I can tell you are being a little sarcastic here
If JWs are right, as you believe, why do you find it too difficult to fall in line with their beliefs? You have said yourself that you like your life the way it is now (doing all the things JWs disapprove of ) and yet you LIKE the Memorial, conventions etc. You LIKE the JWs way of life - you just don't want to do it. You seem to want the best of both worlds. You don't want to live as a JW - that's too difficult and restrictive and doesn't give you freedom to think for yourself. And yet you stick up for them and say we are picking on them. I don't really understand you. I am not being insulting - I would just like to know what you are talking about. I find you very puzzling.
Either the WTS is right - in which case stick with them. or it is wrong - in which case get out. They wouldn't have any loyalty towards you, you know. If they wanted to, they would kick you out of the congregation and shun you - that's the sort of organisation you are sticking up for. Don't give them the opportunity to do this to you.
Plus - remember. If you were a member of one of the churches of 'Christendom' (as JWs like to call all Christian churches other than them) and decided to leave that church and just go your own way, members of those churches would still treat you like a human being. If you are a JW and you decide you want to leave, you will be treated like a leper. Can't you see that? Can't you see the difference?
Just my thoughts
PS - Yes they DO poke about in business not of their own - you got that one right.