would kill their own mother to save their own hide.
And that's exactly what the daughter would be doing. It's not loyalty to Jehovah....it's thinking, "Oh, hell, if I want to live, I gotta off my own Mom...."
i read this quote at tom's site (thanks tom!
) and then looked it up for myself on the wt cd.
this is truly disturbing and shows their true mindset....this is from the nov. !5th 1952 question from readers.
would kill their own mother to save their own hide.
And that's exactly what the daughter would be doing. It's not loyalty to Jehovah....it's thinking, "Oh, hell, if I want to live, I gotta off my own Mom...."
since it's very close to the memorial celebration, i thought that this question might be appropriate.
did you ever feel that you might just want to go to heaven???
or was your future only an earthly one?
work. They make it seem like you were going to be fetching water and washing dishes by hand and doing laundry by hand and gardening. I don't really like any of that stuff so I just couldn't understand why when we have all the modern conveniences now we were going to go back to doing everything by hand. It just doesn't make any sense. How are you going to travel. Horse and buggy...great it will take months to go and visit someone
One of the elders in our cong used to tell the women all the time, "You are going to have to do without all your modern conveniences. You are going to have to get used to that."
He belabored the point so much one of the women finally said to him, "So what are you going to do without your electric razor?"
Of course, that wouldn't propose much of a problem, because that was only one item as opposed to the many women use to do their housework. Yes, it is going to be a lot of fun if there's no electricity.
However, many in our cong used to argue that there would be electricity, and that Jehovah could certainly show us how to use it properly without polluting everything. We wondered who would run the power plants, and the obvious conclusion was that the angels weren't do ing anything better, let them do it.
i spent the week with a few people, 2 jw's and their 2 non-believing husbands.
a few different situations arose that suggested to me that some of these people are a little bit crazy.
now, i'm not talking about certifiably crazy,i'm talking about just a little bit nuts.
BTW, Min, glad you're back.
i spent the week with a few people, 2 jw's and their 2 non-believing husbands.
a few different situations arose that suggested to me that some of these people are a little bit crazy.
now, i'm not talking about certifiably crazy,i'm talking about just a little bit nuts.
No. Absolutely not.
I listened to people tell me I was crazy all my life. I used to believe them. I don't anymore.
I'm very unusual in some ways, but I am in no way, shape or form, crazy.
I know that now. I used to play to my "audience", and give them what they wanted. Like believing myself that I had multiple personality disorder. I do not; nor have I ever. I dissociate at times, but so do we all. Daydreaming itself is a mild form of dissociation.
All my critics go f themselves, because I'm just fine. Flawed but fine.
earlier this week, british cemetries in northern france were vandalised by persons objecting to the war in iraq.. .
a uk newspaper carried this report:.
the showpiece cenotaph at the graveyard in northern france was smeared in red paint with the words: dig up your rubbish.
How Do The French Feel About Us?
Why would you even care?
okay, my comedy instructor says i can not use satan in my comedy routine...it's a shame, it really fit when i describe being a witness.
the bit about being df b/c i wasn't annoying enough at the doors was very well rec'd by my classmates, but i am leading in by saying how strict the religion is.
to what may i compare being a jw?
Well....can't make it. Tim's too sick....but thanks to all of you. My instructor said to email him Monday and maybe he'll have some suggestions for me as to where to perform. It all came together beautifully at the end.
i know you have them: embarrassing moments you wish to erase forever.
its the really strong urge to hit that giant undo button but there is none.
In sophomore year we took a trip to some artsy town in Pennyslvania; the name escapes me. At one point, the teacher stood up and said, "We are going to now pass by the point in the Delaware where George Washington crossed this river.
At that moment, I looked out the window and saw this tiny little stream. I blurted out, "He needed a boat to cross THAT?"
Literally one second later, the Delaware came into view. Definitely boat-worthy.
I was so embarrassed.
i know you have them: embarrassing moments you wish to erase forever.
its the really strong urge to hit that giant undo button but there is none.
I was in high school. The place to hang was the library if you wanted to talk, eat, laugh and have some "fun".
Unfortunately, after about a month of that, the librarians decided they'd had enough. They started telling us to be quiet, etc., or they'd throw us out. They were as annoying as hell.
One day a friend said to me, "I can't decide which of these two librarians is worse."
I said, "Well, maybe we should have a poll."
We proceeded to conduct a "Which Librarian Do You Hate the Most" poll, in which we described both women as unflatteringly as possible, then asked the respondent to choose.
Finally, we asked one freshman. He thought for a woman, then said, "Definitely the tall, skinny, ugly one. That's my mother."
Class of 1973, Paul VI High School
okay, my comedy instructor says i can not use satan in my comedy routine...it's a shame, it really fit when i describe being a witness.
the bit about being df b/c i wasn't annoying enough at the doors was very well rec'd by my classmates, but i am leading in by saying how strict the religion is.
to what may i compare being a jw?
Okay, my comedy instructor says I can not use Satan in my comedy routine...it's a shame, it really fit when I describe being a Witness. The bit about being DF b/c I wasn't annoying enough at the doors was very well rec'd by my classmates, but I am leading in by saying how strict the religion is.
To what may I compare being a JW? HELP! In the sense that JWs are not allowed to do anything but preach.
Also, when I mention how it feels to be thrown out of the world's least popular religion, someone suggestion I liken it to being thrown out of some organization to which anyone can belong . Can't think of what that would be.
Also, when I talk about my second husband leaving, (the Englishman), I mention how he got everything I had. True enough. What would be the one thing he would have left behind because as a Brit, he wouldn't touch the stuff? (someone suggested toothpaste, no offense, dear British readers). I suggested his tube of SPF 900 British Pasty White sunscreen, but was told it wasn't funny and it was too long.
(Actually, he had the most beautiful complexion, as did all his family and friends. )
Any last minute suggestions would be more than welcome.
Actually, I now don't have a way to get to the club as Tim is very sick.....But I'll get there somehow.
terrorists thank american protesters
by: benedict arnett with special arrangement of al jerksrah news service.
wednesday 02 april 2003
Oi! Indeed!
I haven't heard that since I was married to that sorry Liverpudlian-cum-Yorkshireman.
Berten, are you from Liverpool?