Thanks 95 - glad to know I'm not alone.
Since I stopped going to meetings (I have been to 4 meetings since November 2002), I feel stronger spiritually than I have ever felt before! This is all thanks to you guys on this board. I have learnt so much from you. You have more sense than the whole of the GB put together.
I get so angry when I meet people from my congregation and they look at me pityingly and say things like "I hope you will come back to the truth soon". How dare they! They are judging my spirituality by my meeting attendance and hours on field ministry. I wish I could explain everything to them.
As a side note - if anyone can help me and tell me how to broach the subject of my drifting away to my youngest son, I would be so grateful.. What do I tell him? He asks why I don't go to meetings any more. He is so concerned and thinks I am in danger of dying at Armageddon. How do I start explaining things to him. I want to get him out of this hateful cult, but I do not want to hurt him.
By the way - he is 20