Quoting a journalist friend:
We all have our tendencies towards certain ideologies or belief systems. For example, you can be a follower of Christ or be convinced socialism is the best socio-economic system, it doesn't matter. I'm an atheist. We are all different. We all have our individual or shared beliefs.
Now, I feel we're being generally quite hypocritical as we tend to be more lenient towards acts of brutality depending on how loyal or disloyal we are to their alleged cause.
I'm quite impressed by some of these scholars and how they really lay the responsibility of extremist elements within their own community. We should do this too. Ultimately, the justest way is to meet in the middle. It's where I meet my friends. We do this by moderating the extremes on our own end, not by targeting our so-called opponents.
BTW I live in Colombia. Since 1977 about 142 journalists got killed here (and none by a Muslim).