I really believe the armageddon myth, like most of the horror stories modern religion teaches, is nothing more than that... a story. Since ancient times people have used stories to explain natural events....
I have explained it to my step-son this way: The earth has been changing for millions of years. There is a cycle of life and death that everything in the world is a part of. Death exists so that new life may exist... if nothing died, nothing can be born. A leaf dies, falls from the tree, only to nourish new life. Life on earth has changed, and will change again. The bible seems to leave that out.... where does the story of creation leave the dinosaur?(if you have an answer to that one let me know... it is a sincere question)
Are we to believe that this marvelous cycle of life, is punishment for sins? Does man die because Adam and Eve ate from the wrong tree? Why would man be the only thing on the entire planet that was designed to NOT be a part of this cycle? Armageddon would most certainly not be the first world-wide cataclysm. What of the ice age? I believe the earth itself is a part of God's great cycle of life. It grows life and that life dies in order that new life may take it's place. No two people have been exactly the same since time began. No two life-forms the same.
We now know through examining the world around us, that the earth is millions of years old. Life has changed on the face of the planet many many times... perhaps more than we can know. One day it will be mans turn. Man, like any other parasite has only TAKEN from its host. That host (the earth) will most certainly find a way to rid itself of the modern dinosaur, so that new life may exist.
Perhaps it wasnt a "prophecy". Perhaps even our ancestors knew that life had changed on the planet. Perhaps they knew that life would change again. The armageddon myth, like any other has been used to instill fear and control. The whole idea that a loving god, a perfect god.... screwed up, and has to start over in a blaze of fire.... well a little contradictory dont you think. I mean when you "create" YOUR first child, and he eats the dessert you were saving for the party...... are you gonna "wipe him out" start over with a new kid and say "oh well, that first kid.... he was a bad seed... ate all the wrong things... had to wipe his butt off the planet" .... and we arent even God..... seems like he/she had a little more insight than that!
Thats just my opinion though. I believe God comes to every man in a way that that person can accept. Even the Jehovah's Witnesses..... perhaps they need that way of thinking. Perhaps without a 'good reason' they cannot follow their own rules. They dont believe in 'eternal damnation' so perhaps they have simply found this concept as a way to believe in god. The trouble is, when you force those beliefs, or use them to instill fear in others... then you are interfering with the spiritual developement of others. Christianity itself is sort of a 'necesary evil" I think. Without it the kings of old, couldnt control their people.... I mean the man had his name put on the cover of the bible for goodness sake! it says right there in big Gold letters........ The King James VERSION of the bible. Well that's his version.. right?
Thanx again for this forum... I have been on this site for almost two days... cant get enough. Love to hear all the opinions and Ideas.... love that you people dont fight in here...hope that you find god in whatever form is right for each of you.