Welcome Stu New - don't be blue! You'll like it here.
hi there im new here so a brief biog to say hi.
ill be a bit vague cos not sure how safe with poss jw's seeing as friends and parents still jw's and im not d'sd or df'd just stopped going.probably being paranoid.wonder why?was brought up jw did 'bad things' in teens whilst pioneering felt sick with guilt then got doubts started hanging with worldlys got grassed up by my sis for doing drugs but manage to avoid ds/da and left fairly quietly.
i live in birmingham england have been my own man for over two years but after the initial great im free feeling i guess im a bit flat now.
Welcome Stu New - don't be blue! You'll like it here.
hi everyone, in the congregation i grew up in, it was very cold and unloving.
circuit overseers would come and go, they would give counsel and nothing changed.
at one time even the do came at the same time as the co and gave counsel to 'widen out'.
So-o-o-o Englishman, did you ever write part 2???? If so, where/how do I find it? I'm dying to read it!
hello, just wanted to introduce myself.
was raised as one from about 4 to 16. mother jw and still in, father and 2 brothers never were.
just within the past 6 months or so realizing the effects of being raised jw has had on me.
Welcome Michalea!
This is a great place to be, to learn and relieve stress!
hi, i smoke, not loads, but i would like to stop.
i think i will find it really hard though and was wondering how you stopped if you were a previous smoker.
i also suffer from asthma which obviously doesn't make things any better.
I quit smoking 34 yrs ago next month to become a JW. My husband and I quit cold turkey together, which was helpful because I didn't have to endure his smoking while I was trying to quit. After about 6 months, I tried having a cigarette (this was before smoking was a disfellowshipping offense) at a couple of worldly get togethers and the next day I wanted one just as bad as if I had never quit, although I didn't have the same withdrawal. I recommend that once you have quit NEVER smoke another one! A co-worker just quit about 3 months ago using the nicotine patch & Wellbutrin, and she is doing fine.
Aside from leaving the bOrg, quitting smoking was the best thing I ever did for myself.
hi guys, im on a time budget here.
a jw friend of mine is trying to prove that i have a wrong, twisted bible full of errors and added scriptures.
i have a king james bible, and he has the nwt of course.
All you scholars just blow me away! I am glad you do the research because I don't know if I have the inclination to do it.
I do remember in the 1980's sometime, early '80's I think, Schroeder was quoted in one of the magazines (I think the Watchtower) as saying that if there was more than one meaning to a Hebrew/Greek word, their translator would select the word that supported WT theology (rather than looking to the text for the most accurate translation.) My friend nearly had a heart attack, having been raised in the bOrg and taught how "honest" and "truthful" they were (HA!). I got rid of my dub literature years ago, but maybe somebody that still has it can look up the quote, if time permits.
over the past 4 months i have struggled with the contentious issue of child custody and child support.
in reality the issue goes back much further and i discussed some of the situation with harmony from this board last summer at an apostofest.
when my divorce was finalized 4 years ago my ex and i agreed to joint custody arrangements (legal and physical).
Congratulations! A boy his age needs his dad.
And congratulations on Mrs. Thirdson. Sounds like you picked a winner the second time around.
in the spirit of minimus i thought i'd put a positive spin on things.
they say when you surrond yourself with the positive its easier to be positive and vice versa for negativity (no offense to min as i also fully believe that you have to deal with negativity too).... that being said....whats the nicest thing, compliment, gift etc that anyone has ever said or done to/for you?.
The nicest thing in recent memory is that on Monday someone sent me flowers! No card and I don't even know which florist - so I can't thank the person who sent them. I called my husband, but he didn't send them.
I'm quitting my job on the 27th (to pursue personal interests), so maybe they are from a customer - or maybe a secret admirer - hehe.
i got to hear some real bad news
i was speaking to my 'best friends' sister only minutes ago.
my 'best friend' i used to do everything with.
i got to hear some real bad news
i was speaking to my 'best friends' sister only minutes ago.
my 'best friend' i used to do everything with.
Hamas -
I am so sorry about your braindead brainwashed friend. That is what happens to people in the bOrg though, but it doesn't make it hurt any less. I am lucky that none of my family are dubs, but I did have a good friend (I thought) who cut me off as soon as she found out I DA'd myself. Hang in - it will get better.
(((cyber hugs)))
first of all, let me say that many, if not most, of my memories of abuse and early childhood were recovered.
some people feel that this diminishes my experience, or in some way denies what happened.
i suffered from major depression and was quite suicidal for 2 years before something happened to trigger my memories.
Quote: "It would be nice if someone could get some kind of big research grant to do a longitudinal study of, let's say, a hundred twelve-year-old boys in relationships with loving (????) paedophiles.