I'm from the Philadelphia area. What about the METRO? It's free (not to advertise in, but the readers pick it up all over Center City for free), and everyone reads it.
Oh, how about the "alternative" papers like Philadelphia Weekly?
i'm looking for some people from philly and the surrounding area to help me in ministry by providing me with some names of newspapers that are well read.
i am advertising a 24 hour recorded message for jws in the classified section.
i'm not looking to advertise in the philadelphia inquirer or daily news as these are way too expensive.
I'm from the Philadelphia area. What about the METRO? It's free (not to advertise in, but the readers pick it up all over Center City for free), and everyone reads it.
Oh, how about the "alternative" papers like Philadelphia Weekly?
according to my brother the big elder, this is it!!!
this war with iraq will bring on armageddon for sure!!!.
so if thats the case (and he is an elder so he can't be wrong can he??
But when Armageddon starts in a few weeks or months whatever, then Jehovah will kill the Iraqi civilians (beucause they aren't JW's), if there are any left to kill of course, but these Iraqi's WON'T get a resurrection because they died at Armageddon!So then, according to Jehovahs Witness doctrine, its much better for an Iraqi to get killed now. I hope the Iraqis know about this "truth" and act accordingly!!
And I never bought this. Not even as a "good" JW. Or rather, a JW in "good standing". I was never a good JW. Rather, a neurotic but nice one.
I wonder why I was so neurotic? I'm not nearly as bad now. In fact, I don't think I'm neurotic at all, save for when I examine my JW ideas....and over the fifteen pounds I've gained recently.
what i did was tell my wifes story on the site, not only did they delete the post but also kicked me out.
so now i am df from the site, they are so loving.
I am so sorry. While I can understand why it was done (JWs are only "happy" when they are hiding their heads in the sand, and your post was a threat to their "spiritual paradise"), I am nevertheless apalled.
Do write if you'd like. [email protected]
now here's a question this always bothered me.
using the example of the flood, jws were told that few would be saved at armegeddon.
also quoting jesus when he said that few are the ones finding the road to everlasting life.
Francois, I wish I could believe your kind and beautiful words, but I can't. Maybe I'm too brainwashed; I don't know. The Bible clearly indicates that many pesons will die at Armegeddon. I am guilty of fornication. No matter that there's nothing I can do about that right now (long story); I'm sinning and I know it. Fornication is wrong, according to the Bible.
I don't know if I can stop believing in the Bible. I absolutely hated it before I studied with JWs; in fact, I refused to open it at first. I used only the WTS books. That was my choice, because I used to see the Bible as an antiquated book for of hatred for women.
Now, I just don't know. The Bible and the JWs introduced me to Jehovah. As far as I know, no other group does that...tells people about Jehovah....I don't know.
I have prayed and prayed, and nothing Nothing. I am scared and confused. Totally drained from all of this. The very core of my belief system has been shaken by the revelation of what the WTS is really all about.
I've said it before and I'll say it again:
I just want to get to know the true God and do that God's will.
Is this asking too much? I really, at one time, thought the JWs were it....but I don't think they can be anymore...not after all I've learned. Maybe I"m wrong...maybe I'm making a big mistake.
I want to worship Jehovah his way. I don't know about other religions because I can't buy the Trinity or hell, either.
I don't know where to go.
I know that I have a lot of "internal" work to do, but I'm in such a daze all the time from the benzo withdrawal (long story); I feel like I've taken a bottle of NyQuil all the time, it never stops...(read the FAQ here and check out the symptoms: I have most and have had for a year now. Took Klonopin for ten years. I was fine on it. However, I lost my medical insurance and had to go off it. This is what happened:
Sorry to ramble. I am getting desperate. So much research, months of looking into the "truth about the truth"; I can't take anymore.
I'm beginning to think there are no answers and that we all just have to muddle along with only ourselves. Perhaps when I get better, I will learn to be content with that. I don't know.
I have never been so lost and confused in my entire life. My life fell apart when I got sick and I literally lost everything I had. Had to live with my abusive father...Tim was loving and let me stay here. He's generous and kind, he literally saved my life. But I'm fornicating, and I hate that. Doesn't stop me from doing it, though...
I just don't know what to do. It is painful to the extreme. I am getting obsessed with all this. I am so lost....
Where and how did everything go wrong?
hi gang..... i havent posted for quite a while but i thought you would like to know that all the tests and brain scans ( not the brain washing kind... already done that ) have revealed that i have fibro my algia,,,,, and not multiple sclerosis like i thought i had .... bo y am i glad those tests came back negative........ .
so as many of you know there is no cure for this disease ,,,, except pain meds and exercise....... its symptoms are fatigue,,, sleeping problems...many sore spots on your neck and legs...... and so everyday i go for a walk at our local mall and it seems to be helping me alot .... i am trying to keep a positive attitude and stay away from meetings and soo---called friends i used to have....... now i have all of you...........one way leads to diamonds ,, one way leads to gold... another way leads toeverything youre told... in your heart you wonder which one of these is true...when you find the answer in you.......so in all your journeys you may travel far ,, pilgrim its along way to find out who you are.,...........
I feel for you. I have that as well. Have had it for a long time. It is a little better than when it started, but it's pretty bad nonetheless. Take good care of yourself, please.
i was wondering as i have been lately; did i turn my back on god and am i wrong for turning my back on the organization?.
are there any of you out there that feel like you have a real personal relationship with god with or without religion in your life?
do you still call god jehovah?
I use to think this was God's organization until I read and heard of how families are torn apart from the shunning issue, again being an organizational decree decided by a 2/3 vote. could you imagine Jesus ever shunning someone
Badjerry, can you please tell me more about this?
now here's a question this always bothered me.
using the example of the flood, jws were told that few would be saved at armegeddon.
also quoting jesus when he said that few are the ones finding the road to everlasting life.
The peace and wholeness that you seek is already yours. You are just looking in the wrong places.
You know, I truly appreciate your thoughts, but how on earth does one even begin to do this?
now here's a question this always bothered me.
using the example of the flood, jws were told that few would be saved at armegeddon.
also quoting jesus when he said that few are the ones finding the road to everlasting life.
Those who "go with Satan BY FAR ...out number those who prove faithful.
Thanks. I hated the Revelation Book and threw it out as soon as I left, so I can't look up your references. I truly appreciate you bringing this up. However, I am certain that I heard or read somewhere that the people who turn against Jehovah will be a small number....I wonder if the WTS changed their views?
Nah, that never happens.
i was wondering as i have been lately; did i turn my back on god and am i wrong for turning my back on the organization?.
are there any of you out there that feel like you have a real personal relationship with god with or without religion in your life?
do you still call god jehovah?
So I pored my heart out to Jehovah and I asked him are you really even out there? Who am I praying to? Prove you exist. I went on and on and told him everything I was feeling. And right after I said Amen I felt this unbelievable feeling of relief and calmness. I could not believe it I was so amazed! Never in my life did I feel such a sigh of relief!
I am so glad for you, but this has never happened to me. I have prayed and prayed, but....nothing.
I just don't know what to do.
now here's a question this always bothered me.
using the example of the flood, jws were told that few would be saved at armegeddon.
also quoting jesus when he said that few are the ones finding the road to everlasting life.
Now here's a question This always bothered me. Using the example of the Flood, JWs were told that few would be saved at Armegeddon. Also quoting Jesus when he said that few are the ones finding the road to everlasting life. T
However, the WTS would say that the "vast majority" of those "tested" after the thousand year reign would be faithful.
So I'm thinking, well HOW IS THAT FAIR? And how does that even make sense?
The people at the end of this system are living in a nightmare. The people at the end of the 1000 year reign would, supposedly, be living in Paradisaic conditions free of human imperfection. Now, while the WTS does not bother to explain what the loosed demons would be up to or how bad that time period will be, (no, it's not discussed in the Bible but when has the WTS ever had a problem "filling in the blanks" before?)
To my mind that is in no way, shape or form a fair test. The odds are completely with those who were fortunate enough to die prior to A. and have been resurrected. Yet the poor persons who had to endure the terrible "last days" in this system but did not become JWs are dead meat. Literally.
Also, only JWs will be saved at A. Okay, but how about those who would have become JWs had time gone on? Is it fair that they die because Armegeddon came before a time in their lives when they could get to know Jehovah?
I asked a few "good" Witnesses about this. (You can be damned sure I didn't ask any elders; I'd have gotten into a heap of trouble.)
They all told me that it's what you are doing NOW that is important. No matter if you were a good JW for years, but stopped going because you're suicidally depressed because your husband beats the hell out of you and your children. That does not come in to play, according to those with whom I spoke.
Further reasoning on this, I came to the conclusion that if A. had come when I was, say, 10, I would have been destroyed. Hell, I didn't even know what a JW was then. But as my parents were Catholics I, apparently, was doomed.
Yet I did go on to become a a JW. At that time (when I was a "good" JW), my "heart" was apparently in a good condition, but prior to becoming baptized it was not?
Either I have a good heart or not. End of story. True, circumstances can change and embitter a person, and "good" and honest persons can make bad decisions, but generally, in the final analysis, a truly honest hearted person stays that way.
I'm typing fast and I'm rambling here. If anyone can help me crystalize my thoughts and give them some shape and substance, I'd truly appreciate it.