JoinedTopics Started by ColdRedRain
My mom and dad told me that I'm an apostate and that they want to 'limit their association' with me!!!
by Joliette ina series of events led up to an arugment with my parents last night.
my mom and dad told me that they found my videos that i was doing on youtube, and they told me that i was an apostate.
they said that they would help me if it was an emergency, but other then that, they didnt want anything to do with me.
Watchtower Alternate History
by ColdRedRain inafter the events of 1975, a large section of watchtower believers break away to the dawn bible student movement, turning a once moribound religion into a major church claiming 250k members in the usa.
the new jw dawn bible students learned from the mistakes of their former church and decide to disavow prophecy.
however, a schizm forms between the new surge of members and the old guard when the new members clamor for their positions in their previous church.
Anybody know anything about Scooters?
by Terry ini have never ridden/driven a motorcycle or a scooter.
but, i'm thinking about getting one.. in fact, a chinese scooter!.
they get 100 mpg on gasoline and they are under $900 bucks.. .
You have lost your job and your house, your down to your last $1,000. How will you make out at the end of the month?
by purplesofa inpoor people are poor simply cus they cant manage their money, right?
you have lost your job and your house, you are down to your last $1,000.. how would you make out at the end of the month.. accept the challenge, .
Last Weekend Ever (according to OBVES) Whatcha gonna Do?
by LostGeneration inobves says the world ends next week, meaning this is the last weekend ever!
better make it a good one!.
i'm gonna step out on a limb and predict that i will have at least 1,784 more weekends before my dirt nap starts, so i'm gonna sit on my rear and watch as much college and nfl football as possible.
A question for the economist, roll back the gas prices.
by jam inthe goverment mandate a freeze on oil prices and.
roll the price back to $2.
a gallon for two years.. how would it help the economy.
Aoirthoir aka Hyghlandyr is back sorta...
by aoirthoiranbroc inalright so i wanted to catch up on some of my old posts and compare the old wonderful me, to the new wonderful me.
tried like mad to log in as hyghlandyr and even tried using the email i thought i had subscribbed with.
but come on, it was like 9 years ago.
Has anybody heard from imallgrowed up of late?
by ColdRedRain ini'm trying to get in contact with her.
i have good news for her!.
Angry mob of Facebook JWs.
by fade_away ini was looking through my facebook and one of the friends i have on there is very angry at a particular girl who added brothers and sisters from different congregations as friends for the sole purpose of bashing the jws on their profiles.
they use the word "bashing" but who knows really if all she was doing was showing them genuine, unbiased information about the wt.
anyway, i got a kick out of the fact that an "apostate" infiltrated a lot of jw profiles as a "friend" then went all apostate on them!.