Take a good look because i'm taking it down.
Take a good look because i'm taking it down.
saw this woman on the news.....must get this book..
Ruby, How could someone that HOT (namely, you) be so right wing Bradley -- scratches..............................................head
Left wing chicks aren't really that hot. Just slutty. Proof.
Actual quote heard in a kingdom hall in Minneapolis, MN. "Pokeman (sic) is a Japaneese word meaning stronger than god, faster than god, smarter than god. Who's this little superhero that says he's stronger than god, faster than god and smarter than god?"
Appearantly, he didn't know that the word "Pokemon" was just a contraction of "Pocket Monster" and Nintendo didn't want to get sued by another company that had a "Pocket Monster" tv show, and how "Pokemon" isn't a superhero, it's a group of mythical animals that were designed to make parents of 10 year olds poor.
Another golden gem.
"If it isn't in the bible, then it doesn't exist." I replied with "Cat's aren't in the bible, so therefore, they don't exist." and the witness then said "Boy, thinking like that will lead you into apostacy." He was right!
No wonder Chicagoites make fun of Minnesotans.
i mean they are both imaginary, so do you think this wank-hovah god, who is so jealous, so pouting, so insecure that he needs our worship to be made whole.
could this loser in ever win a fight with thor???
he's pathetic,,i really mean it,,, what a loser!!
Jehovah couldn't hold a candle to the even more bloodthirsty and violent Uranus.
my family has 3, and i'm considering getting a tattoo of one of them on my right arm.
which one do you like better, and do you have a coat of arm's?
My family has 3, and I'm considering getting a tattoo of one of them on my right arm.
Which one do you like better, and do you have a coat of arm's?
i was asked by my mother today "are you going to the memorial this year".
i declined most graciously and said thank you for thinking of me, and although i haven't been for the last eight years i thought no more of the ritual invitation.. then suddenly it dawned on me that my mothers response was quite abrupt and something along the lines of "well i have done my christian duty by asking you".
it was if she was literally washing the blood from her hands and she had tried to save me yet again.. has anyone else experienced this my mother has always talked to me with all civility about the "truth", i just wondered if there is new counsel now in how to deal with daughters and family that have fallen by the wayside.. appreciate your help.
ummm, how should I put this?
HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"do you want to know why you don't believe the truth anymore?
i've just been asked this question by a jehovahs witness who stopped to talk to me in town.
i'd told her i didn't believe anymore.
I tell people I don't believe simply because:
I believe that their prophecies aren't really prophecies, but rather, they're really an interpretation of vauge quotes in the bible that have been used as lucid "prophecies" by other religions using the same formula.
I do not believe an organization who's erronious teachings have cost lives is in harmony with what Christ would have taught.
I do not believe that a religion that has flip-flopped on issues as serious as rape can claim to have a monopoly on morality.
I do believe that a religion that shuns people for reading information that criticizes the religion has something to hide and shares charachteristics with corrupt organizations that kill their opposition when they have damning testamony against them.
I believe that the JW's share many charachteristics of such famous groups as the 2X2's, Scientology the Unification Church and the Boston movement, all of which practice Disfellowshipping and who teach ideas, when looked upon on an objective manner, are absurd.
Any more reasons?
on the surface, racism is not suppose to exist in the org.
i have a different experience .
.. i use to work for a brother who was also a general contractor.
About nine years ago, when I (a Caucasian) was considering marrying a non-Caucasian, my parents, both JW's for over 4 decades, opposed it. My dad, a JW elder, said "there is a reason Jehovah created the races," clearly implying that they should stay separate rather than intermix. I pointed out, to no avail, that some of the children of these racially-mixed marriages are among the most beautiful children I had ever seen. If "Jehovah" had not meant for this possibility, such children would be impossible or deformed
And you're the one that's considered "immoral".
Well, what do you expect of a religion that says that their unpaied and unlearned ministers are trained well enough to debunk students of anceint Greek and Hebrew.
BTW Goph, I hope I'm not wrong, but if I'm wrong, I'll delete this. Didn't your parents do the same whining when you were sort of going out with Sh*********?
Hey, it's better to have the Terminator than to have a California Raisin in a time like this.
Seperated at Birth?
i have a siemens c56.
its a small little bastard.
i like to call it my little semen =d
Nokia 3390.