Sad day to remember...
i was baptized at the 1976 "sacret secret" dc at inglewood ca there must have been 50,000 people there..
Sad day to remember...
isn't going to be wonderful??.
not being there..
Yep... I was there, just next to you.
By far the most manipulative convention that I can recall.
And the agony of walking around!!!
I was expecting somebody to explode a bomb there, and send us all to the heaven. A lot of people will be grateful (me included)
wt advices to not becomes an immigrant (sort of advice, in this dc).
when you are an inmigrant and you go to an economical supperior country it means that:.
1) you went there to make money, not to work half time to do the minimum money and pionering.
WT advices to not becomes an immigrant (sort of advice, in this DC)
When you are an inmigrant and you go to an economical supperior country it means that:
1) you went there to make money, not to work half time to do the minimum money and pionering
2) you are not where they need you most: the preaching work is doing nothing in the developed countries, they grow in the poor countries. So they need people to stay in the poor countries.
3) when you are in a developed countries, most of the problems that you saw and suffer everyday are gone, so the hope for paradise are less strong (and less needed)
4) when you move to another country, you lose your ties to the congregation (your friends) and they have less control over you (remember, they use your friends as blackmail)
5) you will find out in developed countries that you need education. And problably you will have the opportunity (and that can affect your cult training)
6) in developed countries are far more ways to spend the weekend and have fun!
7) in developed countries the people have better education, so they can make yourself dumb in the doors (and, after a while, you awake to the fact that you are not the bible expert that you think you are)
8) if you go to another country and sucess, it seems that you have any talent that they need to use (for free) where is needed (in the poor territories).
So, yes... It's easy to see why the want that nobody moves to improve their situation. It's an increased risk to lose a member, maybe a productive one.
Yes? No?
1) they're going to stop producing the wt publications index "because its hard to maintain and translate".
so they're going to create a digital-only research tool on jw.org .
it's like, how convenient and smart.
When you are an inmigrant and you go to an economical supperior country it means that:
1) you went there to make money, not to work half time to do the minimum money and pionering
2) you are not where they need you most: the preaching work is doing nothing in the developed countries, they grow in the poor countries. So they need people to stay in the poor countries.
3) when you are in a developed countries, most of the problems that you saw and suffer everyday are gone, so the hope for paradise are less strong (and less needed)
4) when you move to another country, you lose your ties to the congregation (your friends) and they have less control over you (remember, they use your friends as blackmail)
5) you will find out in developed countries that you need education. And problably you will have the opportunity (and that can affect your cult training)
6) in developed countries are far more ways to spend the weekend and have fun!
7) in developed countries the people have better education, so they can make yourself dumb in the doors (and, after a while, you awake to the fact that you are not the bible expert that you think you are)
8) if you go to another country and sucess, it seems that you have any talent that they need to use (for free) where is needed (in the poor territories).
So, yes... It's easy to see why the want that nobody moves to improve their situation. It's an increased risk to lose a member, maybe a productive one.
so, unexpectedly, the final talk was announced today and to my surprise and evil glee, they announced gerrit loesch as the speaker!
first off, at the beginning of his talk, he interrupted himself in the middle of his sentence to scold the microphone brother to lower my mike it's right in my face.. anyway, it was the talk on inspired truth, vs. inspired falsehoods.
he went through 6 expressions inspired by the demons.
" and another dumb skit about how immigrant workers need to go back to their home countries or not go at all."
What? can yoou explain a little bit? why not?
one of the most persistent myths on this website is that jws are already in decline, the rot has set in, and the descent of the watchtower is inevitable from here on in.
unfortunately the facts do not bear this out.
jws are still increasing even in most developing countries, and they are still growing worldwide at a faster rate than the general population.
Westboro isn't going to dissapear (it seems).
Who will leave a non tax company crahs? It may be not growing as in the past, but it's not crashing too... Even if I loved to see that happens!
"it is interesting to contrast the deliberate elimination of prayers andsongs at witness meetings in mexico with the action of the watchtower society in the united states, where they were willing to fightcase after case all the way up to the supreme court of the countryrather than give up certain practices, such as offering literature fromdoor to door without a license and without having to register withthe police, the right to use sound cars, distribute literature on streetcorners, and many other such practices which are covered byconstitutional rights.
the organization did not want to relinquish anyof these things.
it fought to hold on to them, even though theseparticular practices are certainly not things that were done by earlychristians in the first century and hence cannot be counted as amongprimary christian practices.".
"it is interesting to contrast the deliberate elimination of prayers andsongs at witness meetings in mexico with the action of the watchtower society in the united states, where they were willing to fightcase after case all the way up to the supreme court of the countryrather than give up certain practices, such as offering literature fromdoor to door without a license and without having to register withthe police, the right to use sound cars, distribute literature on streetcorners, and many other such practices which are covered byconstitutional rights.
the organization did not want to relinquish anyof these things.
it fought to hold on to them, even though theseparticular practices are certainly not things that were done by earlychristians in the first century and hence cannot be counted as amongprimary christian practices.".
given that i know how corrupt, dishonest and evil the watchtower is, i have wondered how to understand a personal experience i had many years ago - long before walking out mid-2009.. after an unusual series of many "co-incidences" on a particular sunday, my friend and i ended up at the door of someone who had been praying to god for someone to be sent to him, and who was expecting us.. i am still convinced it was by divine intervention, but cannot understand why a prayer is answered by sending representatives of an apostate organisation.. also when taking up residence in a foreign country, under very difficult circumstances, i twice ended up "inadvertently" moving in to homes just around the corner from the kh.
on one occasion it was about a 15 metre walk from my front door right into my seat in the kh!.
have you had similar experiences?.
You are conting ONLY what you want to count..
If you move 100 times AND all times you front door is in exactly 15 metters to your seat in a kigndom hall, then it should mean something.
If not.. you are just looking at what you want to look.
Confirmation Bias.
good morning all,.
i have had the opportunity over the last couple of years to speak with a couple of jw's who had either attended the same congregation i did or were married to someone who to the same one.
for the record, i disassociated myself in 1992 due to being followed around by an elder or two who had heard that i had ray franz's "crisis of conscience" in my possession.
materialism... and pride because I am not yet an elder...
Funny thing: I'm still in, and the elders doesn't just gossip, they told me that at my face!
I'm just running!