Thanks. I'll start another thread. "Do elders only verbally abuse women?'
JoinedPosts by aunthill
Do elders only beat up on women?
by aunthill ini find it interesting that of all the horror stories i have read on this forum, it seems that women are the subject of the elders' abuse much more than men.
is it because the elders feel more comfortable beating up, excuse me, "counseling" women, or is it because we women are more open with our feelings?
personally, i was mainly the object of neglect.
Do elders only beat up on women?
by aunthill ini find it interesting that of all the horror stories i have read on this forum, it seems that women are the subject of the elders' abuse much more than men.
is it because the elders feel more comfortable beating up, excuse me, "counseling" women, or is it because we women are more open with our feelings?
personally, i was mainly the object of neglect.
Shamus, It is a sad state of affairs that after the initial love-bombing you can not even be missed.
I guess I should have been more specific in the Subject line - as well as physically beating their wives and children, I am interested in the verbal abuse of any sister, i.e. "I know you have been in the hospital in a coma for 6 months, Do you mean to tell me you have no time to report? And meetings, why haven't we seen you at the meetings in the past 6 months?" That sort of thing.
How do I change the subject line?
Do elders only beat up on women?
by aunthill ini find it interesting that of all the horror stories i have read on this forum, it seems that women are the subject of the elders' abuse much more than men.
is it because the elders feel more comfortable beating up, excuse me, "counseling" women, or is it because we women are more open with our feelings?
personally, i was mainly the object of neglect.
I find it interesting that of all the horror stories I have read on this forum, it seems that women are the subject of the elders' abuse much more than men. Is it because the elders feel more comfortable beating up, excuse me, "counseling" women, or is it because we women are more open with our feelings?
Personally, I was mainly the object of neglect. I once stopped going to meetings for 3 months to see if anybody (elder) would notice and call. I didn't receive one call from anybody! Not even my so-called friends. Then I was stupidly feeling guilty so I went back for more abuse.
Comments, please.
My Letter to the Elders in My Late Father's Congregation
by cruzanheart inwell, guys, here it is.
it's going in the mail tomorrow.
it's for me but, dad, it's also for you.
Nina, I am so sorry about the way your father was treated by those self-righteous Pharisees! It is so typical of the righteous-by-works class! I had not read your letter before today, so I'm glad it was reactivated.
My heart goes out to you. ((((((((hugs)))))))
Stereotypical Witnesses
by tazmaniac inok....we all had them...perhaps we were one of them....stereotypical witnesses.
there were many stereotypes that proved to be in congregation after congregation.
what stereotypical witnesses do you remember.
Welcome, Bibbity! Glad you are finally enjoying life.
Stereotypical Witnesses
by tazmaniac inok....we all had them...perhaps we were one of them....stereotypical witnesses.
there were many stereotypes that proved to be in congregation after congregation.
what stereotypical witnesses do you remember.
How about Brother Noheart-Imaperp and his wife Sister Seesnoevil: Bro Noheart-Imaperp, after first wife dies, pushes his children out of the home at the earliest opportunity - to Bethel or where ever, so he can become a CO and take advantage of all the freebies that come along with the position. Eventually Sis Seesnoevil (2nd wife) becomes *horrors* pregnant! so that CO days, including all freebies are over - Big Sigh! He is then appointed PO of a congregation (see his resume' - he is well qualified!) and proceeds to molest his daughter from Sis Seesnoevil, and granddaughter, and who knows who else. Daughter-in-law finally catches on to what has happend to her daughter and tells Sis Seesnoevil. Of course Sis Seesnoevil denies everything, even when daughter is caught in blatant compromising positions (a result of acting out on her molestation.) Four lives directly impacted by the evil policies of the bOrg, plus "collateral damage." As far as I know, to this day, Bro Noheart-Imaperp is still a brother in good standing, though very elderly by now, probably no longer an elder. However, with any luck he is burning in the hell the Jdubs don't believe in .
Then there is Brother Ideserveavirgin: This is the brother that has served all his life from a very early age, through MS on up to PO. He is very judgemental and knows how everyone should raise their children even though he has never married, and consequently had no children of his own - therefore he is eminently qualified to tell all and sundry what they have done wrong in raising their children. He is now in his late 40's early 50's and finally figures out that he has missed something. He put off marrying since Armageddon was supposed to come in 1975, 1984, 1994, 2000. Now he thinks it is time to marry, but since he is a virgin, he deserves a virgin. Of course, considering WT policy, every moderately attractive, and some not so attractive, young woman got married or went astray - guess what? There are no virgins in his age group and obviously an older, divorced sister with children, or without, certainly is not holy enough for him to consider. So he is looking for a 16 to 20 year old, attractive, virgin while he is a dried up, authoritarian old man!
I wish I could say these were made up, but the names have been changed to protect the innocent
Excuse me! There are no innocent! Who am I protecting????? Probably myself from a slander/libel suit.
Thunder saw the most heart wrenching sight....
by SheilaM intoday thunder and i talked, when he tried to tell me he was all choked up.
thunder had driven by the homes that were hit by the tornado's .at one of the houses that was destroyed and sitting in a heap the owner was out mowing the lawn
This is so sad. When you're in shock you do the craziest things. I know I have on more than one occasion.
Well here goes
by obiwan ini found an old friends family by using the web.
i'm hoping they are not jw's anymore.
i have sent them an e-mail and i'm waiting for a reply, i'm trying not to get my hopes up, one of this families sons used to be my best friend.
A friend of mine just reconnected with his family last summer, after 15 years of not seeing or speaking to any of them. They were having a family reunion, and a couple of siblings contacted him. He and his *gasp* live-in girlfriend both went and were warmly received by siblings, in-laws AND parents. It was a wonderful experience for him. Good luck! I hope yours turns out as well.
I am lucky that none of my family is still in the bOrg, but there are a couple of friends (2) I would love to see out.
U.S. says Canada cares too much about liberties
by ashitaka inwell, i've been paranoid of my own country for a long time, but this just makes me a little more nervous.
now, our neighboring countries must live by america's rules?
i could be reading too much into this, but canada is its own sovereign nation, and they don't have to live by america's rules just because they are our neighbors.
Wow, Aztec! I'm impressed! That was hard for me to read. How long did it take you to type it?
Smoker or Non Smoker?
by JH indo you smoke?.
would you live with a smoker, if you are non smoker?
i wouldn't be able to smell cigarette smoke at home nor in my car.
Oh, look! I made it to the top of a new page!