JoinedPosts by Tech49
LEFTOVERS and STOLEN LIGHT (An historical look at Watchtower laziness and misadventure)
by TerryWalstrom inshould the chosen mouthpiece (gb) be a voice or merely an imitative echo?.
is new light original (because it is coming direct from jehovah) or is it leftover from the minds of men?.
watchtower magazine failed to release new light first, before any other religious person or body.
And lest you all forget, we could purchase the New American (Catholic) Bible right at the literature counter as well! (see list), along with the King James, and others...... -
WT Society Makes Light of Child Abuse Crimes by Portraying them as Cartoons
by flipper ini commented on this on another thread- but i believe this has enough importance to create a thread about this situation in and of itself.
at the current district convention as you know the wt society released a " sophie & caleb " video allegedly warning parents about the dangers of child abuse.
they don't really use the words " child abuse " in the video - but just say if " someone tries to touch you in a manner you aren't comfortable with " and portray it as a cartoon !
Interesting side note: I attended the first week of scheduled conventions on May 22, and this video was NOT in the program. Looks like WT is changing the program to fit its NEEDS, on the fly, as raging hot topics are forced upon them.
Local Elders whip the Congregation into a frenzy about donating to the Organization
by James Jack inbecause of the may broadcast about how funds are down, our elders have been in their talks "encouraging" or pressuring everyone to donate more to the world wide work.. it freaks me out how we already give them a set amount of $600 a month, plus what is contributed by the congregation(usually $400 to $500 a month).
heck, our local congregation bank account even got below $500 for the first time this past may since i have been doing the accounts(4 years now).
for june, we raised a whopping $2400 to send into the branch.. the most amazing part, is that only a select few contribute on a regular basis every month.
Our congregation has had the same discussions, in the form of talks, for the last 4 weeks in a row. Yes, every meeting either mentions money, or has a blatant talk on the need to contribute more. Local needs talk? Yep, contribute more, Mother needs your money.
2 full weeks, both Sunday morning and Tuesday nights, were spent passing out pink "contribution" slips, to get "a feel" for what we were willing to contribute every month. Then 2 more full weeks of "reminders" to get your slips in.
Reasons were the same as mentioned by the OP, James. Our contribution amount that was used to set the monthly amount last year... has slowly been draining the congregation funds down to almost nothing.
Got to reaffirm those tithes!
Why a new "World Headquarters"?
by 4thgen ini just dont get it.
the gb moved to patterson and are conducting business from there, right?
they are not printing as much literature as they once were and they are still operating walkill for the a ....pamphlets.
2 years ago I went on the "tour" of NY Bethel. I had an "insider" tour, seeing many things that most people dont get to see.
One of the things that shocked me, was walking through the old printery building...I dont know the exact name of it, but its the older original building that is connected with the skybridge.
It was almost entirely empty, some of if being used for storage. As we made our way down to the bottom floor, the emptiness of it all was pretty amazing. The history of the building itself was cool. Then, the 90's carpet in the rooms, the entry, empty reception area was a bit eery. The entire building was mostly vacant.
This was before Warwick of course. I asked "why is this building empty? Seems like a waste of good space, and in a building already owned by WT. Why do we need to build a new compound in upstate NY?"
Obviously, space was not an issue, because all the printing is done offsite, out of country anyway. If the brothers were truly in need of "space", this building would be overfull and cramped in anticipation of a new structure...right?
The answer I got....."Why, look! we're expanding!!!" I just looked around.... and said.....WHY? This is a perfectly good building?
I was more or less dumfounded. Seemed like a perfectly good waste.... until you thought about the money end of it.
So, no, they dont NEED a new building, and they dont NEED more space. They WANT IT. Keep your eye simple right?
Jehovah's Witnesses 2015 Regional Convention Saturday PM experience parents shunning children
by Watchtower-Free inclip 3 minutes long.
ron and brenda sutton ................warwick 3 children
it was the missed association with family that brought them back.
I would have to agree with Cofty as well. That was the first thing I thought when I saw this video clip.
A mother that has been so beaten, trodden upon, and guilted into the servitude of an organization......that she no longer is a mom. She is a "field service bot", taking up a seat. She is a robot, struggling to keep the natural parental and maternal instincts that she was born with, made with.... struggling so hard to keep it down in the bowels of her soul....knowing that every word coming out of her mouth is puppeted, a repetitive, pre-programmed, white-washed written script....sounding horribly wrong, wrong in principle, devoid of "true" love, and sucked dry of empathy and compassion. She knows it, but she is too afraid to let herself hear the real truth, to say it, to taste it, to breathe it in. She is SCREAMING inside, and continues to plug her ears to the voice.....All in a feeble attempt to be "accepted", and to be "exemplary". Titles and "privileges" are more important than her own children, and she knows it. Her self-worth, self confidence..... all are gone.
I dont blame her. I dont blame him. Both are victims alright. Both are victims of a dangerous cult. They are mentally broken.
I hope this experience, and the feedback they will ultimately get from it, slaps them in the face enough to wake them from the poisonous fumes that the WT Corporation spews forth.
Young Girl Exposes Jehovah's Witnesses at school video goes VIRAL last 2 days 273,000 views
by Watchtower-Free inoriginal thread here.
You could look at it this way......If over 600,000 people have spent 15 minutes watching her video..... thats at least 150,000 hours of time spent "telling the truth", or at least "listening to the truth" about WT and its policies.
Thats over 2100 months putting in regular Pioneer hours (@ 70 hrs/mo).....or equivalent to 178+ years in the full time "Serve-us".
I dare say she has reached more people and had a greater effect on spreading TRUTH than an entire Circuit of Regular Pioneers........ in just a few days.
2015 Regional Conventions Baptisms
by Gayle insince this is the first weekend of rcs, anyone going that can give estimates of how many are getting baptized, how many appeared about that were jw youth, and what attendance figure is at these rcs?.
i know u.s. baptisms are declining.
can any keep a running report?
Salem, Oregon. Attendance of about 3800 each day, 16 baptized. David Splane was our host speaker. -
Dwindling Attendance? Here's a quick fix!....
by Tech49 inso here's a real life experience you will get a kick out of.. our kh has about 90 publishers.
typical meeting attendance during a co visit is right at 100 or so.
the rest of the time, attendance is a dismal 50-60, sometimes 70 on a good week!.
So here's a real life experience you will get a kick out of.
Our KH has about 90 publishers. Typical meeting attendance during a CO visit is right at 100 or so. The rest of the time, attendance is a dismal 50-60, sometimes 70 on a good week!
Our KH is smaller, but has 180 seats (I counted).
So here's the dilemma.... on your average weeknight meeting, only about a 1/3 of the seats are filled, and it looks pretty pathetic. Several comments were made as to maybe the elders should change something, or liven things up a bit so that there might be a few more that could be "persuaded" to attend. We had a couple of really lame Local Needs talks on meeting attendance, but it does NO GOOD if the ones that need to hear it AREN'T THERE! DUH!
So we go to meeting the other day, and sit down, and my dear wife goes to put her bag down, and the row in front of us is literally like 3 feet away!
She says "whats with this? why are the seats so far apart now?" (We have moveable chairs, not the hard theater-type seating).
I pointed to the stack of chairs in the second school, hiding behind the door in the dark corner...... "because they had the bright idea to remove 3 rows of seats, spread the rest out, so that the KH would look LESS EMPTY!"
There you have it, the easy cure to poor attendance...... take out the empty chairs!!!
Take care,
Jack Harper, Tech49
I think the WT believed their own "growth" statements - Financial Trouble Thoughts
by thedepressedsoul inwe've all read, heard and have seen in the videos where jw's and their leaders talk about the "huge" growth that is taking place.
they've talked about how many kh they needed, branches etc... .
our co last visit he mentioned how quickly the organization is speeding up and the huge growth they are seeing.
Just another real-life experience to throw in the mix:
We run about $250 short every month. More goes out to mandatory "tithes" than comes in.
Now we currently have about $1700.00 in the bank account, and fading more every month. Donations are down, as most are older, on fixed incomes, and we live in an area where housing costs are climbing fast. Several families are moving out.
I expect our KH Bank account to be about broke by the end of summer.
Nothing in there for emergency repairs, etc.
Way to go fellas! I secretly wonder if they will sell our KH off, and make us drive to the next closest one about 15 miles away.
Blind Guide Dog.... Erhmmmm
by CloseTheDoor ini saw this on facebook.
i'm nauseous from reading.
it's just another example of how some will go so far to make up bs and pawn it off as "truth.".
This "story", or "experience" is the same type of BS as the whole Smurf incident. Its a complete fabrication, and has been embellished upon over the years. I have heard it in several different forms, from the platform at the KH and the Assembly Hall over the years. Every once in a while it pops up, slightly more polished and with a few words changed, but all in all, another bedtime story......
Facebookers just "lap" this stuff up like crazy..... (see what I did there??)