Topics Started by fjtoth
Mickey Spillane - JW Mystery Writer has Died
by fjtoth inassociated press and fox news:.
the writer, who became a jehovah's witness in 1951 and helped build the group's kingdom hall in murrells inlet, spent his time boating and fishing when he wasn't writing.
in the 1950s, he also worked as a circus performer, allowing himself to be shot out of a cannon and appearing in the circus film "ring of fear.".
"Non-profit" WT Society a Tax Burden
by fjtoth inthe following letter to the editor appeared in the georgetown, ontario, canada independent and free press of yesterday, february 25, 2005:.
non-profit groups a tax burden.
dear editor,.
Police Report re: Canadian WT Property
by fjtoth inthe following appeared today, dec. 15, 2004, in the independent & free press of georgetown, ontario.
the "security officer" is quite likely a member of the headquarters staff of the watch tower society of canada.. police blotter.
police report two men were seen by a security officer checking vehicle door handles at the watch tower property on hwy.
JW Father Kills Self and 12-year-old Son
by fjtoth inthe following story appears this morning in the south florida sun-sentinel at:.,1,2987431.story?coll=sfla-home-headlines.
fort lauderdale police suspect father killed son, then self in home shooting.
JWs in "Masterpiece Theater" this Sunday
by fjtoth ina lifelike family of jws will be featured in this sunday's "masterpiece theater" on pbs.
check your local listings for time and station.
it's scheduled for 9 p.m. eastern daylight time.
Tuesday's CBS Program is Now Online
by fjtoth incbs has now posted online what i think is the full program that was shown tuesday night, minus dan rather's comments.
you can watch it by going to the following web page:
What ELSE is wrong with the WT Society and JWs?
by fjtoth inteaching that true christianity is an organization instead of a way of life
centralizing authority in an organization instead of letting christ be the head of each christian
claiming salvation is dependent upon belonging to the jw denomination
Christ's return is NOT invisible!
by fjtoth inone of the principal teachings of jws is that christ's return was invisible in 1914. this, in my mind, is one of the strongest proofs that they ignore the bible and instead devote their lives to the false teachings of a man-made organization.
mt 24:30 - "and then the sign of the son of man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in lamentation, and they will see the son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
" mt 26:64 - "yet i say to you men, from henceforth you will see the son of man sitting at the right hand of power and coming on the clouds of heaven.