JoinedTopics Started by Zapper_1
Challenges Facing the Watchtower Org
by eric356 inive been thinking about the future of the watchtower organization and the challenges it faces in coming decades.
its difficult to address the issue without allowing personal feelings affect the analysis.
many people seem to think that the society will collapse fairly soon, based mostly on the fact that the person dislikes the leadership or cant understand how others can believe the doctrine.
In these Last Days (of mine) High Anxiety. Critical Times. Hard to deal with
by lil.lady.03 ini really have been trying to fade quickly and with little amount of noise or rukus!.
this past month has proven to be one of the most stressfuly ever.. my mom and i are 'discussing' just about everyday me not going to the meetingsand my reasons why.. she keeps pushing me to go.
even tonight asked me to go with her to her.
As a Witness - What did you Notice in How Elders Got Appointed ?
by flipper ini found it amazing being raised in the witnesses to see exactly who got appointed sometimes as an elder.
it seemed that the criteria in my opinion had more to do with getting 10 hours a month in field service, answering at meetings, carrying microphones as a ministerial servant, or handling the magazine or literature counter !
in doing these " functions " and attending meetings on a regular basis - a man was thought to be considered " spiritually strong " and qualify to be an elder and serve on judicial committees judging people's personal problems.
As a Woman Have your Attitudes Towards Men Changed After Exiting JW's ?
by flipper inbeing raised in the jehovah's witnesses cult from birth - i saw many females mistreated, abused in a demeaning manner whether subtly or right out in the open.
before congregation meetings in the 1960's even as a boy i saw an elder talk rudely to his wife as if she was a child- and the wife put her head down in sadness.
i saw jw men take themselves way too seriously as alleged " heads of their house " - because the wt society pushed the headship issue into every witness marriage.
Ray Franz has had a stroke
by coffee_black injust setting the record straight.
there is another thread that notes a claim on wiki that said that ray has died.. he had a stroke yesterday, and is in the hospital.
he is still alive.
Are the JWs a dangerous cult?
by cyberjesus inis it a matter of just biblical interpretation?
are they just a little lost?
or are they really a dangerous cult?
Blood Transfusions 101 for JW's
by moshe inblood transfusions 101 for jw's-.
a blood transfusion will not save the life of a starving man = a blood transfusion is not food = a blood transfusion does not violate the ot law given by god to the jews to, "not eat blood" and that was later reiterated by the jewish christians to the gentile christians = the watchtower no-blood transfusion doctrine is a manmade abomination that kills innocent people = the watchtower society is guilty of promoting manslaughter.. .
Consolation September 1945: Refusing blood does not bear witness...
by Designer Stubble in"consolation" september 1945 contains the most contrary quote you can imagine: "when we lose our life because we refuse inoculations, that does not bear witness as a justification of jehovah's name.
god never issued regulations which prohibit the use of drugs, inoculations or blood transfusions.
it is an invention of people, who, like the pharisees, leave jehovah's mercy and love aside.
Obves correct! Yearbook 75 says BABIES who take blood won't live forever!!!
by Witness 007 inyearbook 75 p.223-224 witness couple and their 6 day old cheryl, who needed blood.
"darell and rhoda correctly viewed blood transfusion as a violation of god's law, and thus oposed it.
they were concerned about the babies welfare, for everlasting life is only the prospect of those adhering to god's laws.