have no money. I've had to color my hair since I was 30 due to the gray, It is almost entirely gray now.
One thing which WILL work to undo hair dying mistakes is L'Oreal's Dye Remover (or something like that). I t took out much of the color deposited on my hair by dying it myself (can never color "just the roots" as one is supposed to), and I was able to re-color it. Looks great now.
ive been looking at an interesting site by a woman who receives transmissions from aliens called the zeta.
apparently the world as we know it will end may 15th when planet nibiru / marduk passes so close to our earth that an apocalypse will occur.
it last passed by when the noachian flood occurred.
It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)
That's one of my favorite songs!
ive been looking at an interesting site by a woman who receives transmissions from aliens called the zeta.
apparently the world as we know it will end may 15th when planet nibiru / marduk passes so close to our earth that an apocalypse will occur.
it last passed by when the noachian flood occurred.
It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)
That's one of my favorite songs!
butalbee is 21 .
imanaliento is 29 again .
Happy Birthday!
butalbee is 21 .
imanaliento is 29 again .
Happy Birthday!
i was looking at a pro jw site and i couldn't believe what i stumbled upon.
someone with a really good sense of humor posted a story about his take on day one after armageddon.
it goes to show the egocentricity of the jw's.
Now here's a question This always bothered me. Using the example of the Flood, JWs were told that few would be saved at Armegeddon. Also quoting Jesus when he said that few are the ones finding the road to everlasting life. T
However, the WTS would say that the "vast majority" of those "tested" after the thousand year reign would be faithful.
So I'm thinking, well HOW IS THAT FAIR? And how does that even make sense?
The people at the end of this system are living in a nightmare. The people at the end of the 1000 year reign would, supposedly, be living in Paradisaic conditions free of human imperfection. Now, while the WTS does not bother to explain what the loosed demons would be up to or how bad that time period will be, (no, it's not discussed in the Bible but when has the WTS ever had a problem "filling in the blanks" before?)
To my mind that is in no way, shape or form a fair test. The odds are completely with those who were fortunate enough to die prior to A. and have been resurrected. Yet the poor persons who had to endure the terrible "last days" in this system but did not become JWs are dead meat. Literally.
Also, only JWs will be saved at A. Okay, but how about those who would have become JWs had time gone on? Is it fair that they die because Armegeddon came before a time in their lives when they could get to know Jehovah?
I asked a few "good" Witnesses about this. (You can be damned sure I didn't ask any elders; I'd have gotten into a heap of trouble.)
They all told me that it's what you are doing NOW that is important. No matter if you were a good JW for years, but stopped going because you're suicidally depressed because your husband beats the hell out of you and your children. That does not come in to play, according to those with whom I spoke.
Further reasoning on this, I came to the conclusion that if A. had come when I was, say, 10, I would have been destroyed. Hell, I didn't even know what a JW was then. But as my parents were Catholics I, apparently, was doomed.
Yet I did go on to become a a JW. At that time (when I was a "good" JW), my "heart" was apparently in a good condition, but prior to becoming baptized it was not?
Either I have a good heart or not. End of story. True, circumstances can change and embitter a person, and "good" and honest persons can make bad decisions, but generally, in the final analysis, a truly honest hearted person stays that way.
I'm typing fast and I'm rambling here. If anyone can help me crystalize my thoughts and give them some shape and substance, I'd truly appreciate it.
i was looking at a pro jw site and i couldn't believe what i stumbled upon.
someone with a really good sense of humor posted a story about his take on day one after armageddon.
it goes to show the egocentricity of the jw's.
Please write day three.
I was never able to imagine Armegeddon. Just the thought was too horrifying. None of my relatives were JWs and I couldn't bear the thought of them dying. I didn't think I'd make it either.
I can't imagine how so many could possibly rejoice over the death of billions. It always horrified me. An elder in my book study was actually gleeful about it.
I consoled myself by thinking that billions would actually come into the "truth" before the end.
please give a number of examples to prove that jw's are a controlling group.
CULT CONTROL MECHANISMSDmouse, did you write this? If not, who did and from what source did you get it?
Thanks so much.