THAT was a great story, thanks for sharing.
Tera (a sucker for love stories)
i have been meaning to post this!
THAT was a great story, thanks for sharing.
Tera (a sucker for love stories)
i just saw a woman on the news standing outside a turky farm shouting "turkey torture" dumb is that?...she looks like a real anyone taking any notice of her?.
she's trying to save the turkeys and they are clucking behind her without a care in the world pecking away at some droppings on the floor.. kinda reminded me how dumb we looked standing on a persons door on christmas day *serious face - cheesy smile* telling em the fairy on top of the tree was pagan and telling adults father christmas wernt real.
anyhow what dumb people we are sometimes, seeing her made me feel a lot better for singing whams "last christmas" at a kareoke with my flies down last year...perhaps i didnt look so dumb compared to others...then again.
LMAO (thanx!)
jesus dying for our sins... um, why.. because adam made a mistake?
based upon what?
jehovah's rules?
The reason it is "stupid and illogical" is because it isn't real and you have thousands of people that cling to it for their very reason for living, so...the twists and crams that are done to make it as REAL as possible to them make it all the more confusing to those of us that dismissed it after a long time thinking on it.
The whole thing is mythology to me. Christianity seems like a lovely rabbits foot for the most part. Once a person walks in to religion, IN MY OPINION, they are closing doors behind them.
is religion hampering the progress of humanity?
is it an outdated 'caveman' notion that just keeps getting redressed in new clothes?
I have to agree with Francois. What else has religion done?
I heard someone say once that since it is argued that religion is seen as the only way to help a person find a moral level to live with, for instance...not steal because god says not to, then that person was already operating on a low moral base in the first place. Introducing the notion that "god is gonna kill ya" to them is not going to really work. Case in point, for instance, the sexual abuse done by catholic priests. It goes on and on and on.
"now the works of the flesh are manifest and they are... drunken bouts, revelries, and things like these... those who practise such things will not inherit god's kingdom" (galatians 5:19-21) .
it's 6 months since i disappeared from the dub scene but the elders finally tracked me down!
thing is i so wanna be dfd, i wanna move on with my life... but i need (for personal reasons) to leave the jws in crazy-style .
hmmmmm, I think you'll need to add a step to the big pig out. You'll need to let them know that it is "easy to eat that much because..." and tell them that you purge yourself to make room for more. The way those nasty romans did remember? you'll need to make it clear that you do not do this because of a disfunctional mindset of trying to be thin because then they'll just think you have something you cannot help. So you'll need to make it clear that you do not CARE what you look like. Not washing your clothing could help.
If that fails, really, I think the nakie at the KH is a good one.
valis' last topic really made me think about something and i have to say this:.
i'm thankful to all of you.
my new friends....that have gotten me thru some really tough times.
Thank you. I spent my day alone, listening to the brandonburgs by Bach as I made three pumpkin pies for thursday. I enjoy times like that. I recommend it to all, everyone, go get the stuff and make some pies and listen to Bach...I garauntee it makes everything seem right. This is a great holiday.
yep, it's true, all of this forum reading, answering of posts, etc, etc, is definitely spoiling any wt habits i had left.
myself, well it started with a tattoo almost 3 years ago.
always wanted one, couldn't see the harm in one, etc.
Oh I've dabbled in all sorts of no nos from the watchtower point of view. One of which is tarot reading. it's fun and I have NO problem doing so.
I'm thinking of getting a tat myself kiddo! a little one of those asian symbols that mean "truth" so that if anyone does say "now that you left, have you found your truth?" I can say yes and show them that I carry it around on me now.:-)
i read so many sad stories on this board about folks who suddenly realize that the.
watchtower is a corrupt cult and then try to bombard their loyal relatives with information.
about the un, the blood fraud, molesters, etc.. big mistake!
You just said a cotton pickin mouthful.
when i was a jw, i think what i was most afraid of was being hurt.
i did everything to keep myself from getting hurt.
i banged on doors with the best of the pioneers.
I do not fear them for me. I don't fear them for my kids either because I have and still do explain why we left, over and over to them. I do not want them to go back. I am no longer what a person would call christian but if my children wish to become christian, I'd not stop them. But JW? God yes! I'd do all I could to stop that old saying 'an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure' is what I practice now.
I fear the WTS stil because my mother is in it. They control people by irrational fear. Really it is irrational if they could just allow themselves to sit and think on it. I, personally, feel that all religion is irrational. Not pushing that on anyone but it is my honest feeling on the matter. I think there may be a god of some sort but not the one in the bible. That one is grossly negligent and cruel..only to claim insanity on those charges. So....
But I see the WTS as a dangerous thing what with the blood issue and shunning which incourages suicide. JWism, like any cult, is dangerous. Not as much as some, more so than others.
ok so i am home this morning finishing a paper for class (that has to be turned in by five--shh!
no procrastination comments please--focus on the topic!
) when the doorbell rings.
Hmmmm, you mean it's unchristian to be 'nippin' out on a cold day? Gee, I shoulda been DFd ages ago!!!!!!!!!!
Bras.....who fricken really like 'em? I say answer that door that way all ya want. She probably didn't have lesbian tendancies but was thinking more, "wow, she's nippin out and she doesn't care! I want to be her!" heeheehee.
Tera (and it's cold in montana right now too so.....)