Although I have been out a long time (1994) and didn't have family "in" so it was much easier for me to leave than for many here, for some reason it has been beneficial/comforting/??? to me to come read what people have to say. Occasionally, I think, I have been able to give some good input to people with serious questions, but more often it is just nice to be able to share with people who have a common background. Being in a cult really does warp a person, and no matter how well I have adjusted (and I think I have adjusted fairly well), occasionally it is comfortable to return to visit with people who have "been there." If I thought visiting JWD was a waste of time (which you seem to think it is) I would just not come back. Recently, I have spent more time here than I did for several months, not to mention that I lurked for a very long time before "coming out."
So my question for YOU is: What's your problem? If you don't like what you are reading here, it's easy to go elsewhere, so why don't you? Instead you are throwing your little temper tantrum because things here aren't the way YOU think they should be. Life is change. The only people who have major trouble with change are narrowminded people who must have everything pigeon-holed. If something is different, they go into a tail-spin and immediately start pointing the finger at other people and condeming them for the natural evolution of things.
My advice to you, if you don't like the turn this board has taken, is: Get your own life.