I think you are being very hard on those of us that joined as adults.
Where was the information 15, 20, 30 or so years ago? I'll tell you what outside info I had - diddly! I couldn't have known half of what I know now when I first became a JW.
Do you REALLY think I was told about DAing, DFing, shunning policies, the elite (elders, MS, Pioneers, Bethelites etc) and the untouchables (ME!!!) , the down-treatment of women etc etc?????? Do you think the sister I studied with told me all the bad things? Of course not. I was told that this was the one true religion, they had the answers to everything, I could see the world in beautiful conditions one day, I would see my dead loved ones again. I was vulnerable and sick at the time. I was even sicker when I became a fully-fledged JW. Some of us have lived through nightmares. JWs don't have the monopoly on shitty lives, you know. My life was crap as a child and didn't get much better as I got older. Other people and religions have their problems too - JWs are NOT the ONLY people on this earth involved in creepy, cultish practices.
Some of us were stupid enough to go from the frying pan into the fire. I was one of them. Please don't crucify me for it - I have enough remorse to last me a lifetime.