I believe and hold true that it is an abomination because the Bible says so. I believe homosexuals are morally incorrect, and have a free choice on wether they want to follow a straight path, or a crooked one. I don't believe God creates abominations, we do. He sets forth the rules and we are the ones that break them. But again, as a Christian, that's what I believe.
JoinedPosts by ClassAvenger
Why does God create abominations?
by CPiolo inmany religious folks, including fundamentalists, moderates and liberals, from a multitude of faiths, including jehovah?s witnesses, claim that homosexuals, bisexuals and trans-gendered individuals are abominations in the eyes of god.
they believe these people are sinners of the worst sort, that their behavior is a perversion, is evil, dangerous and a threat to society, the family and/or ?family values.?
these poor souls are going to be punished in some way by god for their choices and behavior ?
Tonight I am sad..very sad
by fulano in.
i was thinking of our friends who were tortured and who died in the concentration-camps in germany and other countries during ww2..and that all in vane as i understand now.. i was thinking of the missionaries of age who are frustrated in their assignments, who see how their lives have gone with no reward and finally without a purpose.. i was thinking of bethelites of age, with no change to go back into real world.. i am glad i had the guts to leave missionary-work at the age of almost 40 and at least have the next 40 years a real life!.
Fulano, I agree with Hooberus, God is real. I am no one to tell you what you can believe in since I have never been in a situation like yours. I have never been in the WT and I do not know the pain of a person whose entire beliefs were destroyed, but one thing I do know is that He is real. You just need to look for Him
Visible org
by A Paduan ini've heard that jws explain their non-links to early christianity by some sort of imagined "competition of religions" that they "won" - is this true?
or else, how else do they explain away writings like this -
"all the ancient records of the roman bishops which have been handed down to us by
From what I know, the church did not fall into apostate teachings and this and that. If it had, the combination of these teachings and Christian doctrine should be observable in the writings of the early church fathers. Although I haven't read these in their totality, I've read portions of them. I like how Robert U. Finnerty explains this, " If an abrupt postapostolic apostasy did occur, the apostles must have been incompetent evangelists, who utterly failed to accomplish Jesus' comission to make the disciples of men. Such an apostasy would speak poorly of Jehovah God as well, whose 'holy spirit' was unable to preserve the purity and truth of his church for even a single generation after the apostles."
Kingdom Interlinear
by ClassAvenger inhow can i get my hands on a kingdom interlinear?
a jw friend said that they weren't in print any more, so he made a special order to get the book, but he said that he couldn't give it to me, just lend it.
is there any way i can make a special order for that book?
How can I get my hands on a Kingdom Interlinear? A JW friend said that they weren't in print any more, so he made a special order to get the book, but he said that he couldn't give it to me, just lend it. Is there any way I can make a special order for that book? Anyone in here still attend the meetings and is an active Jehovah Witness?
What was the purpose of Creation?
by ClassAvenger ini was talking to some jehovah witness in a bible study, and we got into a conversation of heaven.
i told him that we would all be in heaven and live there, and he told me, "what would be the point of god creating the whole earth and putting us here then destroying it?
wouldn't it just be easier to repair the earth and place us here again?
I was talking to some Jehovah Witness in a Bible study, and we got into a conversation of heaven. I told him that we would all be in heaven and live there, and he told me, "What would be the point of God creating the whole Earth and putting us here then destroying it? Wouldn't it just be easier to repair the earth and place us here again?" I was sort of stuck in this, what do you all think?
Can I get to heaven?
by JesusFreak ini was wondering if i become a jehova's witness tonight and die tommorow, will i go to heaven?
Ok, I was just thinking that you maybe need some more information on this topic. Look, to get to heaven, you need to be "born again" (John 3:3). In order to be born again, you have to have faith in Christ (1 John 5:1). Once you have faith in Christ, you are sealed, saved, and are considered a son of God. God's Kingdom is for everyone: "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him, shall not perish, but have eternal life" (John 3:16).
Can I get to heaven?
by JesusFreak ini was wondering if i become a jehova's witness tonight and die tommorow, will i go to heaven?
Ok, look. Whoever is talking to you about the Jehovah Witnesses, just make a 180 degree turn and run as fast as you can. If you are seriously looking into the sect, first read what a lot of people around here have to say before the Witnesses indoctrinate you. And according to them, no, you dont go to heaven, but to an earthly paradise. They just twist things around, edit something here and there in the Bible, and you end up in an earthly paradise with the 144,000 ruling along with Jehovah. Hehe, welcome to the board.
Did Jesus REALLY cast demons into swine?
by gumby inthe gospels tell us that on one occasion jesus exorcised a man of demons who called themselves "legion" because there was about..."two thousand of them.
" these demons are cast by jesus into a large herd of pigs, which rush over the edge of a hillside and are drowned.. exactly the motif is found in the rites of the mysteries at eluesis ( about 20-40 miles from greece) as part of the purification ceremony before initiation, some 2 thousand initiates all bathed in the sea with young pigs.
this bathing ritual banished all evil into the pigs, which were then sacraficed, as a symbol of the initiates own impurities, by being chased over a chasm.. these latter rites and performances were long before jesus time.
Well, I've been reading the book He Came to Set the Captives Free in which a top witch here in the United States was possesed by a demon called Legion, but had 400 under his command. According to the book, Legion was the commander of those other 400 demons in her. I really do believe that Jesus cast out a demon by the name of Legion. Well, i guess that's what faith is, believing without seeing it. I do believe demons exist nowadays, and I do believe Legion is still around...
The JWs biggest weakness.....
by Oxnard Hamster insome people say that jws are very good at what they do.
they are highly trained in their doctrine.
one website said that they would blow the average christian away in an arguement.
From my conversation with JWs I've found them to be pretty dumb. Once you know their doctrines and have heard a lot of their arguments, they just seem like machines spitting a bunch of useless, contradicting, senseless information. At school, I have a classmate who is a JW that frequently goes on field service, gives studies, and reads the Bible a lot. Man, when I got into a conversation with him I left him with a bunch of "homework". He would think he had me, but I would bring up a stronger point, and he would say, "I'll have to research more on that". From what I've seen, they don't know much, they can't reason, all they know is what the WT wants them to know. And that's true, once you "beat" them in an argument, they turn around and leave.
What would Jesus teach us today?
by petespal2002 ini'm wondering, if jesus was on earth today, what would he be teaching, and would we believe it , or would we set up a website to discuss his thoughts?
He would teach us to love and trust God with all our mind and heart.