I'm sorry for thr heartache of your friend. And also for all the others who have suffered under the heavy hands of cowards. I have faith that one day we will stand together and then the power that these fools think they have...Their control will be broken!
To your question: "To your own heart thee must be true."
For me I held tight to the principle that there is no Biblical right for divorce. That divorce was due to cold hearts. I now see that I was wrong.
A wise soul helped to to see a different better way of living.
Matt:19 8-9& 10& 11-12
Q-If this is how it is (divorce only for unfaithfulness) between a man and his wife, it is better not to marry. (In otherwords "SCREW THAT!) I don't need the cheese in that trap that bad! (Run girls Ruuunnn!)
But Jesus then said (Chill out dudes) "This teaching does not apply to everyone, but only those whom God has given it. For there are different reason why some men can not marry (There are different reasons that some men are TOTAL assholes that are impossible to live with) some because they were born that way (born pricks); others because they men made them that way (follow traditions like those of the jw dogma) Others do not marry for the sake of the Kingdom of heaven (too caught up in the desire to be god, to blind to see the heaven right in front of them) Let him who can accept this teaching do so."
That last part (him who can) to me means that there are some people who marry that are not in the spirit of marriage. Get out!
But that is not jw dogma so it will not help. And the comments in parathises are my opinions. Jw's follow thier own traditions so don't think that you can just read the Bible or use common sense for guidence. If you are a JW then the Elder of your Kingdom hall is your Lord and you will give him the proper worship or risk disfellowshipping and the extinguishing of your eternal life.
Now this will help and is a true story in a KH in Washington. I have a friend and this friend has a sister in law that is a babletized jw. She and her idiot husband (he was and all agree) knew that they made a mistake 2 weeks after they got married. But there are no take backs in the jw dogma on marriage. And neither wanted to risk missing the everlasting bus that is just around the corner. So they both spent 4 years in "Life In Hell." Finally she left. But now, what to do? Can't divorce. So the guy had a brain fart. He talked to her best friend and explained that he needed to have sex to obtain a godly approved divorce. (I shit you not) It was called a divorce approved by Jehovah. They went to the Elders and said what they did. They repented and meant it. The sister in law said she has no grudge and will just obtain a divorce on scriptual grounds. A public reprove did take place but in light of the upcomming end of the system and the repenting of the people...Case Closed. And all parties can out with what they wanted. So if you have a friend that will be willing to help obtain a "Divorce that is approved by scripture and jehovah then there you go.) The kh was in Ellensberg? (sp).