JoinedPosts by berylblue
by xjw_b12 inbest of seven series tied 0-0 | series page(1) dallas.
best of seven series tied 0-0 | series page(2) new jersey .
best of seven series tied 0-0 | series page(2) detroit.
Hi, I'm new. I would like to get to know you.
by Bugs Bunny ini'm from the states.
i studied with witnesses a long time and have some dear friends who are witnesses.
i have some friends who are xjw also.
When The Circuit Overseer Visited, Why Did You Do More Than Usual?
by minimus inwas it pressure, the desire to conform, was it because you thought that you could work in service with him???
were you trying to get appointed?
did you really think it was a "special week of activity"?
Even while I was a new study, if the CO was unpopular, the sister begged me to have him and his wife for lunch. I was really, really poor and my house was fallling apart (albeit immaculate, however, the holes in the carpet and the shabbiness of the furniture certainly made it seem less than clean). This went on for a few years. The sister would lay a guilt trip on me, and I would host the lunch. Or have the semi-senile git on my study. Invariably, he'd tell me everything I was doing wrong, even though I wasn't even a publisher.
When we had the "hip" young CO and his wife, persons used to fight over having them to lunch. I did have them once, and we had 30 or so "crashers". It was good I'm so neurotic about having enough food when I entertain (being Italian-American, I think it's shameful not to have enough left over to serve an entire city block for a week), because the "crashers" ate every last morsel I had.
This despite the fact that it was announced that just because one went out in service that day, it did not mean one was invited to the CO's lunch. Hell, I'd have had them if I could have....they were literally jammed in the tiny place and the CO and his wife "hid" on the porch anyway....
I'd always save up money to give to the CO and his wife.
Oh, and I used to get stuck feeding the DO too....
question for all who read CoC
by Realist ini have a question that i really would like to get answered.... did ray franz mention anything about whether the gb members actually believe they are inspired by god or whether they are fully aware that what they spew out is nothing but pure bs!?.
would be great if someone could enlighten me on this!
In such an event, given that Spirit leading is uniform, all votes would be identical.
Francois, this is so true.
Wasted Time
by Thunder Rider inhow many of you have hurt the ones you love by exposing them to the "truth"?
i was the one who was a dub, i got sheilam to "convert".
i caused her a lot of pain and stole a big part of her life for it.
Wow, Thunder. Just beautiful.
Congratulations to two beautiful persons on their anniversary!
who received a beautiful letter from her partner Tim on January 1, 2003, and finally understood the meaning of love
Do You Now Appreciate Your Worth Since You Are Out Of The Organization?
by minimus inso many people that are witnesses feel down and unworthy.
do you still feel this way about yourself??
I am absolutely beginning to see that I have some inherent worth. Because I'm me, not because I give cars to rich Witnesses....lol
Last Night's Nightmare
by Robdar ini woke up with my heart racing this morning.
i had an awful dream that i had gone home to visit my parents and that everybody in my former cong came bye to say hi.
in my dream, all the men had on suits and all the women had on floral dresses.
Be glad you wake up, and it's simply that: a dream
First of all, yes, I'm so glad it was only a dream.Robyn, write if you'd like to talk about the divorce. Mine was hell.
Finally, I had a terrible, terrible Armegeddon dream the other light. I woke up screaming. I won't go into details, b/c it was simply too horrific, but I have them all the time.
Then & Now
by RAYZORBLADE ini think this post may be an absolute: no brainer
personally, when i was an active naive jw, i studied the bible and could rattle scriptures off, left right and centre.
real good fundie.
I am honestly not sure....
By the way, it was my birthday yesterday.... April 8th, 1969
by anti-absolutist init's weird that, 11 years after getting df'd,and 8 years after vowing to never go back, i still kind of felt guilty toasting my birthday with my friends.
i am a hell of a lot closer, though, to feeling no shame at all, and a lot of you are to be credited with my freedom......... .
Happy birthday!
Hello, I am Vivamus' Mum and new to the board
by Country_Woman ini am vivamus' mum, and i have heard so much about you, that i'd like to meet you all myself.
i joined the witnesses in 1998, but i have always doubted the organization, but not the faith.
i am still jehovah's witness, but i am sure that the elders will kick me out as soon as possible, should they know what my real thoughts about the organization are.
Welcome! So glad you're here.