I just feel sorry for someone who can come out with a remark like this. They must be very, very sad, narrow-minded individual who is in desperate need of a swift kick up the pants!
i just wanted to tell you all how things are going in my old hall.. last thursday there was a part on the platform about the creation book.
they dragged up two brothers to chat about it, one of whom studied the book and became a witness.. everything was great, right up to the point when the one who studied the book said how glad he was he read it, because "since all darkies look like monkies" he used to beleive in evolution!
this was received with silence, especially by the black bros and sisters in the hall.. its good to see people putting on the new personality isnt it ?.
I just feel sorry for someone who can come out with a remark like this. They must be very, very sad, narrow-minded individual who is in desperate need of a swift kick up the pants!
what are some of the fashion trends you've seen or worn at the hall?
any interesting stories to share?.
some i remember off the top of my head are tie bars, tie clips, polyester suits, wide ties... we used to have brothers who would "compete" with designer cologne like polo, etc.. the memorial was always a fashion show.. yellowlab
There was a time when you had to have a certain type of ministry bag - not exactly fashion. The bag had to be black, a large strap that could go over the head and cross the chest, loads of pockets and zip-up sections. It's hard to describe like this but everyone had one - except me. You could recognise a JW in our town by this bag.
i just wanted to tell you all how things are going in my old hall.. last thursday there was a part on the platform about the creation book.
they dragged up two brothers to chat about it, one of whom studied the book and became a witness.. everything was great, right up to the point when the one who studied the book said how glad he was he read it, because "since all darkies look like monkies" he used to beleive in evolution!
this was received with silence, especially by the black bros and sisters in the hall.. its good to see people putting on the new personality isnt it ?.
Good grief, Josephus, where do you live? Nobody I know would ever think or say things like that, JW or not!!! Are you living in a really backward, behind-the-times area?????
it was towards the end of 1998 that i believe there was a watchtower article on the prodigal son.. about that time, i handled a number of problematic judicial cases and got to wondering about the rightness of elders judging others.
before each case, elders are instructed to read certain chapters of the shepherding book, but my opinion was, they would be better re-reading the parable of the prodigal son.. lets look at some of the points from the parable and compare it with jw justice.. 1. the prodigal was never judged and condemned by his father immediately after leaving home.
there is no indication that he would have at anytime been shunned by his father and family.
"....I recall being a young,idealistic elder who was scared stiff about sitting the first Judicial Committee and feeling inadaquate to judge his brother. What did one do? You follow what the others do and let the experienced ones guide you. As time goes by your thinking becomes molded in the way of the Borg , and you really believe that what you are doing is right."
I may sound mean, but I could NEVER go along with something that I felt was wrong. Elders are playing about with people's lives. On a mere whim, you can destroy a person's name and character. You cannot simply hide behind an organisation and say that you 'had to do it'. I would rather stand out as different and step down - not that I ever got the chance - just a sister with no real mind of her own, you see. It's a cop out to say that you had to follow others.
Just my thoughts.
several weeks ago i sat through the public talk and could not believe the lack of substance of the talk.
it was filled with worn out bromides and illustrations that we have all heard hundreds of times.
i was embarrassed for the speaker and flabbergasted that the audience could actual sit through such nonsense.. thenabout half way through the talk, i realized that i recognized the talk.
This has been such an eye-opener for me. I would never have dreamed of questioning the speaker before, but the last time I went to a meeting, I found myself scrutinising everything he said. Then we have the Watchtower Study which, thanks to Blondie, are bearable every time I attend. I can't believe I used to swallow all this stuff - was I brain-dead? I check EVERYTHING now in every publication. Even the programmes for assemblies come under my beady eye.
it was towards the end of 1998 that i believe there was a watchtower article on the prodigal son.. about that time, i handled a number of problematic judicial cases and got to wondering about the rightness of elders judging others.
before each case, elders are instructed to read certain chapters of the shepherding book, but my opinion was, they would be better re-reading the parable of the prodigal son.. lets look at some of the points from the parable and compare it with jw justice.. 1. the prodigal was never judged and condemned by his father immediately after leaving home.
there is no indication that he would have at anytime been shunned by his father and family.
He went red in the face and asked me what right I had to question a disfellowshipped person? Apparently, these people love being ignored at the back of the hall. They love being shunned and treated like second class citizens. I was making things difficult for them by going up to them in the hall and saying hello etc. I was making them feel bad. I was making them feel guilty - it wasn't their warped policies at all! I was outspoken and presumptuous and was jeopardising my husband's prospects in the congregation!
That's just half of it
it was towards the end of 1998 that i believe there was a watchtower article on the prodigal son.. about that time, i handled a number of problematic judicial cases and got to wondering about the rightness of elders judging others.
before each case, elders are instructed to read certain chapters of the shepherding book, but my opinion was, they would be better re-reading the parable of the prodigal son.. lets look at some of the points from the parable and compare it with jw justice.. 1. the prodigal was never judged and condemned by his father immediately after leaving home.
there is no indication that he would have at anytime been shunned by his father and family.
I have always loved this parable. I asked an elder recently about this. I asked why, when the son returned home, didn't his father make him sit in a corner of the house for a year or so until he spoke to him? Also, if someone sins and is repentant the following day, what right do elders have to treat that person as an unrepentant sinner, especially if God has forgiven them already? I won't tell you what this elder said to me!
hi, i'm a little bit nervous posting something in here.....this is the firts time.....i was just wondering what "good" or "bad" things you have to say about jw.
i have been a jw all my life and my husband too.
right now i'm in the process of getting out... or fading away....i'm not attending the meetings anymore.
I am fairly new too. It is so good that both you and hubby are escaping their clutches. I wish my hubby would leave. I love him loads but he thinks I am a fruit-loop.
Keep going.
the one thing that will make money,is a great idea at the right time..up here in the great white north drinking beer outside is difficult,as every thing freezes rather quickly..i have found if you drive a stake into the ground and tie a penguins head to it real low to the ground,his little ass sticks straight in the air and you can shove a beer down his butt.your beer still stays cold but it won`t freeze..i`m giving each and every one of you the chance to start your own penguin ranch for 3 easy payments of $29.95..i`ll send you a male and a female peguin,you breed them,and i`ll buy the babies back from you for $25.00 each..act now and i will throw in a vegetable steamer...outlaw
I heard not long ago that a woman set up a web site and asked for money because her husband had left her (I think??) Anyway, after a year, she had received 7000 in donation - not sure if this is US dollars or UK pounds - I can't remember if this was a UK or US site. But, apparently, there are an awful lot of nice (gullible) people out there!! This story was on a news report so I am sure it was genuine - I just can't remember all the details, apart from the 7000 which stuck in my mind.
well, there's another update... .
if you missed my previous 2 posts, here's some to catch up...part one and part two.
i emailed the township trustee and i told her of my situation and that he found out from my dad that i lost my job at wal-mart and i have been trying to buy time to find another job with no avail.
If I was better off financially, I would help you out big time.
I am so sorry you are having so many problems. My email is available - if I can help you, I will. I probably can't help much, but every little helps. Just stay strong and don't give up.