While I've mentioned it before in my other posts about annual reports, the population pyramid of the Organization is the clearest indicator of the its decline we have. No matter what tweaks the GB does, it will not overcome the fact that it is controlling an aged religion and one that will collapse upon itself due to the lack of numbers. We all know of course that at 0.4% increase (which is actually zero by the HQ own reporting methodology) is less than the global population growth rate of 1%, however what I think is clearer this year's report, is picture occurring from third world countries.
These previous hot spots of growth (with higher than average fertility rates) have now cooled off. This should not be surprising because, while these lands may be poor economically, the people there are very quick to work out whether or not something has real value. When they have to choose to go to another meeting or to work to literally feed their families, the choice is easy, no matter what the slickly made 'trust in Jehovah' videos say.
Population Pyramids aren't that sexy as compared to other scandalous news items we get from time to time, but they are most truly; predictive fact. And if the Faithful Slave is honest enough to release an annual report next year, I fully expect it to contain ... a negative global growth number, despite the millions of hours in the field.